Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v4 Chapter 904: general trend

? No matter whether the purpose of sincere cooperation has been truly achieved, or whether there are still deeper mutual doubts among the giants, at least, after the party in the GUM department store, the five giants have reached some form of unity. As Guo Shouyun said, the fighting within the giant group over the past ten years has caused them all to lose a lot. This is a waste of resources and a disguised waste of life. /

To be honest, the four of Khovibegu agreed with his proposal. Otherwise, when the dinner is over, there will be another turbulent situation in Moscow. Guo Shouyun always does things after he has prepared both hands. set off, and at this meeting, he did the same.

Due to the compromise of interests between the five giants, starting from mid-April, there have been a series of adjustments in the deployment of troops and personnel assignments on the Chechen front line. The commander of the Northern United Army Group, Lieutenant General Shalev, was dismissed from his post, the former commander of the Caucasus Military Region. Kazantsev, officially took over the post of commander-in-chief of the Chechen front. Subsequently, the 58th Army, the most elite of the Caucasus Military Region, dispatched two infantry divisions into the battlefield to supplement the Russian troops in the direction of Urus Martan.

On April 25th, the 6th Division, affiliated to the Far East 23 Kongji, went west and officially entered the Chechnya war. At the same time, the Special Operations Forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs received advanced individual weapons from the Far East. The Argonne Pass carried out an organized airborne operation. From the 26th to the 29th, after three consecutive days of assault, the Russian army completely controlled the entire Argonne Pass and completely cut off the illegal Chechen armed forces leading to Georgia. The truncation of this “freedom corridor” also marks the complete isolation of the connection between Chechnya and Georgia.

Kazantsev, who took office on the first day of the new year, completely changed the military action plan taken by the previous commander in Chechnya. He commanded nearly 100,000 Russian troops and fought steadily in the Chechnya area. Some kind of stormy rapid advance policy. At the beginning of taking over, he first ordered the Russian troops that had advanced from the north and northeast to the Chechnya region to withdraw to the area north of the Terek River and to the southwest of Chechnya. Armed scorching state. Then, after just three days of rest, especially after obtaining detailed information from the intelligence department, the Russian troops in the three directions, with the support of the aviation and long-range artillery units, once again attacked the Chechen illegal armed forces. Occupy the area and implement a large-scale counterattack.

At the end of April, after just one week of fighting, Russian troops successively captured important Chechen cities such as Gutermes, Aragon, Urus Martán, and wiped out nearly 4,000 illegal Chechen militants. At the same time, Chechen illegal The armed commanders of the four major war areas were also captured and killed one after another. The Russian army controlled nearly two-thirds of the 119 fixed settlements in Chechnya.

In mid-May, the Russian three-way offensive troops successively ended the battles in the Vedeno District, the Nozhayyur District, and the Nadterechnoye District of the Gutermes District, and pushed the front directly to the Chechen House. In the city of Grozny, due to helplessness, Chechen President Maskhadov, who had an ambiguous attitude and had been in close contact with the illegal armed forces before, made a public televised speech on May 14, asking for a dialogue with Moscow on the truce issue. The Kremlin’s refusal. Shortly afterward, the Chechen People’s Assembly, which was leaning toward the federation, met in Moscow, elected and established the State Council, the highest state organ of the Chechen Republic, and Sedurayev was elected chairman of the Council of State. At this point, the second Chechen war is coming to an end. Basayev, whose leg was blown off by a mine a month ago, can be said to be over, and the fall of Grozny is only a matter of time.

Just as the war in Chechnya came to an end, the war in the Balkans also came to an end. After suffering indiscriminate bombing for nearly two and a half months, the Yugoslav Dimilosevic government was forced to accept the NATO-designated plan. The so-called peace plan, on May 9, the representatives of NATO and Serbia signed a peace agreement in Macedonia, and then the Yugoslav army began to formally withdraw from Kosovo. On May 10, the United Nations Security Council held a 15-nation vote on a series of issues such as the joint trusteeship between NATO and the United Nations in Kosovo and the political settlement of the Kosovo crisis. Therefore, the Yugoslavia lost Kosovo permanently, and at the same time, Milosevic will also spend the rest of his bleak life in prison – the Yugoslavia who was born out of the Yugoslav Communist Party and eventually shattered Tito’s great image President, did you ever imagine that you would end up like this?

