Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter

Chapter 364 - Love debts and killing love matrix

Chapter 364 Love debts and killing love matrix

Meng Ying cherished the precious moment when Meng Xuan woke up. He wiped off his tears and explained the whole thing briefly, “He Danggui might not get pregnant. I just heard about it from a kid. He Danggui denied it firmly. The antidote to your cold poison was found by her. She was poisoned with something else and is looking for the antidote now. She looked a bit listless when I met her. Maybe she would collapse halfway…”

“Ah!” Meng Xuan shouted and sat up. He struggled as if he wanted to get out of the bed, but he lay on his side again and didn’t move anymore. It looked like he was dead again.

By virtue of his experiences before, Meng Ying helped Meng Xuan lie on his back and said the “Two Word Spell” again, “He Danggui.” Sure enough, Meng Xuan’s hollow eyes moved immediately and some light appeared in them again. Meng Ying made up his mind, and told the truth, “Several days ago, Mr. Duan came to me and told me how He Danggui cheated and hurt him badly. He also gave me a bottle of poison, asked me to add them into the food He Danggui ate, and abducted her for him. In return, he would manage to bring a ceasefire for people in Imperial Guards and Qiyanggong Sect and bury the hatchet. I asked him why he didn’t abduct her himself. He said that he had been to Tao Yao Yard once and found there was a weird Love Tactical Matrix outside He Danggui’s room. Everyone could pass it safely but he couldn’t even get close to it. He suspected that He Danggui heard he was coming to Yangzhou City and afraid he might revenge himself on her, so she felt flustered and avoided him in such a way,” Meng Xuan’s throat moved and he asked brokenly in confusion, “Duan Xiaolou… He intended to catch Xiaoyi? Revenge?”

Meng Ying nodded and replied, “At first, I didn’t agree to help him because I heard from Yi Tong that you loved her so much and I didn’t want to hurt the woman you loved. However, several days later, right on the day you left, I saw He Danggui being possessed by the devil and that was so horrible. In the peaceful house, she dealt with her aunt with extremely cruel means. I suddenly thought such a woman could never become part of Meng’s Family, or she would bring trouble sooner or later. Thus, I asked to see Mr. Duan and accepted the bottle of poison. I was about to poison her within two days and my disguise as an old man could be very helpful, but before I could take action, I ran into her outside tonight and got the antidote to cold poison from her. Then, I knew you were poisoned and I didn’t want you to owe her any favor, so I lied to you that the antidote was found by Su Niang.”

Meng Xuan struggled to get up and sat with his legs crossed. He adjusted his breath for a while, and his face turned slightly ruddy. Then, he asked incoherently, “Ten Mile Slope outside the city, right?”

Meng Ying got what he meant and shook his fan immediately while saying, “No! You can’t even walk stably. How can you save anyone? I made you become like this, so it should be my responsibility to save her. You just keep adjusting your breath here and stay calm. I will bring He Danggui back to you safe and sound.” In fact, he wasn’t very confident about what he said, because he thought He Danggui might have already been dead because of the poison.

When he grasped her right hand and observed it, Meng Ying found the poison blocked in her pinky was moving to her middle finger, which meant it would reach her pericardium channel soon. Then, it wouldn’t be far away from her heart arteries as well. However, He Danggui didn’t notice that death was coming over her and even tidied up the cloth covering her face from time to time with her right hand. That was a very dangerous movement. Maybe the poison would break through all obstacles suddenly and reach her heart arteries.

Meng Ying saw it clearly and knew exactly what would happen. He wanted to remind her to be careful of the poison at first but he didn’t do it. He just said before he left, “Take care of yourself, too. Don’t ride the horse anymore. You can rent a sedan with soft chairs and look for your antidote by it. It’ll be bad if your fetal qi is disturbed.” Seeing the shock on her face, he thought that life and death were decreed by fate and she could ignore his words as she liked because her death might bring peace to the world. However, looking at Meng Xuan who was at his last gasp and struggled to live miserably, Meng Ying felt very regretful. If He Danggui died, would Meng Xuan…

Meng Xuan asked carefully, “If He Danggui died, what will you…” Before he could finish his words, Meng Xuan began to spit blood again. Meng Ying was startled and immediately corrected himself, “No, she won’t die. She’s so smart that she will never die easily. Duan Xiaolou won’t let her die, either. Maybe the poison in her body isn’t very fatal. Even if it reaches her heart arteries, she may also be saved!” After saying it, Meng Ying even wanted to slap himself in the face. How could he say this? The poison reached her heart arteries?

