Reborn Nobleman: Starting From Eagle Sauce, He Made Hundreds Of Billions

Chapter 109

The next day.

In the morning.

Just when Ni Ni was still sleeping, Su Chengyang woke up from his sleep, glanced at the woman next to him, smiled, lifted the quilt, got up and went to the bathroom to wash up.

He had read some things about Ni Ni and Lao Mouzi on the Internet before, such as three days and three nights. Su Chengyang thought it was too exaggerated at the time. Even if the two really had an affair, it would not be to that extent.

But after what happened last night, Su Chengyang thought it was groundless. There must be something behind such rumors.

It would not be without reason.

And Ni Ni’s performance last night did surprise him a little. Compared with some big horses he had dated in the United States before, she was not inferior at all. This was definitely rare.

At least none of the women he knew in China could match Ni Ni’s fighting power.

If Su Chengyang had not already practiced a set of skills abroad, he might not be able to conquer her.

After washing up and changing clothes, he looked at the time. It was already past nine o’clock.

Just as he was about to leave a note and go to the company, his cell phone rang.


“I am the chairman. Something big has happened….”Yao Wenjing’s voice came from the phone.

Su Chengyang’s face changed, and before Yao Wenjing finished speaking, he said,”Okay, I’ll go to the company right away.”

“In addition, call the relevant personnel to a meeting, and remember to invite Li Xiuyuan.”

After saying that, Su Chengyang hung up the phone.

He hurried out, so much so that he forgot about writing the note.

After leaving the room, Su Chengyang called Liao Haidong:”Drive to the hotel entrance and wait for me immediately.”

Liao Haidong had actually arrived outside the hotel a long time ago. He was afraid that Su Chengyang would suddenly have something to do, so when he heard Su Chengyang say to drive to wait for him immediately, Liao Haidong hurriedly said:”Boss, the car has arrived at the hotel.”


Sure enough, when he arrived at the hotel gate on the first floor, Liao Haidong, Fang Jinwu and others were already waiting. Su

Chengyang looked gloomy and said coldly,”Go to the company immediately.”

When they saw that Su Chengyang’s face was not good, they knew that something must have happened, so they got in the car quickly.

Soon, two cars drove out of the hotel, and 060 drove towards Shanhai Building.

More than half an hour later, Su Chengyang appeared in the conference room on the seventh floor of Shanhai Building.

At this time, several main managers of and Li Xiuyuan of Yifutong Software were also present in the conference room, and the atmosphere was a little solemn.


The door of the tightly closed conference room was pushed open from the outside, and then Su Chengyang walked in with a stern face.


Everyone in the conference room stood up immediately

“Sit down, everyone.”

“Stop talking nonsense”

“Mr. Yao, let’s talk about the important things later.”

Su Chengyang sat down and went straight to the point without any polite words.

His vigorous and resolute attitude also made everyone in the venue serious, with their backs straight and their eyes fixed.

Yao Wenjing, who was called by name, hurriedly said:”The thing is, we are negotiating with Qiandu Company for search keyword cooperation, but recently when the operation department searched for keywords such as”group buying” and”” in Qiandu, it found that the search results showed a website called”Nuomi Group Buying”.”

“At first I thought it was a problem with the employee’s computer. After replacing several computers, I found that it was the same all the time. The first search result was always the website called”Nuomi Group Buying”.

I looked at this website and found that its layout was similar to ours, and it also offered group buying for all categories.

In addition, I asked someone to investigate and found that the only shareholder behind this group buying website was Qiandu Search.”

“What you mean is that Qiandu Search took our money and then did nothing, and even pretended to be our, putting the”Nuomi Group Buying” invested by Qiandu at the front, and then mixed up the genuine ones to deceive users?”

“Yes, Chairman.” Yao Wenjing nodded and said angrily,”This Qiandu search is too abominable. We have invested a lot of money in the countryside to promote it, but they use search engines to mislead users, which is equivalent to intercepting our traffic.”

Su Chengyang was also very angry when he heard this.

