Reborn with Steve Stand

Chapter 9 - 8: Fang Mo vs Abomination (1)

Chapter 9: Chapter 8: Fang Mo vs Abomination (1)

On a dark night, Fang Mo was about to sleep when he heard a noise coming from the living room. Half-asleep, he suspected a possible thief in the house due to the less-than-ideal security in the United States. However, too exhausted to investigate, he decided to control his substitute to handle the situation.

To his surprise...

Steve entered the living room holding an iron sword and discovered a one-eyed black man seated on the sofa. The man had a shaved head, wore a stern expression, a black leather trench coat, and a black eye patch over his left eye.

From this unique appearance and distinctive entrance, it was clear that the man was the infamous Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D., known as the Mother Fucker, the One-Eyed Black Bastard, and the head of the agency.

Having observed Fury's behavior in the original work, Fang Mo had an idea. It seemed that Fury had a tendency to covertly break into people's houses and catch them off guard, using this method to gain control during subsequent conversations.

However, Fang Mo wasn't easily deceived.

He extended his palm slowly, and the purple radiance transformed into an invisible force field that penetrated the wall. In an instant, the living room sofa floated and glided into the bedroom as if driven by its own volition.

And just like that, a bewildered Nick Fury stood face to face with Fang Mo.

"Good evening, Director," Fang Mo greeted him with a smile.

In contrast to Fury's dark complexion, Fang Mo remarked, "It appears your little tricks have been exposed. Aren't you going to say 'Mother Fucker'?"

(TL: Found It. A reference to Iron Man meeting Nick Fury and Nick Fury Saying "I'm Nick Fury Mother Fcuker". Search it up haha)

"Fang Mo, the self-proclaimed Stand User," Nick Fury responded.

As the head of the agency, Nick Fury possessed exceptional psychological resilience. Instead of cursing or displaying frustration, he acted as if nothing had happened. "Your background is truly mysterious. There is no information about you anywhere, as if you materialized out of thin air."

"Are you suggesting that even the East has been investigating me?" Fang Mo chuckled.

"You certainly have power, Director," Fang Mo remarked with a smile.

"It seems you're quite familiar with me."

Nick Fury remained calm and unfazed by Fang Mo's words. "Are we already old friends, or have you seen me somewhere before?" he asked.

"Since you've been investigate China, have you heard of Divination?" Fang Mo inquired.

"What's that?" Nick Fury pondered for a moment, realizing he hadn't come across it much. "Does Divination involve calculating a person's remaining lifespan?"

"It's similar to the prophecy arts in your culture," Fang Mo explained. "In short, it means I can see the future."

"Is that so?" Nick Fury paused, appearing undecided. "Well, why don't you tell me, what does my future look like?"

"I can only say it's quite ordinary," Fang Mo replied, unable to conceal a smile. Deceiving a character from the original work was too easy, after all. "Although your idea isn't bad, you should know that every member of your superpowered team tends to cause trouble. You have to clean up after them like a mother. Not everyone is as obedient as Captain Marvel."

"It seems you know quite a lot," Nick Fury's lone eye narrowed slightly. He hadn't mentioned assembling the Avengers or anything about Carol Danvers to anyone yet. "So, are you also a member of this team?"

"Sorry, I'm not," Fang Mo shook his head. "I have no interest in being a superhero."

"Oh? Why is that?" Nick Fury asked curiously.

"Because I despise moral constraints," Fang Mo stated bluntly. "As long as they realize I have no morals, they'll give up trying to impose them on me."

"That's an interesting perspective," Nick Fury remarked. "So, what do you want to do?"

"Don't worry, while I'm not a good person, I'm not that bad either," Fang Mo shrugged. "I'm a reasonable person. Since we both have our own needs, let's mutually benefit from each other."

"What are your needs?" Nick Fury immediately asked.

"At the moment, it's not clear. But it's probably to witness some supernatural events or something similar," Fang Mo contemplated, realizing that the resources of S.H.I.E.L.D. could be useful in unlocking more modules for himself. "But it's a mutually beneficial arrangement. After all, I can also help you deal with those troublesome problems."

"What do you gain from witnessing supernatural events?" Nick Fury asked.

"I'm just interested in that aspect," Fang Mo replied casually, unable to tell the truth. "After all, it's fascinating to see your own prophecies come true, isn't it?"

"Is that so?"

Though Nick Fury didn't believe this simple lie, he decided to agree to Fang Mo's request after some consideration. Considering Fang Mo as an unpredictable element, keeping him close would allow Fury to keep an eye on him. He nodded and said, "I actually need an advisor..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Nick Fury's phone suddenly rang.