“Puff!” Meng Xuan spit some blood and said while exhaling more than inhaling, “Xiaoyi, wait for me. I’ll meet you soon. I finally remembered it. In my previous life, the lady in Jade Building was you. Although your face has been changed, I recognize the cinnabar mole on your chest, your body, and the way you smell. God has implied me in my dreams for three years, but I still failed to figure it out and even thought I had caught some strange disease. I feel very regretful that we couldn’t get married in the previous life. I’m so regretful. Xiaoyi, wait for me. Please wait for me this time…” Finishing these words, he closed his eyes slowly and collapsed to the bed. Meng Ying scratched his ears and cheeks in anxiousness and kept shouting the “Two Word Spell” to stimulate Meng Xuan, “He Danggui! He Danggui! He Danggui!” He felt he was a big idiot and would rather cast spells like “Obey order presto” than this. This time, Meng Xuan didn’t give any response.

“He Danggui is back. Look! She’s there!” It sounded exactly like something only children would believe. Meng Xuan still showed no response. Meng Ying got panicked. Even He Danggui’s name couldn’t wake him up. Meng Xuan did die now! Meng Ying was completely dumbfounded. He even “killed” his brother just by saying some words. How could he go back home and face his parents? How could he still live in the world? He looked up and saw the soft sword hung on the wall as decoration. Then, he took it down impulsively, pulled out the sword, and put it beside his neck. When he was about to move it from left to right…

“Stop! Don’t do it!” A clear female voice sounded outside the room. “Bang!” The door was smashed open and the voice became clearer. “Stop it! Don’t die here. If you die in this house, we won’t be able to live here anymore… Gosh!” The female voice got high-pitched, “Who are you? Why did you get in the way suddenly? Watch where you’re going, pretty man!” Interrupted by this, Meng Ying put down the sword and turned around to see what happened. Then, he shouted in surprise, “Fourth Uncle! You’re here!”

The door of the bedroom was open and a male and a female were standing outside. The female looked young and chubby. She wore weird yellowish-brown clothes, which looked very like something made of paper, but she wasn’t the reason why Meng Ying got surprised. He shouted because of the middle-aged man standing before the young girl.

The man was in his forties and wore a loose monk robe of light cyan color. He was tall and slender with long arms and legs. With a glowing face, slanted eyes, and a high nose bridge, he looked ahead and there was a faint smile on his thin lips. He got shoulder-length hair which was tied by a hairband of black color and golden patterns. The band could flutter itself without wind. Although some white hair could be found on his head, people wouldn’t be sure about his exact age after seeing his stunning glowing face. Actually, judging only from his calm dark eyes, people would have a strong impression of him that he must have been through twists and turns of life and reincarnation. The strangest point was that he had an intimidating manner, which could prove people’s impression of him while from top to toe, he didn’t have any daunting decoration, accessories, or expressions. In other words, this man was born to be such an intimidating figure. Without words or movements, he could scare away gangsters just by standing there. It was just like…

The chubby girl in the paper skirt covered her mouth with her hand and stepped back. She kept apologizing, “Sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you’re blind. Sorry. I’m not discriminating against you. I never discriminate against disabled people. I sympathize with you very much… But by the way, why are you standing in Xiaoyi’s bedroom, pretty man? Are you the so-called Beauty Thief? Gosh, even such a handsome man hurts women! Where is the justice?”

