Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 46: Kevin?

Calvin was once a Keeper of History in the Writer Profession. The environment within the world of Las Felipinas was incredibly harsh for the average Earthlings. In order to deal with this, companies from Earth such as Fivecent made a deal with the Seven Gods and Goddesses.

Las Felipinas would provide Earth with quality raw materials and the Earthlings, with their technology would turn those raw materials into useful items. The Seven Gods and Goddesses didn't allow the advancement of technology within Las Felipinas itself.

In other words, the usage of items such as guns and anything technologically advanced was only limited for those who were in power. Not even the army of the Kingdoms in the world of Las Felipinas was cognizant of the existence of guns, and hydrogen bombs.

The Seven Gods and Goddesses also gave their blessings to the Earthlings sent by these companies. The product of their blessings was the so-called system that Calvin would soon receive upon completing this final phase.

Hints and clues to the system were given to the contracted so that they wouldn't be astounded by its existence when they completed the final phase.

That's right, the so-called clues and hints were those transparent windows that would occasionally pop out in front of Calvin and the other newbies when they arrived here in Mount Spirt Sword Asylum.

The newbies didn't think too much into it, but Calvin knew that the blessing of the Seven Gods and Goddesses gave humans the power of a system.

A system similar to leveling systems of games wherein they could increase their physical strength, dexterity, intelligence and stamina through the use of status points.

This system enabled the existence of humans in the disgusting and harsh environment of Las Felipinas.

Of course, with the existence of such an unfathomable system came the existence of Classes.

Classes were given to every human being in the world of Las Felipinas.

The natives of Las Felipinas also had classes, the only difference was that they were bestowed upon their classes by the blessing of the god or goddess whom they believe in, while the humans from Earth received theirs upon the implantation of a microchip.

Calvin already had a microchip implanted on the web between his thumb and index finger, but his class still wasn't decided. Nevertheless, Calvin was confident that he would still get the same class that he did back then. He would still receive the Writer Class or Profession and become a Diary-Keeper.

Although the Writer Class was quite unique since it could be considered as a Hidden Class, everyone considered people with these classes as useless since not only they didn't have any skills that could help them in battle.

Their defenses were quite weak with their growth stunted by the fact that they couldn't hunt monsters alone that would give them Experience Points to level up and increase their strength.

Back then, Calvin greatly regretted the fact that he had such a useless class. In fact, he even considered killing himself back then after spiraling into depression from the constant bullying that he received from his peers due to his class that was only useful in keeping records about random things.

But that was just how his class worked for he was a "Diary-Keeper".

The bullying that he received continued until Calvin was finally fed up.

He faked his own death and escaped to a nearby city. There, his legend started.

It was also in that city that Calvin became acquainted with some powerful figures.

He also came to know about the existence of the Notebook of Secrets That Will Destroy Your Life.

The notebook held great and incredible powers, but it was useless for Calvin back then since he wasn't confident that the secrets, he had in his mind were earth-shattering and could ruin a person's life.

Without those kinds of secrets, taking the Notebook of Secrets That Will Destroy Your Life was basically the same as committing suicide. After all, if you dared to take this notebook as your Aspect or Blessed Artifact without enough secrets then the Notebook would take over both your body and soul.

In other words, the Notebook would transform you into a demon.

But now?

Everything was different.

As the Keeper and witness of History back then...

Calvin's mind was a treasure trove of secrets that could definitely shatter the earth and tear the skies once revealed.

Sensing the aura of the Notebook of Secrets That Will Destroy Your Life...

Calvin felt immense excitement in his heart.

But he immediately suppressed it for he had realized that the familiar aura had disappeared.

Everything returned to normal and the cold draft surrounding his body was nowhere to be found.

Calvin furrowed his eyebrows and swept his eyes across the consultation room.

Upon seeing that nothing strange was going on, he started walking.

Walking past the consultation room, Calvin entered the second room. There were several beds. Other than the slightly bigger space, this room was no different from the previous room.

Calvin continued on walking.

Strangely enough, every room in this infirmary had the same composition as the others.

Nothing out of the ordinary was happening, but the more silent and ordinary the place was, the more nervous Calvin became.

Finally, he arrived at the door for the last room.

He twisted the doorknob but found that it was locked.

"Oh, it's locked... I'm sorry, I'm looking for someone."

Calvin stood at the door and his pupils constricted as a bad feeling rose in his heart.

He received no response from the door as if there was no one inside.

"This is strange... Kevin should be here... Since I still haven't found him after going past the other rooms. He could only be here... I don't think Leonard and Ziya would lie to me about something like this." Calvin softly uttered into the air.

He reached his left hand into his pocket, holding a piece of crumpled paper as he twisted the doorknob once again with his other hand. Noticing that the door was indeed locked, Calvin formed a palm with his right hand and slapped his palm on the doorknob, causing it to creak noisily and crack.

"There we go, it's opened." Calvin let out a sigh.

He carefully walked into the last and final room of the infirmary and discovered that it had the same layout as the other rooms. The only difference was that the beds in this room were sequestered from each other by white curtains, it was probably to protect the privacy of the patients on the beds.

With the curtains, it was impossible to see if the bed was occupied from the outside.

"Man, even I am getting scared of his place."

Calvin wiped the sweat of his right hand on his chest.

He took the crumpled paper out of his pocket and assumed a fighting stance.

Calvin stuck close to the wall and reached his hand out to the curtains on the bed nearest to him. Pulling open the curtains of that bed, a thick stench of decay struck Calvin squarely on his face. On the bed was a sticky pool of something that looked similar to blood.

"Fuck... The blood isn't even fully dried yet." Calvin softly uttered a curse.

Calvin closely observed the bed and discovered that the pillow was somewhat elevated. An indication that something was hidden beneath it. Stretching his hand out, Calvin was about to raise that pillow when he felt a chill from behind his neck as if someone's piercing gaze was on him.

He took to the air like a startled cat and clenched his left hand holding the crumpled paper. But before he could even throw it to the creature standing behind him. He realized that the person who was staring at him from behind was a young boy of similar age to him.

The only difference was that the young boy looked plump with his white coat bursting at the seams.

He was well covered and even had a surgical mask as well as that white coat and a hat. The only exposed part of his body was his ankles and neck which made him look quite intimidating as he stood there staring right at Calvin.

'A young boy? He looks so plump! Wait, it's because he is wearing several layers of clothes! But why is he doing something like that? Could it be because he wants to hide something ugly underneath?'

Calvin's eyes narrowed into slits as he cautiously stared at the young boy.

'Could this boy be that Kevin?'

He inwardly mused.

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