Red Alert 1895

Chapter 926

Chapter 929 – Beautiful Women Compare Guns (Part 1)

Those Japanese agents soon killed each other under Yuriko’s control. Those Japanese agents were completely vulnerable to Yuriko’s superpower. Especially Yuriko’s way of controlling people to attack at will is a very good way for this kind of special forces team. Let them kill each other by themselves, and it can’t hurt Yuriko at all. Of course, it would definitely not work in the face of a large army. Yuriko controlled too few people to be able to control a large army.

On the other side, Natasha was also holding a sniper rifle and aiming at those Japanese agents from a distance. The dark night is not a difficult task for Natasha, because Natasha has an infrared sight, so she can see the enemy’s situation very clearly in the dark night, and she will not be afraid of being unable to see the target clearly and accidentally injuring her .

In the distance, more than 20 Japanese agents began to head towards the Shanghai Baoshan Iron and Steel Base, preparing to destroy the iron and steel base. And this is also their Japanese plan. They are very prepared for this plan, and this Baoshan Iron and Steel Base is also a newly built iron and steel base. According to the plan, the annual steel production has reached about 100,000 tons. Although 100,000 tons of steel may not be a big deal to future generations, and even many large factories cannot match it, many small steel factories in later generations calculate their output by 100,000 tons. But this iron and steel base is in this era, even the Japanese who are known as bullying in this era, the real annual steel output is only 50,000 tons. And this large steel base will have an annual output of 100,000 tons, which is already twice that of Japan.

Therefore, the Japanese are eyeing this steel base. If they can blow up this steel base, they can greatly slow down the development of China’s steel industry. In particular, the next steel base will definitely be used as a development base for talents in the steel industry in the future. This will be the cradle for training industrial talents. The damage to China’s steel at this time will be very huge. If you want to kill a towering tree, the best way is to kill him when the seeds are ready. It will be much easier in the future.

Therefore, the Japanese hope that they can kill this steel base before the real construction is completed, so that the development of China’s steel industry may be delayed by more than five years. In five years, who knows what will happen in this world? five years. The world is in turmoil in the West and no one can predict the international situation. Five years may be enough opportunities in the future. This stifled China’s steel industry, which meant stifling the development of many industries.

In heavy industry, the most basic thing is steel, and no steel industry means no heavy industry. Steel is like the most basic “staple food” of industry, and other industries are at most some dishes. Although some special cutting-edge industries may be very important, it’s just like people can’t be full by eating only vegetables, human beings will always have to eat. Steel is the staple food, and other dishes are more abundant. But the most eaten is the staple food. If there is no staple food, what’s the point of the dishes in the human category?

Therefore, steel is the foundation of almost all industries. If it can stifle the development of China’s steel industry, it is definitely an important goal for Japan to delay it for more than five years.

“It’s almost there, next you will eat my marksmanship!” Natasha thought.

“Natasha, what’s going on with you? My opponents are almost here, let’s see who can annihilate them sooner!” Tanya said in the walkie-talkie.

Natasha replied: “It must be me!”

“Hmph, I don’t believe it, how can your sniper rifle shoot faster than my pistol?” Tan Ya said in disbelief.

“But my marksmanship is better than yours. Often I can shoot through two or even three people with one shot. But your kind of broken bullet may be able to penetrate, but once it penetrates the human body, it will not be able to shoot through. Sure, it depends on luck if you can shoot two shots at once!” Natasha said.

Tanya was also speechless, this Natasha’s bullet was much more expensive than her own bullet, a bullet of Natasha’s sniper rifle cost two hundred silver dollars, the price is so expensive. Although Tanya’s bullets cost five silver dollars each, the price is not cheap! The price was high, which was also the reason why Wang Guorui restricted their dispatches. If they were really allowed to go to the battlefield casually, then Wang Guorui’s money would not be enough! If the enemy is hundreds of thousands. Even shooting one at a time is not worth it. What’s more, once it’s on the real frontal battlefield, it’s impossible to shoot one shot at a time.

So only important tasks. They will be dispatched.

