Reborn Wolf Cub

Chapter 20

Chapter 19: Rebirth

To Yu Haitian thinks that his son is a gift of genius, this year Yu Lang is five years old, Yu Lang put on the new clothes he bought, which Yu Haitian thinks is handsome, but taking off his pants is too much Convenient overalls, beautifully dressed, he was led by Yu Haitian to the entrance of the primary school, not the entrance of the kindergarten.

Yu Haitian thinks that he is a smart kid, and there is no problem with the first to third grade courses, but considering that Yu Lang is too young, he still reports to Yu Lang for the first grade of elementary school.

Yu Lang also realizes that he can go to high school directly, or he can go to college, high school has already been succumbed, and now he is forced to study hard together with a group of little radishes with runny noses Tian Tian Xiang was also full of resentment, with a drooping face, reluctantly, he was held by Yu Haitian. When he was about to go out, Yu Haitian put a Transformer in his arms in order to coax him, Yu Lang. Holding Transformers, his face stinks even more.

They went to the most famous experimental primary school in T city, with high teachers, high teaching, high requirements… Usually the entrance examination in the first half of the year, and unified admission in the second half of the year, of course, the Yu family donated to the school every year With a lot of money to support education, the experimental primary school could not require Yu Lang to take the entrance exam.

The teacher just saw Yu Lang’s stinky face and had a headache, Yu Lang was sitting on Yu Haitian’s lap, Caracalla twisted the head of the Transformer, obviously this Transformer’s head is bigger than the last one King Kong’s legs were hard, and Yu Lang didn’t screw his head off for a long time. Seeing this, the teacher had an even more headache and asked cautiously, “Is your child coming to school voluntarily? Or, wait until your child is older. ?”

Yu Haitian didn’t speak yet, Yu Lang was afraid that someone would **** him, so he nodded quickly, “Yes, yes, Dad, look at how good the teacher said, let’s come again next year, Then I can go straight to second grade.”

Yu Lang doesn’t want to go to school at all, it’s great to follow Yu Haitian, cultivate feelings, and feel comfortable, if Yu Haitian is not in front of him, what will Yu Haitian do to him again? Ah, besides, he used to go to school at the age of eight, directly in the fourth grade.

“Dad, I want to follow you.” Yu Lang used the tactic of underdogs and rubbed against Yu Haitian’s chest.

Yu Lang has been following a little tail for a while now, Yu Haitian is used to it, he is a little reluctant, but for Yu Lang’s good, he has to give up, patted Yu Lang’s head, kiss After a moment, “Okay Lang Lang, be good, be obedient, it’s good to go to school, there are many children here to play with you.”

Listening to Yu Haitian’s tone, Yu Lang knew that Yu Haitian had made a decision, Yu Lang winked, and then played Transformers in front of Yu Haitian.

After getting Yu Lang done, Yu Haitian asked the teacher, “Let’s see which class is assigned?”

Yu Haitian asked this question in vain. There are several special classes in the experimental primary school, specially for people like Yu Lang.

This sentence of Yu Haitian is the concluding remark. If the teacher has a wink and brings people directly to the class, today’s work will be over, but the teacher really doesn’t want to accept Yu Lang, it’s not that he doesn’t want to accept it, but I don’t dare to accept it. I’m so young, and I’m about the same height as a desk. I’m still reluctantly forced by adults to come to school. The teacher can understand the parents’ desire for their children to become dragons and hope that their children will win at the starting line. .

The teacher explained to Yu Haitian, “We just had a child here a while ago, one year older than your child, it was good when he came, the child is very happy , but a few days later, in the classroom, crying and making noise, trying to find his mother, our teacher couldn’t coax him, and rolled around in the classroom…”

Yu Haitian is not happy, where did this teacher find the broken child, compared with his kid? He is so obedient, he definitely won’t be so noisy, if he is so noisy, then someone in the school must be messing with him.

