Red Alert 1895

Chapter 952

Chapter 955 – Revenge

Soon, many people crowded outside the original Portuguese Macau Governor’s Mansion. They all came here to ask the motherland government to redress their grievances, especially many of them were bullied by the Portuguese, and they were always regarded as second-class citizens by the Portuguese even on weekdays, so they are now finally in the motherland The Chinese army is coming, so that they can have revenge and complaints. Who hesitates at this time? Everyone also knows that the Portuguese are doomed to fail. The Chinese have killed so many Portuguese that they dare not even fart. If you don’t hurry up to take revenge at this time, is it too late? If it’s too late, maybe they run away or wait for the compensation and they won’t have their share, so they naturally want to have revenge and complain as soon as possible.

This time is the best chance to redress their grievances, so they all began to ask for revenge.

“Mr. Judge, our daughter was robbed by that red-haired ghost. After returning, she was already a ruined flower. My daughter committed suicide just like that. This red-haired ghost named Bond is too cruel. He He has always relied on his uncle as a member of the Governor’s Mansion, and he is unscrupulous. He has repeatedly raped our women, and there are no less than six of them who committed suicide alone, and there are no fewer than twenty girls who have been raped by him!” Someone begged Said.

What this said made a person who heard the sadness cry. Those Portuguese actually took advantage of their privileges to **** those women away and then committed violence. When they were sent back, they were already ruined. Of course, in this era, the oppression of women is still relatively severe, so many women commit suicide because they can’t think about it. This is definitely a serious case. No matter which dynasty or generation this case is in, it is also a serious crime, so he was arrested immediately.

“Bond, raped more than 20 Chinese women, and six of them committed suicide. Are you guilty?” the military judge in the Southeast Theater asked.

“I, I, I…”

The Portuguese young man’s legs were trembling, obviously knowing that his fate would never be very good. He thought he was Portuguese before, and the Portuguese are the masters in this Macau. But now that the Chinese are here, the good times of the Portuguese are coming to an end, so they all feel very stressed now. Now they have all been sent to the dock, and they never even thought that what they did would have the result today. He didn’t think anything of the unscrupulous **** of Chinese women. As long as it doesn’t attack the same Westerners, there is no problem. But now that the Chinese have recovered their strength again, it can be said that it is easy to clean them up. They are also going to be tried now, and then they will definitely be severely punished.

“I, me, me…” The Portuguese Bond couldn’t even say a word.

But the military judge will definitely not let him go so easily, and directly ask the witness: “Do you have any evidence?”

“Yes, we all have evidence, there are many witnesses. There are dozens of people here who can testify!”

Soon, witnesses came over, but according to the investigation, only twelve family members and friends of the victims came to testify. Because this kind of thing is not very pleasant, if it is reported that my girl was raped, it must be very unpleasant, so only twelve people came to testify. Of course, the family members of the six women who committed suicide because of being raped also came to testify, because this is a blood feud, how could they let it go so easily? Therefore, the current evidence alone can completely punish this penalty.

“According to the current evidence, it can be proved that you raped a total of 12 women and caused six of them to commit suicide. According to our Chinese criminal law, those who **** women will be sentenced to 15 years if they cause serious consequences. More than one year of fixed-term imprisonment, life imprisonment, and death penalty. Among them, the victim committed suicide, became mentally disturbed, and repeatedly raped women, which is considered a serious consequence. The defendant Bond has already raped twelve women, which is regarded as multiple rapes. And it caused six women to commit suicide, so it is considered a particularly serious consequence. This kind of behavior is not severely punished, and it is not enough to cause civilian outrage, so I request the death penalty!” said the prosecutor of the Military Procuratorate.

The judge of the military court took the initiative to say: “Whether it is according to the laws of the Ming Dynasty or according to the laws of our new China, it is inevitable to die. So, stay here and hang! Since we are in the period of military control, the military court can temporarily obtain The death penalty has the final review right, so execute it immediately.”