Longguo Internet companies, the so-called BAT and 360, and almost all larger Internet companies, are fucking hooligans, without a bit of morality, and extremely shameless.

Although he was very angry about Qiandu doing this, he was not too surprised, because this is Qiandu, and this company has done this kind of thing a lot.

In addition, it also illustrates a problem from the side. Qiandu, like in the previous life, has also entered the field of group buying. It seems that it is betting on group buying and wants to change the current predicament of Qiandu.

“Have you contacted the people from Qiandu? Have they given any explanation?” Su Chengyang raised his eyebrows and asked


“When I found out something was wrong, I contacted the specialist at Qiandu Search right away. The specialist gave me a vague reply. In a word, he didn’t know and was investigating.”

“I think Baidu is doing group buying on its own and relying on search engines to intercept traffic.”

“We will wait and see. If the situation is still the same after two days, we will directly ask our legal department and the law firm we cooperate with to file a lawsuit.”

“Since some companies have no face, then we should tear our faces apart.”

Su Chengyang said coldly.

Although he didn’t want to tear his face apart with Qiandu at this moment, after all, he had made an enemy, Penguin. After Weibo launched social e-commerce, it would be equivalent to offending Alibaba again. If Qiandu was offended again, it would be equivalent to offending the three giants of BAT in China.

Although Su Chengyang was not afraid, it would be best to make fewer enemies.

Moreover, now was a critical period for Shanhai’s development.

After the group buying business took off, even if the three companies came together, Su Chengyang could beat BAT with fists and feet.

“Chairman, if we file a lawsuit, even if Qiandu admits defeat, apologizes and compensates, it still won’t solve the problem.”

Su Chengyang glanced at Yao Wenjing who was speaking:”What do you think?”

“Chairman, do you think we should also build a search engine?”

Build a search engine?

Su Chengyang was stunned.


Yao Wenjing said solemnly:”No matter how loud our offline advertising is, it will eventually be converted to online, and most users will only search for Youtuan or, and few people will enter, the domain name!”

“Now that Qiandu Search has stepped down and started group buying business, it must be supporting their own group buying website.”

“In this case, I think the best way to break the deadlock is to develop our own search engine. We don’t need to catch up with Qiandu, but at least we can be intercepted less and have the power to fight back, so that Qiandu will not think that we are easy to bully.”

Su Chengyang frowned when he heard this.

What Yao Wenjing said is not without reason.

Many netizens only search for keywords, and only a very small number of people will visit through domain names.

After all, the two words”Youtuan” are easy to remember, but if you ask him to remember the domain name, there are so many digits that he may not remember it.

However, there are two problems with making your own search engine.

One is the technical aspect.

The second is that after the search engine is made, it is bound to tear its face with Qiandu.

By then, Qiandu Company is likely to block the Youtuan website in the search results.

If Qiandu Company does this when its own search engine has not yet developed, it will have a great negative impact on, and it can be said that it is possible to shake the life and death of

However, if it does not make a search engine, according to the current Qiandu method, the promotion that has spent a lot of money on will be intercepted by Qiandu to its own group buying website. In time, after a long time, it may not be impossible to catch up with

It is equivalent to chronic suicide, slowly consuming the advantages of

“Mr. Li, what do you think?”Su Chengyang looked at Li Xiuyuan.

He wanted to hear his opinion. Upon hearing this, Li Xiuyuan sat up straight and said,”Chairman, I agree with what Mr. Yao said.”

“Anyway, the relationship has been torn apart. Even if we give in, it will not win Qiandu’s favor, unless Qiandu stops doing group buying business, or we, Youtuan, take over Qiandu’s investment.”

“However, judging from previous investments, Qiandu is extremely ambitious and is not willing to be just a shareholder. Otherwise, when was raising funds, Qiandu should have made a bid.”

“At that time, Qiandu did not participate in the bidding, but turned around and quietly launched the Nuomi group purchase. Its ambition was already known to everyone.”

“Since it is irreconcilable, then we can only face the challenge.”