Yu Lang also understood that the emotional teacher was afraid that he would be as embarrassing as a broken child from nowhere, and he was not happy anymore. It was one thing if he didn’t like going to school. It’s a different matter. One sentence will block the teacher back, “Teacher, I’m obedient. If others don’t mess with me, I definitely won’t mess with me.”

“…” The teacher’s face turned blue, if Yu Lang caused trouble, someone else must have caused him first.

Yu Lang not only looks arrogant, but also speaks with domineering energy. After speaking to the teacher, he finally asks Yu Haitian for advice, “Dad, am I right?”

I have to say, Yu Lang was crooked in the past, Yu Haitian had to pay more than half of the responsibility, he touched Yu Lang’s little face, nodded, and said to the teacher: “My children are average He was quite obedient when he was there.”

If there is a situation of ‘two generalities and three generalities’, it must be that others are disobedient, right? The teacher’s face turned even greener. The teacher’s biggest fear is not the arrogant child, but the unreasonable parents who are used to their children. Yu Lang and Yu Haitian happen to be the most troublesome kind – no matter what happens, Anyway, my son can’t be at fault, the fault must be someone else, he can’t be beaten, he can’t be scolded, he even raised his hand to scare him…

“Wow wow…I’m going to tell my dad that the school teacher hit me.”

Yu Lang jumped off Yu Haitian’s lap, just took Yu Haitian’s hand, and was about to look at the children who were playing with him or being played, when he heard a very familiar voice , came from far and near, the voice was harsh, sharp, and screamed, and he knew who it was with his eyes closed.

“Dad, daddy…” Yu Lang took Yu Haitian’s hand and dragged Yu Haitian to the side, away from the door, so as not to be bumped into for a while.

Sure enough, Yu Lang just gave way, and with a touch, the door was kicked open from the outside, and a small figure came out, like a locomotive, and went over to the phone, behind Also followed by a bit embarrassed female teacher.

“Student Rong, let’s talk about it if we have something to say.” The teacher who received Yu Lang stood up immediately, like an old hen protecting a chick, blocking the phone, ” Your father is very busy, tell me if you have something, ah…”

Yu Lang didn’t know what Rong Anrui ate to grow up. I pushed the tall and sturdy teacher aside, picked up the phone and dialed, and said, “I want to call my father, the school teacher wants to call me…”

Holding the phone, Rong Anrui was still staring at the two teachers. The two teachers surrounded Rong Anrui, but no one dared to stop Rong Anrui from making a call. I didn’t dare to touch him. If I didn’t touch him, Rong Anrui said that the teacher was going to beat him.

Rong Anrui is fussing, and the teacher’s mouth is bitter, how many times this has been made, four or five times a day, they are not annoying, it is estimated that other parents are annoying, even a child Unable to coax, parents may blame their school.

The teacher gave a wink to the female teacher who came out. The female teacher cleverly retreated to the corner and unplugged the phone line.

It was a mess over there, Yu Lang looked straight at it, I guess Rong Anrui is the broken child the teacher used to compare, this broken child has tortured the school teachers for a while, look at others The teacher is very skilled at pulling the telephone line.

“Hey, Dad, look at how naive the second son is.” Yu Lang took Yu Haitian’s hand, belittled Rong Anrui, and raised himself sideways. He didn’t learn from the second son. What a stupid way to do this, this good steel is used on the edge of a knife, and it is also a lie. If you are honest and mischievous, you will become a child of the wolf. On the contrary, if you are sensible all the time, and once in a while, then the ignorant is another one. People, this is Yu Lang’s experience in his previous life.

“Dad, don’t worry, I’m definitely more obedient than the second son. I promised you, and I’ll be obedient in school.” Yu Lang patted his chest to make a promise, he had to let his own His reputation is clean and flawless. It’s best. When he bullies someone, Yu Haitian also thinks it’s that person’s fault.

