Red Alert 1895

Chapter 968

Chapter 971 – Blackmail Britain

?Wang Guorui seized the Achilles heel of the British. The British currently need the Chinese market, and the Germans also need the Chinese market very much. However, the control of the Chinese market is firmly in the hands of China. If the British dare to force China too much, then Wang Guorui can unilaterally open the market to Germany, and they will all die. The Germans currently lack markets and resources. Once Wang Guorui opens the market to the Germans, the Germans will get enough markets and resources. According to the economic system of this era, it is actually colonialism. Colonialism is actually occupying a territory, and then by plundering the resources here, and then transporting those resources back to the country after the plundering is completed, using its own advanced technology, and then producing products and then sending them back to the colony for sale.

In this way, the natives in the colony will definitely become poorer and poorer, and in the end they will not only be exploited layer by layer by foreigners. The colonists used force to control, to prevent the political, economic and military development of those colonies, and every time there were signs of development, they would be suppressed. This is actually suppressing through violent means, which is the method of this era. A colony is the basis for maintaining a country’s development, not only a source of cheap resources, but also a huge market.

Why do the British attach so much importance to India? Isn’t it because India has resources and a large population, making it a huge market? A colony is also a market, but it is a market divided by a country through force. The people in the colonies cannot develop, and their judicial, political, economic, and military forces are all controlled, and they cannot be effectively independent.

What the Germans lack is a stable source of resources, and there is also a huge market that can digest their products. And China, the largest market, is firmly controlled by Wang Guorui. If Wang Guorui is willing to unilaterally and fully open to Germany, maybe Emperor William II can “call Wang Guorui his father”. This is not impossible. Once China unilaterally opens up to Germany, then Germany’s economy will take off in the next ten years. People don’t have to worry about unemployment. Even the taxes of various factory capitalists will increase geometrically, turning several times a year. times are possible.

At that time, within a few years, the Germans will accumulate the capital to form a huge navy, and then go to compete with the British for territory.

“Minister Zhu Erdian, although we in China cannot threaten you too much, although we have not accomplished enough, we have more than failed. Therefore, we can also deal with you well. Let me tell you, although we have nothing in our hands that can directly threaten you But it can be used as a bargaining chip and then given to your enemy. If your British Empire does not deal with us, then we can all help your opponents, the Germans, so you see what you can do. ” Wang Guorui said.

Zhu Erdian cursed in his heart: “Damn it!”

Zhu Erdian really didn’t think that there is such a way of playing, Wang Guorui’s way of playing is definitely a rogue’s way of playing. Wang Guorui’s meaning is obvious, that is, if you British do not satisfy me, then I will help the Germans. Although Wang Guorui did not have a good solution in terms of financial resources and technology, he could open up the market to the Germans, which also created a chance for the Germans to take off, so the British would really faint in the toilet. In fact, this kind of gameplay is not uncommon. Didn’t some people joke about it in later generations?

Later generations of Americans say that I can beat whoever I want, the British say that the United States can beat whoever they want, the French can beat whoever wants to beat me, and the Russians can beat whoever wants to scold me. If you want to hit me, I will hit North Korea. Although Wang Guorui is not a big deal to Britain now, he is the same as North Korea. If the British do not meet his conditions, then Wang Guorui can also help his opponents, so the British have to pay attention. Anyway, Wang Guorui now holds a card in his hand, and the biggest card is the Chinese market.

Whether China opens its market to the outside world, which country it opens to, to what extent, or quotas are mostly in the hands of China itself. So if we get the Chinese market and enough quotas are opened up enough, that is enough for a country to take off quickly in a short period of time. Especially for a country like Germany, which has enough production and technology, but does not have enough market to laugh at their products and cannot sustain hematopoiesis, they must be looking forward to the Chinese market very much.

Once China fully opens up to Germany unconditionally, it will be a disastrous consequence for the British. In the next decade or so, the German national power will suddenly increase, and it may directly threaten the United Kingdom even more terrifyingly. At that time, the French will definitely be widened by Germany. This is the role of the If Wang Guorui really did this kind of thing of cutting meat and feeding eagles, it would definitely be a disaster for the British!

Zhu Erdian is also a veteran in diplomatic situations, and he is still very open to analyze such international strategic matters. If this situation is really faced, once China unconditionally and unilaterally opens its market to Germany, then Germany will take off in the next ten years. Once the huge Chinese market is monopolized by the Germans, all walks of life in Germany will develop rapidly. .

In the past Manchu Qing era, the Manchu Qing did not pay much attention to this market, and instead adopted a closed-door strategy. Then, although foreigners continued to open the door to China, their power in the east was far inferior to that of the Manchus, so although they had military strength, they could not force the Manchus to completely open the country. It is impossible for European countries to force the Manchus to completely open the country, coupled with the resistance of the Manchus, it is impossible for Europe to annex the huge market of the Manchus.

Even a balance has been formed among European countries, and no one dares to monopolize China’s interests. On the one hand, China is so big that no one can monopolize it; on the other hand, the balance is involved in all aspects, so that everyone can only nibble. They are also afraid that if they swallow it completely, it will make China completely awakened.

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