Red Alert 1895

Chapter 961

Chapter 964 – Shelling Hong Kong

In Guangzhou Bay, Chinese naval destroyers began to approach Hong Kong. This time they came to bombard Hong Kong. They wanted to bombard Hong Kong so that the British in Hong Kong would know how powerful the Chinese are. Of course, this is only responsible for shelling, and does not need to use very good warships. The artillery of the destroyer is enough. If the battleship is dispatched, it will be a sledgehammer, which will have the opposite effect. This time it is to force the British, to force the British to compromise, so that they can return Hong Kong. At present, both Wang Guorui and the British know that the other party cannot really start a war with the other party. In the absence of a war, the competition is the spiritual willpower of the two sides, to see who can stick to the bottom line, and then they can compromise.

The bombardment of Hong Kong this time is a means for the Chinese to express their dissatisfaction with the United Kingdom, telling the British that China’s determination to recover the territory will not change. If the UK does not return Hong Kong, then Wang Guorui will not be polite.

“Aim at the Shek Kong Barracks in Hong Kong and prepare to shell me! However, the first shell was intentionally deflected.” The colonel in charge of the shelling operation said.

“Get ready! The school shooting begins!”


A shell was fired, and that shell exploded near the British barracks at Stone Hill.

“Boom!” The shell exploded, and it was affected within a radius of more than 60 meters, creating a wave of air.

The British major in the Shigang barracks immediately cursed: “What’s going on? The Chinese dare to shell our British Empire. Are they looking for death?”.

These British officers are obviously still very proud. They still think that they are from the British Empire. In their eyes, although China is gradually becoming stronger, it is far from being able to compare with the British Empire. Although China has also begun to recover gradually, it is just some stronger ants. At most, ants have evolved into cockroaches, but it is far behind the elephant of the British Empire.

So the British major never thought that the Chinese would actually dare to shell them. You must know that they have also heard that the Chinese want the British to return this Hong Kong, but these British officers and soldiers just treat it as a joke. The Chinese want to take back Hong Kong, which is a joke to most British people. They think that the Chinese are courting death by challenging the British. If the British put out all their strength, it is inevitable to clean up China.

However, there is no problem with what they said. If the British really use all their strength to attack China, it is indeed not impossible to eliminate Wang Guorui. But national politics is not so easy to solve, just like China in future generations can eliminate Little Japan and Taiwan at any time? But in fact, can they do so? It’s not so easy to be impulsive about this kind of thing. Even if China in later generations destroys Japan and Taiwan, so what? In the end, there will still be many problems under mutual influence, so if the root problem is not resolved, Little Japan and Taiwan are just appearances. Isn’t it the opposite to work so **** an appearance?

So although the British are capable of launching a war against China, it is not worth it for them to do so. Will the British work hard for China? Just as if China would not go all out to fight the United States, in fact, the gains outweigh the losses for both sides to start a fight. This kind of war between big countries is actually not that easy, and it may be okay to take advantage of it, but if you really want to start desperately, then any big country will be calm and will not mess around. Wang Guorui is sure that the British will not go to war with him for Hong Kong, but the British are also sure that China will not go to war with the UK for this Hong Kong. So the two sides are nothing more than a competition of willpower in their hearts. Whoever can persevere more tenaciously will be the final winner.

“Continue bombing!”

“Boom boom boom boom…”

A series of destroyer guns began to bombard violently, and the Shek Kong Barracks in Hong Kong was immediately covered by firepower. Those British troops began to enter the defense, but their defense was also in vain. The army in the British Army Battalion is not large, and in the face of these enemy navies, it is simply possible to use army infantry to fight the navy. These British people did not have any weapons. They were just symbolic, and they were of no use in fact. They just represented the British occupation of Hong Kong.

If they really wanted to fight, then they simply weren’t strong enough to get between their teeth!

“Hurry up and inform the governor that the Chinese have launched shelling on our Hong Kong, and they are going to war on our Hong Kong!” said the British major.

The Hong Kong Governor’s Mansion soon received the news that they were shelled, which made the whole of Hong Kong turbulent, because they thought that China was going to war against them. There was even an attack this time, so the British in Hong Kong began to panic.

“God, are the Chinese going to invade Hong Kong?”. A British man said excitedly that he obviously thought that China’s entry into Hong Kong was an invasion, but he didn’t realize that Hong Kong was also China’s territory.