“Yeah.” Yu Haitian patted Yu Lang’s head, needless to say, he also knows how good he is, but he can’t be too good, for fear that Yu Lang will suffer from you in school, He then warned, “If someone bullies you, you don’t have to be afraid of him. Beat him up for Dad, Dad is not afraid of trouble.”

If you get hurt, it counts as yours, if you get killed, it counts as yours, right? Yu Lang kissed Yu Haitian hard, then glanced at Rong Anrui with contempt, how could he have such a stupid friend, he should learn from him a lot.

Rong Anrui had been holding the phone for a long time over there, he was staring at it very intently, and he did not notice Yu Lang and Yu Haitian in the room. Rui held the phone strangely, then looked at the teacher suspiciously, and made another call, “This phone is broken…”

Taking the phone and banging on the table a few times, the phone still did not move, Rong Anrui was reluctant to put down the phone, and pouted, “It seems that the phone is really broken. …”

The two teachers breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved. The teacher who received Yu Lang was a little happy when he saw Yu Lang and the others were still there. This is a ready-made example. I really couldn’t go to school, so I walked over and said to Yu Haitian: “Our teacher never hits children, but this elementary school is really different from kindergarten, and some children can’t adapt at all.”

“Hey, Yu Xiaolang…” Rong Anrui finished his tossing and was led back to the classroom by the teacher. Only then did he see Yu Lang, and happily ran towards Yu Lang, standing in Yu Lang In front of him, he said with sympathy and some gloating: “Tsk tsk, Yu Xiaolang, you were also sent in.”

It was like suffering like that, and now I finally have a companion expression.

“Hey, but it’s quite fun here.” After speaking, afraid of scaring Yu Lang away, Rong Anrui hurriedly told Yu Lang about the benefits of going to school, “It’s a small place here. The girl is so beautiful. There is a little girl in our class who looks like a doll, with curly hair and pale skin, but she is a little stingy. I just lifted her skirt and took one look, and she cried. , but she’s crying very well, I’ll let her cry for you later…”

The corners of Yu Lang’s mouth twitched as he listened, and his feelings were turbulent just now. If the teacher hit him, it was the wicked who complained first. No wonder the teacher just pulled the phone line for him in a grand manner. Little girl skirt, are you immoral? Yu Lang looked at Rong Anrui with contempt, selectively forgetting that he had done such immoral things in his previous life.

“Aren’t you afraid your father will beat you?” Yu Lang said.

“I’m not afraid, didn’t I just lift her skirt, if she doesn’t like it, I’ll drag her pants later and let her see me. As for calling the parents?” Rong An Rui pursed his lips in disdain, remembering that the phone was broken and no one could call his father, he became happy again, the last sentence showed timidity, he raised his head and asked Yu Haitian, ” Uncle, tell me, did you lift the little girl’s skirt when you were young?”

Yu Lang also wanted to know the answer, although he knew that he lifted the little girl’s skirt since he was a child, not only did he not get beaten, but Yu Haitian hugged him and looked relieved. He was probably not very honest when he was a child, and he did this kind of thing a lot, but he still wanted to hear the answer from Yu Haitian with his own ears, and he looked at Yu Haitian looking forward to it.

Cough, Yu Haitian turned his head and said to the stunned teacher, “These two children grew up together, and they are also companions. Let them be in the same class.”

Yu Haitian really likes Rong Anrui, who is smart and energetic. He is in good health and can’t stand bullying. He also plays well with Yu Lang. It is estimated that someone bullies his children, so he doesn’t need to do it. , Rong Anrui can be beaten down.

What a helper, what a child.

The two teachers first saw that they knew each other, especially the teacher who unplugged the phone line in front of them, his face was not very good, anyway, they don’t let their children find their parents, which is not very good Well, it must be misunderstood that he did something wrong. Rong Anrui himself gave up the bottom line, and they were relieved. Now that Yu Haitian is reasonable, he fully expressed his trust in them and did not change his mind. He even let his children come to school here, and the teacher who was used to being wronged by Rong Anrui burst into tears.

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