With the Chechen war and

At the end of the war, an organization that once played an important role in the disintegration of the Soviet Union began to appear in a large number of CIS countries. Guo Shouyun is very afraid. He will never forget the many color revolutions that occurred in a series of countries including Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, etc. in his previous life. This series of color revolutions played no role.

But then again. Danger was recognized. It doesn’t mean he has to take any action. In the end. Color revolutions in a series of countries in the Commonwealth of Independent States are inevitable. From Shevardnadze to Saakashvili. On to Akayev. They are in their respective ruling classes. They have nurtured and sheltered too many ugly things. Most importantly. Their ugliness is completely undisguised. At the same time. And it can’t create any benefits for the local people. It is for sure. Even if there is no public promotion fund to appear. Their collapse is only a matter of time.

compared to foreign countries. Guo Shouyun now pays more attention. It’s also an internal issue in the Commonwealth. And in this one. Including the federal election and the positioning of relations between China and Russia, the United States and Russia, and Europe and Russia.

May 20th. The presidential and parliamentary elections in the Far Eastern Republic have come to an end. According to the investigation of the Far East Civil Affairs Department. The entire Far East now has a total voting population of more than 9.2 million. The actual number of people who participated in the polls in this presidential election. As many as 8.56 million. The turnout was 93 percent. And in those ballots. For the first time, Guo Shouyun, the president of Guo’s Group, who officially participated in the presidential election of the Far Eastern Republic. behind an Asian candidate. It garnered 8.4 million votes in one fell swoop. Its vote rate was as high as 98.13 percent.

May 21st. The Far Eastern Republic announced the results of the presidential election. that night. Including Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Blagoveshchensk in more than a dozen major cities in the inland Far East. A grand public celebration was held. Only in Khabarovsk. The number of citizens participating in the evening carnival. as many as tens of thousands. The whole Lenin Square was crowded with people. Restless all night. no doubt. Just from this scene. Anyone can notice. After ten years of operation. Guo Shouyun and his Guo Group have been deeply entrenched in the Far East. As long as this is the second president of the Far Eastern Republic with a yellow complexion. Do not make any mistakes in major decisions. Then his position in the Far East will be unshakable.

May 26th. The results of the Moscow federal presidential election were unveiled. The leader of the Russian Communist Party, the former Soviet Union’s propaganda department, Longganov, was supported by the oligarchic group. won the final victory in this election. If there are no major surprises. He will be in four months. That is, at the end of September into the Kremlin. Became the second federal president of the Russian Federation since its establishment – a completely left-wing federal president.

After the federal election results were announced. That is the evening of the twenty-seventh. Zyuganov’s campaign team, the current Kremlin’s presidential team, the oligarchic group with Guo Shouyun as the center, and the federal military group with Lebed and Ryomenko as the center held secret consultations at the Villa Mountain in Moscow. After a lot of quarrels and compromises, compromises and quarrels. All parties at the meeting reached a series of consensus. These include: the issue of amnesty for the guilt of the outgoing president, the protection of state-owned assets, the re-nationalization of oil and other mine resources that are critical to the country’s economic lifeline, the further implementation of federal economic reform, the direction of federal diplomatic efforts, etc. Wait.

It can be said responsibly that the decade-long political turmoil in the Russian Federation has officially come to an end after the unprecedented Queshan Villa consultation. After stubborn resistance, it officially withdrew from the stage of history; the Russian Communist Party, which was born out of the political elite of the Bolshevik Party and led by Zyuganov, re-entered the Kremlin; after nearly ten years of decadence and depression, the Federal Army Fang has once again assumed its part of the role and in this series of changes, what is the oligarchic group led by Guo Shouyun? A discerning person should be able to see that, although Guo Shouyun has little connection with the Bolshevik Party in the Soviet era, he is and indeed should be regarded as a representative of the economic elite within the Bolshevik Party.

The rolling wheel of history crushed the concrete that was the foundation of Soviet Russia, and after ten years of dust and wind and rain, the wheel of history stopped at this moment. , is another piece of re-congealed concrete with the same composition as the one it was ten years ago.

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