The chubby girl who was talking was Liao Qing’er. She got hit on her forehead by the middle-aged man’s back, so she became a bit dizzy and talked about nonsense. Then, she found the man was more handsome than any man she had met in her two lives and even than the young boy inside the room that was about to commit suicide. Thus, she completely lost her marbles and exclaimed in her heart, “God, why are you so cruel? How could you let such a handsome guy lose the ability to see the world and women?” Right. This middle-aged man who was called “Fourth Uncle” by Meng Ying was Meng Xi, the biological younger brother of Earl Baoding named Meng Shan. He was the former Lord of Qi Yang, the founder of Qiyanggong Sect, and the Master of Xuan Theories. The name of “Lord of Qi Yang” had been famous all over the country since the founding of Ming Dynasty and it carried mysterious religious meanings. During the ten years later, several eventful matters that even surprised the whole country made the name of “Lord of Qi Yang” become a noble code. The person who bore the title seemed to become a figure that could even override the gangsterdom and the government and be respected by them as a god.

Qiyanggong Sect, also known as “Xuan Sect”, was set up in the first year of Hongwu Period. It developed rapidly into the third-largest religion after Taoism and Buddhism in less than thirty years and had gotten over ten thousand followers. Its scale once exceeded that of Ming Sect founded before the uprising of Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of Ming Dynasty. After attracting the attention of the government, Qiyanggong Sect went underground and the trend of Xuan Sect was still popular until now. It could be said that compared with the other one hundred and forty gangs in Jianghu, Qiyanggong Sect alone was more daunting to the government.

All these heroic undertakings were guided by the middle-aged man who was being judged by Liao Qing’er now. Since two years ago when he quit his job as “Lord of Qi Yang” and left Qiyanggong Sect to Meng Xuan, his young and brilliant nephew, he had been out of sight. Even Meng Xuan also failed to find where he was. Thus, in this moment of despair, Meng Ying suddenly saw him and became very surprised, because, in his opinion, Meng Xi was omnipotent and perfect.

Of course, he also had an imperfection which was he couldn’t see anything. Although his eyes looked normal, even a careless person like Liao Qing’er could figure it out at the first sight. His eyes looked dead and gloomy and they were very similar to He Danggui’s. They showed a kind of deathly stillness because they were blind. Every time He Danggui was in a daze, Liao Qing’er could sense that kind of stillness. Her eyes seemed to be covered by darkness so that she couldn’t see anything. Or she might not look at objects in front of her but those bizarre trifles happened in her previous life and this life.

What was amazing was that for Meng Xi, “blindness” didn’t seem to be a weakness. Instead, it brought him peace. There was a green jade flute in his hand. His slender fingers and the flute looked nice with each other as if inexhaustible magic was hidden in them. He put on a faint smile and replied, “I’ve predicted that Meng Xuan may die today, so I come to save him.”

Meng Ying sighed for relief. Fourth Uncle was here and they might find the solution. He immediately held up Meng Xuan whose seven orifices were bleeding and let Meng Xi check him. He explained, “Meng Xuan got desperate because of a woman and suffered from Qi Deviation. He died just now.” Meng Xi stretched out his left hand which was put behind his back originally and showed the beautiful peach blossom in it. He said with a smile, “I’ve also predicted it is a ‘love disaster’. Now I can see I’m right. How time flies. Meng Xuan becomes a grown-up now and begins to feel heartbroken because of a woman.”

Meng Ying looked very miserable and begged, “Fourth Uncle, please save Meng Xuan and predict if the woman he loves is still alive. If she is dead, it will be meaningless to save him. This idiot has totally fallen for her!”

Meng Xi was in no hurry to save him. He turned around and asked, “Miss, are you that lady’s friend?” He couldn’t see anything, but he did face Liao Qing’er while asking her.

Liao Qing’er touched the corner of her mouth unconsciously to wipe off the non-existent saliva. She nodded and answered with a smile, “Yes, I’m Xiaoyi’s friend. What’s the matter? Uh? What are you talking about? Xiaoyi is dead?”

Meng Xi paced with hands behind his back and said in slight surprise, “The host of this room even knows tactical matrixes. There is even the ‘Killing Love Matrix’ here. It’s amazing. Then, I will use the peach blossom to make a Hexagram Liushui and see if she is still alive.” Finishing his words, he threw the flower lightly on Liao Qing’er’s head. The flower rolled twice on her smooth black hair and fell on the ground slowly.

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