If the general process is followed, the death penalty will be compounded by the Central Supreme Court, which is a prudence for the death penalty. The death penalty will be controlled more and more strictly in the future, and sometimes the death penalty is even clearly sentenced, but it has been delayed for a long time. For example, some people in later generations may say that Chinese courts execute the death penalty very slowly, and that it will be executed one or two years after the sentence is passed. But in fact, this is considered fast. In some countries, the death penalty is executed more than 20 years later. In the United States in later generations, the death penalty may be executed seven years later, which is relatively fast.

This is actually very cautious about the death penalty, and I would rather be later than to kill by mistake. Although some people may think that these guys deserve what they deserve and should die quickly. However, strict control over the death penalty will be the mainstream in the future. Not only should the death penalty not be imposed lightly, but even after the death penalty is imposed, it must be reviewed by multiple parties and cannot be easily and immediately executed. Since the death penalty is an irreversible punishment, caution is required.

However, there is only one special situation, that is, during the war, for example, the period of military control on the front line of the war, this is to allow the military courts under the war zone to have the right to sentence the death penalty and execute it immediately. That’s why the military judge was able to express it on purpose, so as to avoid the confusion of the army or the suspicion of abusing the law. This is a feature only during the period of military control. If there is no other special reason at other times, then the Central Supreme Court must approve the death penalty.

However, at this time, while the military is in control, quickly sentence these Portuguese to death. Only then can the established facts be established, and then those nonsense guys in the country can be avoided, and their nonsense can be avoided. If this time is missed, I am afraid that it will not be so easy to impose the death penalty in the future.

Hearing the hanging, someone immediately pulled him down, ready to carry out the hanging. However, the Portuguese youth obviously knew that he would surely die this time, so he yelled unwillingly.

“I’m a foreigner, we have consular jurisdiction!” Young Bond still shouted unwillingly.

However, this reason is used by many people, but it is useless to the Chinese, because Wang Guorui will not recognize those treaties at all. Anyway, Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty is still there, and he is still pouring night incense for the people in the capital. If you have the ability to find them!

After the Portuguese youth was taken away, he still yelled: “I want to beheaded, not hanged! Hanging is used by lowly people. We are nobles, so we should be beheaded!”

“Beheading? He doesn’t want to be hanged, but he wants to beheaded? Hanging can still leave the whole body, but he wants to beheaded? What kind of world is this?” Someone asked doubtfully.

And those who are familiar with Western culture clearly know that the West is different from China. In terms of the death penalty, the Chinese have always regarded leaving the whole body as the “superior” death penalty. Therefore, hanging and beheading are generally considered to be the death penalty without leaving the whole body, which is not in line with traditional Chinese culture. It will be executed to a certain extent. Even in earlier times, beheading and hanging were different, they were two punishments specially divided according to different crimes, and they belonged to two grades of punishment. But beheading is still divided into hours, this is the characteristic of death penalty in Chinese superstition, and the death penalty is divided into three, six, and nine grades.

But the same is true of foreigners, they are just the opposite. Westerners believe that beheading is a high-level death penalty, a method of death that only nobles can use, but hanging is a method only used by lowly untouchables. This is the difference between the East and the West. This guy is still here asking for beheading, unwilling to use untouchable hanging.

“You he makes such a request, should he be satisfied? After all, he is also a dead person. According to the rules, the requirements of general death row prisoners will be satisfied as much as possible. This is the rule for many years!” Someone said. asked.

However, the military judge snorted coldly: “He claims to be a nobleman, but he has done such dirty things. Is he still a nobleman? Nobility does not represent privileges, but responsibility. He just enjoys privileges, but But he failed to set an example for the common people. Instead, he did such dirty and nasty things here. Isn’t he looking for death? Is he still a nobleman? Don’t think that his so-called noble blood is a nobleman. , What is he? He is such a crap, he is nothing in China.”

“Continue to hang, since he thinks he is a noble, but he does things that even a pariah would not do, so he is not qualified to be a noble. Therefore, according to their custom, hang to death, because he is in our eyes. Inside, even the untouchables are inferior!” said the military judge.


The boards under Bond’s feet were pulled, and he was hanged by the gallows.

“Okay…” Everyone immediately applauded, obviously very satisfied with all of this, this is a matter of revenge and complaint. (To be continued.)

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