Red Alert 1895

Chapter 922

Chapter 925 – Come To Die, We Welcome (Part 1)

In Tokyo, the capital of Japan, Akashi Genjiro continues to be in charge of intelligence work here, but everyone knows that his future is definitely not just the head of the second department of the General Staff Headquarters. Because he has gone out to be gilded, at least he has led troops. Although he was beaten to the brim on the Chinese battlefield, this doesn’t explain anything. Because the British also failed in China, the Americans also failed, and the Russians were forced to retreat. So there are so many countries stronger than Japan at the bottom, so they are not too shameful.

Regarding the failure of this war, the Japanese side did not severely punish Dashanyan and Akashi Genjiro. However, after this gilding, Akashi Motojiro was successfully promoted to become the head of the second department of the Japanese General Staff Headquarters, and won the rank of lieutenant general. However, the whole of Japan didn’t know that Akashi Genjiro was the most important intelligence officer that Wang Guorui inserted in the core of Japan. He was not only the intelligence leader of Japan, but also the intelligence leader of all the intelligence personnel arranged by Wang Guorui in Japan. And his primary object of allegiance is Wang Guorui, not Japan. Therefore, the Japanese information was unilaterally transparent to Wang Guorui. If anyone betrays China and then cooperates with the Japanese, Akashi Genjiro will also send a copy. For any important information about Japan, Wang Guorui might obtain a copy faster than Emperor Meiji and Japanese military and political officials, so Japan is almost transparent in terms of intelligence. If it weren’t for Wang Guorui’s current belief that attacking Japan would outweigh the gains, he would have chosen to attack.

This time is too precious. The Europeans are cross-eyed and may fight at any time. It is impossible to casually send millions of troops to attack China. So what are you doing if you don’t hurry up to practice “internal strength” and develop it at this time, are you going to fight the Japanese desperately? Once you work hard, this golden time will be wasted, and you will be unlucky after wasting it. The background of the Europeans is much stronger than that of China. If you don’t hurry to catch up at this time and go to fight everywhere, it will not be worth the loss.

but. Not only has the intelligence work not decreased, but it has become even more important with the advent of peace. All aspects of China and Japan have increased investment in intelligence, especially the Japanese. They need to keep abreast of China’s movements. Even if China wants to attack Japan, they also know the specific time and approximate planned route, and then take targeted precautions. But the money of the Japanese is obviously going to be wasted, and there is a super undercover agent named Akashi Genjiro. That would have no effect at all.

“General Akashi, His Majesty the Emperor is looking for you!” said Doihara Kenji, who is currently Akashi Genjiro’s apprentice and Akashi Genjiro’s orderly.

Akashi Genjiro nodded and said, “I’ll go see Your Majesty right away!”

“Your Majesty, what do you want from me?” Akashi Genjiro asked.

Emperor Meiji said: “Recently the Chinese are causing trouble in the United States, and their European agents are inconvenient to act in China, so they asked me to help them teach the Chinese a lesson. Our agents are Asians, so naturally they can be easily confused. Enter China. And teach China a lesson, that is what I look forward to. I want to ask you, how is the new training as an agent recently, can you go out to fight? This time the Americans said it. They will use their channels Come to make arrangements, and then ensure that we, as agents, can break through the local blockade of the Chinese and perform tasks on Chinese soil. So I want to ask you, can you call agents!”

Akashi Motojiro immediately patted his chest and promised: “Your Majesty, more than a hundred of our newly trained agents are ready to serve Your Majesty at any time. They are willing to serve Your Majesty and die without regret! They are all the elites of our Great Japanese Empire, and they all They are the most elite talents in our Great Japanese Empire. They have endless loyalty to His Majesty, and they have infinite worship for His Majesty. Therefore, they are all available, as long as His Majesty gives an order. They can go out to be loyal to the Emperor at any time.”

Akashi Genjiro is of course happy, because he can finally let these guys die. You must know that these agents are all good things to die one by one! The reason why Akashi Genjiro helped Japan train agents was not because he knew that the agents were actually sent to China to be killed. A copy of the list of these agents had been given to Wang Guorui. The Japanese training agents were already in Wang Guorui’s hands at any time, and even if they came to China, they would be waiting for death.

