RE:Born – Necro

Ch 63 – Punishment for a jealous cutie (18+)

"..." Mary watched in awe as the skeletons slowly poured into the clearing from the nearby trees. But the three who were already there when she showed up. were the ones who struck the most. A gigantic furless wolf, leathery, with bones poking through here and there, a monstrosity created by the fusion of multiple skeletons, and an otherwise common skeleton, but as dark as soot. All three were creatures known only in legends, feared for their hatred towards the living. Yet, the most scary of them was just laying on the ground, being pet by Ace.

"Are you calmer now?" Necro asks, letting go of Mary's hand.

"Kinda..." She answers absentmindedly. It's not that she has really accepted the situation... but more like she became desensitized by the sheer absurdity of all of it.

"Pfew" Necro breathed out a sigh of relief, knowing everything was under control. "You almost freaked me out..."

"Eh? Why?" Mary tilted her head, still bewildered.

"You ask!?" Ace stood up, stopping petting Atanase. "Do you even understand what would happen if you'd ran and told everyone about this?"

"Eh?" Mary batted her eyelids, not really understanding what she meant.

"What she's saying is... We'd have to hunt you down before you could tell anyone... Sorry." Necro told while looking down, still in front of her. "I'm so glad you remained by my side." She took a step forward towards Mary, making Ace, who was strolling towards them, halt with an anguished expression out of jealousy.

Mary had still not digested the meaning behind those words, but the thought was wiped from her head as Necro's sot lips encountered hers once more. Necro kissed her passionately, with a fervor she'd never seen before. Mary felt as if her breath was being stolen from her by the nimble movements of Necro's tongue, and her hand that explored her curves, dipping into her trousers.

Ace, on the other hand, waited, not patiently, but tapping her foot in frustration. Behind her, a certain dog-like entity wagged its bony tail while being pet by an even more bony hand...

Over the last day, the undead followed their orders, keeping themselves completely unknown to anyone, and anything. Aside from doing nothing all day, they hunted every living creature that encroached upon them, leading to measurable improvements. Beyond all, the Dark Skeleton now was more humane, partially returning to his former self, while Abo managed to better coordinate its three souls and minds.

Necro was rejoicing this gleeful outcome by unleashing his might against the helpless Mary. More than anything, she was enjoying the resistive sensation of Mary's muscular ass. It was soft and jiggly, but every now and then, from a different movement of her tongue, Mary's ass cheeks contracted, pushing her hands out as they stiffened.


"Haah~! Haa~"

While Necro let go of her mouth, a string of saliva connected their lips. She took a second to appreciate Mary's lecherous gasps, as her face pleaded for more. Her eyes went down, as her hand contoured Mary's hips, and made her tremble as her fingers explored the wet area between her thighs. Necro smirked as Mary's eyes rolled in pleasure, only to take her hand off of her pants, giving a kiss on her neck and hopping backwards.

'Already!?' A plea emerged in Mary's mind as her eyes widened like those of puppy whose treat was stolen, but seeing Ace's angered demeanor... she got it why.

"I know, I'm sorry... Wait for tonight okay?"

"Yes!!" Mary answered with delight to Necro's apology, who slightly bowed, before turning around and running towards the pouting Ace,clinging onto her neck.

"And you, stop being this jealous!" She said, kissing Ace's nape. "There's"





"both of you." She whispered piece by piece, every word followed by a peck kiss, slowly relaxing Ace's grumpy face into one of pleasure, before kissing her on the lips. But, differently from what she did with Mary, she had a perfectly comfortable surface to push her against. Of course I'm talking about Atanase. While kissing, Necro slowly but surely pushed Ace back, taking small steps, unnoticed, until Ace found herself leaning against Atanase's flank.

"Hah~! Necro, what- AAAHH~!"

Without giving her time to make even a single question, Necro kissed her again, this time, with much more energy. Ace arched herself away from Necro's kiss as she moaned loudly. A small hand had gone underneath her dress, and between her legs, but much to Necro's surprise, she found not the resistance of her undergarments... Instead, her fingers slid right into Ace's dripping wet pussy. Necro smirked at the lewdness of her partner.

"I see you came ready for this..." She whispered in her ear, nibbling on it as she wobbled her index and middle fingers back and forth, making Ace's hips thrust instinctively.

"Yeeeeshh~!!" Ace let out a wet, almost inebriated, moan between her words. Necro used this as a reason to attack her even more salaciously, switching fingers into her middle and ring finger, as she pounded her hand against the flesh, while she kissed Ace's mouth.

"Ahh~! AAhh~! AAAAHHH~!" In a moment's notice, a transparent liquid gushed from the depths of Ace's slid, pouring onto Necro's hand and the ground in front of them, as she slouched onto Atanase, panting.

"Now, that was violent." Necro smirked while looking at Ace's exhausted face. Her legs were still trembling as she tried to stand on her feet, despite most of her weight being supported by Atanase behind her.

"Why..." She managed to voice out, in between the deep breaths that followed her orgasm.

"Because you behaved well despite all." Necro said absentmindedly, kissing Ace on the forehead before covering her bashful nudity from the attentive eyes... or rather, sockets.

"And you guys, stop staring so much!" Necro yelled towards the skeletons who scrambled about, pretending they were doing something else.

'Men...' She thought to herself as she realized one particular creature was behaving even more bashfully.

"Not you Nase... Rather, sorry for using you like this." Necro took two steps to the side, leaning down and patting Atanase's head, who was hidden beneath his paws until a second ago. "I guess you are the only innocent one among all of us..." She muttered to herself, but loud enough for the boneclaw to listen.

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