“My God! The Chinese have entered Hong Kong, so what should we do? They have already started shelling, so let’s run quickly? Run? Can you outrun the navy?”. “Yeah! Even if we run, we can’t run away from the navy!”…

“Then what should we do? What about our British Empire’s army? Our British Empire’s army, why don’t we fight back as soon as possible? Forget it! It’s too far to rely on them. If the European Chinese want to attack, those troops with at most a thousand people The army can’t protect us at all, they can’t even protect themselves. In front of China’s millions of troops, they are nothing at all! Are the Chinese no more than the strength of our British Empire?”. …

“Why don’t you hurry up and let the locals dispatch troops, and then let the locals dispatch troops to support us!”…

A group of British people here are doing some unrealistic daydreams, and they want to transfer troops from the mainland. But in fact, if the British had no troops to mobilize at all, they would not have much armed force to mobilize in Asia. Even if there is a small amount of armed forces, it is impossible to mobilize them.

The British Indian fleet, let alone the strength of their Indian fleet, it is impossible for them to come to support Hong Kong. They simply cannot pass through the Strait of Malacca. As long as Wang Guorui ordered the navy to block the Strait of Malacca, the British Indian fleet could not pass through at all. If they want to pass, China’s sword-class battleship can fully teach them how to behave. Therefore, the British have no soldiers to mobilize at all, and their huge colony has swallowed a large number of soldiers. They even had to recruit local aborigines to arm them. From the soldiers of Asan in India to the Huayong Camp in China, they were actually some manifestations of their lack of troops. After all, this kind of Britain is an island country. Their population is limited, and they cannot effectively rule if they do not recruit local officials and rely on local aboriginal management.

Even when they were in the UK, they allowed the local princes and nobles to rule, so that they could rule India safely. The British took the land only after the princes and nobles died out, and this also caused the Indian uprising that year. Isn’t Queen Zhangxi so famous?

Britain simply doesn’t have enough troops to go to war with China, and although China has troops, its economic strength is poor, so the two sides are actually evenly matched.

“Governor, what should we do? The Chinese may attack at any time, and Hong Kong can’t hold it at all! Let’s quickly ask for domestic support!”

However, Bu Li, the Governor of Hong Kong, saw this situation and said: “Even if the country supports us, we will not be able to come. Especially when we transfer troops from the country, we are too late. If the Chinese want to attack, it does not take 24 hours or even Hong Kong can be conquered within 12 hours. So it is useless for us to resist. We should send a telegram to Zhu Erdian and ask him to mediate. The Chinese only sent the navy to bombard, and did not directly land and send the army The two attack, which shows that there is still room for negotiation.”

In the capital, Wang Guorui went on to say: “Order the southeast theater to mobilize a light artillery regiment to further bombard Hong Kong. The soldiers in the southeast theater are ready to mobilize an infantry battalion to enter the New Territories. There are not many people in the New Territories at present, so there is no need Worried about getting hurt.”

At present, the New Territories were ceded by the Qing Dynasty more than two years ago, so there is not much population at present, so the Chinese army will not be afraid of being accidentally injured by the Chinese when entering. So this is to use the army to bombard first, and then order the infantry battalion to move in. This is to force the British to the letter. If they continue to, Wang Guorui will really use force immediately.

“Then with various industrial enterprises of our royal family, and then ordered to delay all contracts between all our royal industries and the UK. And the royal family has a shareholding, and the government has a shareholding company. Anyone who has business dealings with the UK will also suspend all contracts. All the business contacts between the people of the UK force the British industry and commerce to submit. Even, we advocate various industries in China, and all businessmen and enterprises that have business dealings with the British also suggest that they cooperate with the government and then suspend business with the UK. If this results in In the future, the government will reduce or exempt appropriate taxes as compensation.”

“As for those who are not willing to cooperate, then do whatever you want!”

Wang Guorui’s meaning is obvious, if those who are unwilling to cooperate with the government, then “what to do, what to do”, I am afraid that all kinds of behaviors of wearing small shoes will be punished. Although it is impossible to directly ransack the house and destroy the family, today the fire inspection will fine them, and tomorrow the health quarantine will always kill them. This kind of inspection and fine by local departments is often more able to kill those businessmen than formal laws. Many businessmen are not afraid of high-level officials, but they are most afraid of various business departments in these places coming to find fault. Hades is easy to see, but the little ghost is hard to deal with! If they get the initiative from above, those brats can kill them completely! (To be continued.)

Chapter 964 Shelling Hong Kong:

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