Su Chengyang nodded slightly. He knew all this in his heart, but he thought that the era of mobile Internet was coming, and it seemed that it would be of little use to build a search engine now.

If it were three or four years ago, Su Chengyang would have decided to build a search engine without hesitation.

However, as a reborn person who has experienced the development of the mobile Internet era, Su Chengyang knows that everyone will use smartphones in the future, and there will be very few people using search engines under many apps.

A company with a revenue of 100 billion yuan, the net profit attributable to the parent company is only a few billion, accounting for a few percentage points.

And it is still declining year by year, which can explain a lot of problems.

Another company, which is also engaged in search engines and network security, 360’s market value has plummeted from 50 billion at the beginning to It only has tens of billions, with an annual revenue of only 1.9 billion and a net loss of 200 million.

Although the prospects are not ideal, there are still nearly two years before the rapid development of mobile Internet. These two years are very important for If it cannot gain a firm foothold, it is very likely to fall behind and become the”front wave” in the eyes of others, a flash in the pan.

After sorting out the direction, Su Chengyang has already made a decision in his mind.

Since Qiandu Company wants to fight.

Then fight to the end.

And it’s a life-and-death battle.

Either Qiandu falls or Shanhai falls.

It doesn’t mean that if Qiandu withdraws from the group buying business, the two sides will shake hands and make peace.

Since Su Chengyang is doing search, he must kill Qiandu Search, otherwise what is the point of doing a search engine?

Looking at the people in the conference room, Su Chengyang smiled and said,”I didn’t want to cause trouble,���They are determined to kill us all. Since a handshake won’t make peace, we can only fight to the end.”

“From today we will officially establish the search engine department. If you have any former colleagues or technical talents you know, especially those in search, please recommend us. We welcome your recommendations.”

“Well, today’s meeting ends here, let’s all go home.”

“Mr. Li, please stay.”

Seeing Li Xiuyuan was about to leave, Su Chengyang thought about the payment.

Soon, there were only two people left in the room.

“How is the situation on Yifutong? When will it be able to connect to Youtuan, Weibo and other company platform businesses?”

After the Qiandu incident, Su Chengyang once again paid more attention to the payment business.

It’s okay if Qiandu search intercepts something, it just means less traffic. If there is a problem in the payment process, let alone ten days or half a month, even if it’s a week, it will be a big blow to It may even collapse immediately.

Moreover, the three domestic BAT companies rely on their wealth to threaten emerging startups. If they don’t cooperate, they will suppress them and cut off cooperation.

If Shanhai was not backed by him and had hundreds of billions of yuan as a backing, if it were like other startups, it would probably have been suppressed long ago, and there would be no strength to challenge Penguin.

However, BAT cannot be blamed entirely. Business war is competition. As long as you can win, who cares about the means?

“The project has completed internal testing and is currently undergoing external transaction testing. The next step will be to prioritize access to, Weibo, Panda Live, game platforms, literature and other businesses.”

“about how long?”

“At the latest, you can see Yifutong payment on at the end of this month.”

Su Chengyang nodded, it’s not too late

“Regarding the promotion of Yifutong, I have some ideas, please listen to me”

“You can negotiate with and get an immediate discount of 5 or 8 yuan if you choose Yifutong payment.

In this way, you can attract users to register Yifutong accounts by using the method of immediate discount.”

“The second method is to simplify the card binding process as much as possible, making it easy to understand. You can even launch rewards for new users, that is, to invite friends to open an account and pay with Yifutong. Then not only new users can get rewards, but also the inviter can get a bonus of 2-5 yuan.”

“With this dual marketing, Yifutong Payment can quickly open up the market.”

Li Xiuyuan’s eyes lit up, and he looked at Su Chengyang with admiration, and said:”The two ideas mentioned by the chairman are very good. Through the means of benefits, we can lure users to register”

“I think this will definitely work.”

Su Chengyang smiled. He thought to himself: Nonsense, this is the most effective way for mobile Internet companies to attract new users.

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