Akashi Genjiro also hopes to send these people to China, so that they can really be arrested or killed, which can have the benefit of eliminating Japanese talents. To know these agents, every agent is a talent! These agents are not easy to train. An excellent agent is a combination of loyalty, wisdom, rationality, prudence, etc., so every agent is selected as a talent among talents, the elite among the elite, and the top elite talents of a country’s army and society . Therefore, Akashi Motojiro also hopes that Japan will select these talents, and then send them to China for training and die. In this way, once they die or are arrested, it means that Japan has lost talents.

The importance of talents is unquestionable. Although the world is created by the general public, the importance of elite talents cannot be ignored. It is absolutely important that an elite talent is enough to play a greater role and unite the ordinary people who were originally scattered. Without these elite talents, no matter which industry it is in, it will be a heavy loss. Talent is the most important resource, the most important resource of a country and a nation. It is not terrible for a country and nation to have no resources. As long as it has talents, it will have a future. Wasn’t it the same in Japan back then, they didn’t have resources in Japan, but they spent many years building an education system, that’s what matters.

The reason why Germany can become the number one army in the world is not because of how strong they are in training and physical fitness, but because they are the first to popularize compulsory primary school education. Every soldier in Germany has a primary school education, and this is the basis for them to truly become the world’s number one army. Perhaps many people have only seen the “hardware” of those weapons and cannons, but it is still the “software” that really determines whether the “hardware” capabilities can be used. Talent is the software, just like without software, the computer cannot be driven quickly, and it cannot run effectively!

And those who can be secret agents are not ordinary people. Those who can be agents are all individual talents, top talents. No matter in terms of knowledge or aspects, he is much better than many people. He also knows a lot about almost every industry, from astronomy and geography to various industries, I can’t say he is an expert, but he wants to play games compared to most people. Almost every one of these agents can obtain the status of a mid-level officer, and even if they don’t work as an agent in the future, they are mostly elite talents whether in the army, the government, or even various other industries.

So it feels great to let them die. Train more agents, and then let these Japanese agents go to China to die, so that a large number of hard-core talents in Japan will disappear. The death of an agent may be more heartbreaking than the loss of a squadron of Japanese soldiers. So sending it to death in this way is an extremely huge loss to Japan, so of course Akashi Motojiro doesn’t mind.

Originally, if Emperor Meiji didn’t say it, Akashi Motojiro would have drawn up a battle plan to let them die. If they don’t die, how can they complete this plan of consuming Japanese talents? Send all the talented people who are a lot of elites to death, so that they can really draw their salaries from the bottom of the pot.

Once a large number of elite talents are sent to die, Japan really has no future. A large number of talents are sent to die, and the loss to Japan’s future is extremely huge, so Japan will become devastated, and it will not even be able to recover.

There may be many reasons for the strength of a But talent is definitely an important booster. If there is no talent, the country cannot be strong, and if there is no outstanding talent, the country will definitely fall behind in the competition. Once they fall behind, they will definitely be beaten in the future. The lessons of China cannot be ignored, so this is something they must consider.

Therefore, Akashi Motojiro, in the name of the so-called special department in Japan, went to the major universities in Japan to select talents. Akashi Motojiro selected the best college students from major Japanese universities. Often, the top five or six of the top universities in Japan with the best comprehensive professional quality will be selected by Akashi Genjiro’s secret service department. Most of these people are the elites of Japan in the future. Although they may not be able to become top talents, they are definitely the most likely.

Although some people think that they can become talents without studying, the probability is too low. Just like some people saw that Bill Gates dropped out of school to start a business and became the richest man in the world, so they said that reading is useless. However, that also requires the ability to be admitted to Harvard. Therefore, although studying does not guarantee absolute becoming a top talent, the probability is the greatest. The probability of those who do not study to become useful is countless times lower than the probability of studying to become useful.

So Akashi Motojiro specially went to Japan’s top universities to select some of the best talents to be agents, and then sent them to China to die. In this way, Japan will lose a lot of top talents, and they will suffer huge losses. (To be continued.)

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