Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v4 Chapter 881 - Enrollment

? Lena is obviously very confident in the negotiation and negotiation of the Moscow regime. Of course, this confidence is not without reason. After all, in today’s Moscow, the tyranny of Guo’s forces is definitely not something that any force can compete with alone. At the same time, coupled with careful wrong words and a perfect plan, once this series of negotiations starts, it will not be too difficult for her to gain the upper hand. m

In the following period of time, especially with the beginning of the comprehensive consultation between the Kremlin and the Big Three and the opposition of the governments of all parties, the political arena of the entire Russian Federation has experienced a stable situation that has not occurred since the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Among them, the deepest experience is Chernomyrdin, the Prime Minister of the government. During this time, he felt that his work was unprecedentedly smooth. Because of the support given by Guo Shouyun behind the scenes, the officials who are arrogant are no longer arrogant, and the arrogant guys are no longer arrogant. A large number of government work orders that are good for the country but damage some small groups can now be done step by step. The implementation of the Russian Federation has continued, and all of this obviously heralds a good start. Perhaps, in the early spring of the last thought of the twentieth century, the vast Russian Federation will finally be able to usher in the first time after the long and severe winter. A warm spring.

Beginning in early March, that is, on the third day of the official political power consultation between the Kremlin, the Big Three and the opposition, the “Russian People’s Party” proposed in the Parliament of the State Duma that, in view of the current financial difficulties of the Federation and various funding The federal state tax authority should cooperate with the corresponding judicial department to recover the huge amount of tax arrears owed by various domestic business groups and corporate institutions within a five-year period, in order to alleviate the high level of national financial expenditure. pressure.

Obviously, if this was in the past, it would have been impossible to get a response, but this time the situation is obviously different, because the proposal advocated by the Russian People’s Party was first approved by the oligarchy.

On March 6, in response to the proposal made by the People’s Party, Vinogradov made a public statement and took the lead in making a positive response to this proposal. Soon after, including Guo Shouyun, Khodorkovsky, Gu Several federal giants, including Sinski and others, have successively stated that they and their respective industrial groups will file tax filings and submit tax payments to the federal tax authorities and tax supervisory authorities in mid-March. On March 12, the representatives of the federal tax agency and the tax supervisory authority released statistics that the seven major federal financial industry groups (including Little Abu) have completed the payment of the specified amount of tax, which is as high as 14 billion U.S. dollars. , successfully entered the field of national financial circulation.

In the past quite a long period of time, a large part of the financial difficulties of the Russian Federation came from the lack of smooth taxation channels. At the same time, most of the federal tariffs were controlled by commercial banks. Therefore, in the economic giants Under the circumstance of tax evasion and evasion, the deficit of the federal budget will inevitably become an inevitable phenomenon. The most terrible thing is that the existence of tax drawbacks will inevitably lead to a chain reaction of upward and downward effects. A very small number of giants at the top evade tax, and those small giants behind them will naturally also evade tax. As this spreads down layer by layer, the federal tax system will naturally be a mess. And now, just like a sudden spring breeze, several high-ranking giants suddenly turned their sexes. After nearly ten years of evil, they suddenly realized their conscience and began to pay taxes to the federal government with great fanfare. This is for those savvy It is obviously not a lighthearted farce, but a kind of wind direction, a manifestation of the national situation from turbulence to stability, from sparseness to concentration of power. Therefore, those who understand the general trend naturally choose to follow the trend. For them, it is painful to hand over the money they earn to the tax department, but it is not fatal after all. On the contrary, if the trend is wrong , that’s the real trouble.

Of course, since there are smart people in this world, there are naturally also people who are not so smart. They think that they have the protection of government officials on their own territory and can act recklessly. If you can’t hear anything moving, why should you care too much about it? But what these guys can’t see is that the local officials who have given them asylum in the past are now somewhat incapable of protecting themselves.

To put it bluntly, this so-called collection of delinquent taxes is clearly intended to increase federal fiscal revenue and solve the problem of the country’s tight fiscal deficit, but in fact, this is just a secondary purpose. Its real purpose The fact is that the triumvirate and the opposition political groups that have come together with them have made up their minds to strengthen Moscow’s centralization, with the support of the federal military.