Every time they also want to compare, especially there are many “new and old hatreds” between these two women. Originally, they were also heroes of the Soviet Union and the Allied Forces, and now that they are Wang Guorui’s women, they are naturally also in the relationship of rivals in love. Of course, they will compete for favor, especially because the only thing they can use to compete for favor is relying on military exploits. They don’t rely on acting like a baby to win favor like Yuriko, as they can only rely on military exploits. Especially this time when we come out to fight together, we naturally have to kill more enemies to prove our abilities to gain military exploits.

“But I’m definitely faster than you in killing the enemy, understand? Let’s see if you have the ability, whoever kills your opponent first!” Tanya replied.

Tanya doesn’t want to lose to this Natasha. Ever since she was pranked by this Natasha and half-forced by Natasha to “help the tyrant” get herself onto Wang Guorui’s bed, Tanya has accepted her fate, but she put This Natasha became her opponent. It is impossible for Wang Guorui and other women to be his opponents, but this is Natasha. Therefore, it is considered “new enmity and old enmity”, they will definitely fight, especially for a superiority.

Natasha aimed the infrared sight at the Japanese agent. Inside the Baoshan Iron and Steel Base was an open field without much cover. And such a scene is very easy to snipe. Natasha’s sniper point is on a commanding height of the Baoshan Iron and Steel Base. Facing the openness here, there is no bunker, and the line of sight is very wide. Such a place is most suitable for sniping. It is almost impossible to miss. Once it is aimed by the “cross” in Natasha’s scope, it is almost certain to die.

According to the previous battlefield is also divided in this way, Wang Guorui has long known the plan of the Japanese spies. In particular, this plan was drawn up by Akashi Genjiro. Wang Guorui had already obtained the copy, so he could naturally make a targeted counterattack. Natasha is in charge of the steel plant. It is very open and there is no cover, so it is easy to snipe. And Natasha’s sniper rifle bullets are too powerful and penetrating, almost able to penetrate several walls continuously. If Natasha is arranged in a place with many people and many houses, it is easy to cause accidental injury. Once it penetrates the house and accidentally injures its own people, it must be very tragic.

As for Tanya, she also has her mission.

“Come with me, everyone. This time we are going to the technician dormitory area, and slaughtered all the Chinese middle and senior technicians. Those Chinese middle and senior technicians are their scarce seeds. As long as we can get these Chinese Mid-level and high-level technicians, the loss of the Chinese is very huge. Mid-level and high-level technicians are not only high-level production personnel, but also very important masters. It took them several years to train these thousands of mid-level and high-level technicians. This time we can As much as you kill, you must make a fault in the Chinese technicians, which will be of great benefit to our Great Japanese Empire!” said the Japanese spy captain.

What these Japanese agents hold is different from others. The main task of these agents is to kill people, not to explode, so they all use submachine guns. This submachine gun is made by Japan itself. At present, submachine guns in the world are not advanced technology. Several powerful countries in the world can manufacture submachine guns. However, due to poor industrial productivity, it is impossible to equip a large number of troops. Only a small number of agents and elite guards can be equipped.

“Okay, ready, I want to see what these Japanese agents are capable of!” Natasha snorted while looking at the scope.

Those Japanese agents didn’t know that they had been targeted by Natasha with a sniper rifle. When those agents started to move forward quickly, Natasha looked into the and then gently pointed the scope at a Japanese agent who was no less than five kilometers away. The Japanese agent never dreamed that he would be targeted with a sniper rifle five kilometers away. Natasha’s right index finger gently touched the trigger of the sniper rifle, as if she could pull the trigger at any time. Natasha is looking for an opportunity now, looking for an opportunity to maximize the results of the battle, so that she can kill more enemies at once, and kill more enemies with one bullet as soon as possible. This is the highest level of a sniper.

On the other side, Tan Ya is also lying in ambush on the street. This street is a small street. It is currently being demolished, and most of the people are also planning to move out. And this kind of complex terrain is not suitable for sniping, so it’s up to Tanya to deal with them. Tanya also held two guns, ready to point at the Japanese agents.

On the other side, Natasha continued to aim at the Japanese agents with the “cross” in the infrared scope of the sniper rifle, and continued to wait for the opportunity.

Soon, when the three Japanese agents gradually formed a line, Natasha’s right index finger gently pulled the trigger with lightning speed.

“Crack!” A bullet was quickly fired out of the barrel, and then flew towards the direction of the Japanese agent. (To be continued.)

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