"What's the matter?"

Fury glanced at Fang Mo on the bed and answered the call, "Hmm... Are you sure? Alright, understood. Stay where you are and await my orders."

Unbeknownst to him, Fang Mo had already secretly controlled Steve to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"It appears our conversation is ending prematurely," Nick Fury said, standing up directly. "Something urgent has come up, and I need to handle it."

Just as Nick Fury was about to leave, a flash of purple light appeared, and the bedroom door slammed shut.


Nick Fury didn't say anything; he simply turned his head slowly to look at Fang Mo.

"If I heard correctly, you just hired me as an advisor or something right?" Fang Mo climbed off the bed and stretched lazily. "I'm also quite interested in the matter you mentioned. What exactly is this green-skinned creature?"

On the helicopter, Nick Fury's expression had been unpleasant the entire time.

His complexion was now even darker than coal, and even the nearby agents dared not approach him.

Indeed, Nick Fury had come to realize that he had been deceived by Fang Mo. The other party must have used some strange sorcery to eavesdrop on his conversation, leading to the current situation where he had no choice but to comply.

In fact, at the beginning, Nick Fury had never agreed to Fang Mo's request.

After all, he didn't trust Fang Mo at all. If the other party had hidden motives, it would be troublesome. As for being locked up and threatened by Fang Mo... Fury believed he had faced far greater challenges and wasn't afraid.

Nick Fury hadn't anticipated this turn of events. Fang Mo extended his hand and produced a colossal gold brick, resembling a grinding disc, seemingly out of thin air. Taken aback, Nick Fury overheard Fang Mo remark, "Director, don't you want your agents to have sufficient operational funds?" or something to that effect.

Initially, Nick Fury had intended to decline, but the offer presented by Fang Mo was simply too tempting to refuse. This solitary gold brick alone could provide him with tens of millions of dollars in operational funds. You see, Nick Fury had conducted numerous covert experiments without the knowledge of Congress, always struggling to secure research funding. Now, with such an incredible opportunity before him, could he possibly turn it down?

Although conflicted, Nick Fury found himself compelled to grit his teeth and bring Fang Mo along, given the undeniable value of the gold brick.

In reality, Nick Fury had a multitude of questions he wanted to pose to Fang Mo. However, due to pressing matters earlier, he had been unable to address them. Now that the other party had joined him on the plane, he decided to continue with his inquiries.

"Do your abilities possess any limitations?" Nick Fury couldn't help but inquire. "For instance, can you genuinely create gold at will through alchemy?"

"That depends on when I can return," Fang Mo shrugged. "Once I create a Zombie Pigman spawner, I'll purchase the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. agency."

"S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Nick Fury inquired. "What is that?"

"It's the organization you currently belong to, albeit burdened with an excessively protracted name. Let's simply refer to it as S.H.I.E.L.D. from now on," Fang Mo waved his hand. Without awaiting Nick Fury's further input, he promptly interjected, "You have an excess of queries. How about we discuss this green-skinned monster first?"

"You're intrigued by this individual?" Nick Fury asked. "Did you perceive it through your prophetic abilities? How extensive is your knowledge of it?"

"Dr. Bruce Banner... as a result of an accident during a military experiment, he was exposed to gamma radiation, thereby transforming into a green monster," Fang Mo nonchalantly explained. "You folks refer to him as the Hulk."

"It appears you possess quite a wealth of information," Nick Fury acknowledged. "So, what do you propose we do?"

"Allow me to engage in combat with it."

Fang Mo considered for a moment and said, "It's been too long since I've had a good fight. I need to find a way to test my own strength."

"Unfortunately, I cannot fulfill your request," Nick Fury replied.

Nick Fury's gaze briefly shifted, recognizing the other party's penchant for combat. He continued, "Although Dr. Bruce Banner loses control after transforming, it has always been the military's responsibility to handle such situations. Our role is primarily surveillance."

"I understand," nodded Fang Mo. Having read the original work, he was aware that the SHIELD agency did not appear in the movie featuring the Green Giant.

In reality, Marvel Studios had not yet developed specific plans for the Marvel Cinematic Universe at that time. Each movie existed independently, and the military served as the sole antagonist in The Hulk.

"The military had managed to contain Bruce Banner, but an unexpected incident seems to have occurred," said Nick Fury. "They appear to have delved into questionable activities, and now, alongside the Hulk, they have unleashed another uncontrollable monster onto the streets of New York..."


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