Next, the knives in their hands have been sharpened with blood, and the next step is to sacrifice the flag for the two short-eyed guys.

From the end of February to the beginning of March, it coincides with the traditional “Flesh Festival” in the Russian Federation, which is also called the Spring Ploughing Festival by the Orthodox Church. This festival is a very grand traditional festival for Russians. Under normal circumstances, they will There will be a week-long celebration. In the past nearly ten years, due to the sluggish domestic economy, especially the increasingly difficult national life, Moscow has not held official celebrations for a long time, but this year the situation is completely different, Moscow Citizens can fully feel that the country’s political atmosphere is undergoing a kind of vicissitudes of renewal and is heading for a new course.

On March 1st, the Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexei II with a white beard, accompanied by many parishioners, presided over a so-called yellow-skinned young man in the Epiphany Cathedral in Moscow. After expressing heartfelt remorse for his past crimes, this Asian Christian, who swore to be Orthodox, made a decision that delighted all Muscovites: he would spend a lot of money in Moscow There are 600 Orthodox churches for seven days of charity activities. During the event, all Orthodox Christians in the Moscow region can go to any church in Moscow as a family to receive a gift, which includes four russian pounds. Fresh meat, two cans of caviar, six pounds of bread flour, and a bottle of vodka.

no doubt. This can invite the Orthodox priest. And the wealth is so rich that it can benefit the young people of the entire Moscow parishioners. Naturally, it is none other than Mr. Guo Da. replaced by an ordinary person. It is absolutely impossible to play such a big scene – seven days. There are more than 600 Orthodox churches in Moscow. Hundreds of thousands or even millions of Orthodox families in Moscow and its adjoining regions. Even if the total value of the gift is just over a hundred dollars. That is also a big move with hundreds of millions of funds. Of course. For a rich man like Guo Shouyun. There seems to be no difference between hundreds of millions of dollars and millions. Most importantly. After playing this method. What he has harvested is not something that money can buy back.

Guo Shouyun had some contacts with the Federal Orthodox priest Alexei II in the past. It’s just not that close. To put it bluntly, it is one-sided knowledge. But this time in Moscow. As soon as Yelena arrived, he made a very important suggestion to him: to gain a foothold in federal politics. and in the shortest possible time. Receive support from nationals across the Commonwealth. Establish close ties with the Orthodox Church. is an optimal choice.

Yelena’s head looks small. It can even be said that it is a little cute. But in that little head of hers there is something. But it is invisible to ordinary people. Take important people from all parts of the Federation as an example. She understands not only those rich and powerful politicians who are in the political arena. At the same time. Some of the main brains of the Federal Orthodox Church. There are also unparalleled understandings of ordinary people. According to her statement. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union for nearly ten years. The entire Russian Federation, although local separatist forces are growing stronger day by day. So much so that the central authority in Moscow has been reduced to the point of disappearance. but. As the largest denomination in the Federation, the Orthodox Church. But under the leadership of Alexei II. There has been a nationally unified heyday. It is also in his efforts. The Federal Orthodox Church once again realized the rise of moral authority. Important educational affairs of the Orthodox Church in all parts of Russia. Basically it is controlled by him alone. in addition. in the past few years. Alexei II also established close ties with the Roman side. Pope Benedict XVI had a close personal relationship with him. And what kind of existence is the Pope in Rome? This is clear to everyone in the world today.

Honestly. As a past life got up grassroots. In this life, he has been acting as a profiteer. Guo Shouyun didn’t know how deep the Orthodox Church’s roots were in Russia. Before. He also did not have too much contact with church forces. so many years. Although there are also Orthodox forces in the Far East. But those teachers and believers are quite peaceful. He never caused any trouble for him, the de facto ruler of the Far East. Therefore. He’s dealing with religion. It has never been given any attention.

But after some in-depth discussions with Yelena. He still chose the right direction wisely. Accepted the advice of the woman around me. After this. He visited Alexei II three times in a row. and volunteered. Will fully support the restoration of the authority of the Moscow Church in the Far East. At the same time. He also personally likes to believe in the Orthodox Church. Officially became a baptismal believer who was personally presided over by the Great Shepherd.

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