Reborn little broken ball, I can mod myself

Chapter 43 AI wakes up

"Hi, good morning, officer."

The elevator stopped downstairs. When Tang stepped out of the elevator, he saw a man walking out of the opposite elevator and said hello to him.

"Good morning, Wendy," Tang greeted her.

Wendy is a clerk at Liberty Bank and goes out at about the same time as Tang every day.

The only difference between today and the past is that the place where the two of them greeted each other in the past should be a nearby store.

Because according to the operating logic, Tang will go to a nearby store to buy a sandwich for breakfast after going out, and Wendy's is one minute behind Tang, just behind Tang.

Tang took breakfast, saw Wendy, and said hello.

This was how the two met most mornings.

But today, because Tang was a minute late, the meeting place between the two was moved to the elevator downstairs.

As for why Wendy has a name, it’s because she is a slightly more important NPC than Tang and will participate in a triggering side quest.

But that has nothing to do with now.

After saying hello, the two of them didn't know what to say - this was not set in the program.

So the two of them walked out of the building where they lived side by side and walked to a nearby breakfast restaurant together.

But obviously, since we are in the "free city", how can the morning be so ordinary, even a little plain and warm?

Boom boom——

Bang bang bang!

Along with the sound of a motor engine, a series of gunshots sounded from not far away.

"Should I go there? No, there is no crime level, so there is no need to go." Tang paused for a moment, but soon an idea came to his mind and he continued to walk forward.


At this moment, a round of bullets came from the side.

Wendy and Tang were shot several times at the same time and fell to the ground.

"I'm one star too, hurry up, get ready to start a happy day!" Before losing consciousness, Tang vaguely heard this sentence——

It's a new day.

It's the same tall building, that's the same floor.

Tang opened his eyes and heard a familiar voice again.

"Those weird guys again, yesterday." There was a trace of doubt in Tang's eyes. Then, he stood up and did not enter the toilet as usual. Instead, he came to the mirror and touched his chest, "Yesterday. Yesterday, I was shot. ?”

The place he touched was exactly where he was shot yesterday!

But the strange thing is that when he opened his clothes, he found no bullet marks on his body, not even any signs of injury!

"I was shot, but I'm not dead. There's not even a trace of being shot! Is it an illusion?" Tang muttered to himself, but his body followed the instructions of the program and left the mirror and walked into the bathroom.

After washing up, he went to the closet, opened it, and took a set of identical clothes from the two rows.

I came to the mirror again, dressed in the mirror, and fixed my hair.

At this time, the clock on the wall stopped at 8:02.

But Tang still didn't care.

Although he had a vague feeling that something was wrong, and this feeling became stronger and stronger, Tang still followed the instructions of the program and took the elevator downstairs, ready to start his day.

Click click click——

As soon as he got out of the elevator, Tang saw a plump figure, swaying, just walking out of the building's door.

He knew it was Wendy.

However, he had never noticed that Wendy's figure turned out to be so good, with bulging front and back, sexy and hot, the shirt on her upper body was ready to come out, and the one-step skirt and flesh-colored stockings on her lower body added a bit of charm to her dignity.

Wendy obviously didn't notice Tang's presence as she walked all the way down the street and headed straight for the store.

Tang saw this and followed him.

When we were about to arrive at the breakfast shop, we heard the roar of engines and the faint sound of gunshots in the distance.

Tang was stunned for a moment, and then his heart trembled.

This feeling is so familiar!

At this moment, a motorcycle came speeding from ahead.

There were two people sitting on the motorcycle. The one in the front was driving and wore a strange pumpkin hood on his face. The one in the back was wearing a cat head, holding a submachine gun, laughing and firing wantonly.

"Crime level, one star!" Tang's eyes lit up, he took out his baton from his waist and trotted forward.

Boo hoo hoo——

A round of bullets shot over and knocked down the beautiful girl Wendy who was walking in front.

Tang subconsciously ducked to the side. The bullet hit the trash can but did not penetrate.

"There is a police NPC over there, let's go kill him." said Mao Maotou, the shooter.

"Just one, forget it, find a place with more space to brush. I made a code, just in time to try it." Pumpkin Head, who was driving, replied.

"Then let's go."

The two of them didn't stay too long and passed by in a roar.

Tang stood up from behind the trash can and stared blankly at the direction the motorcycle was leaving.

He suddenly felt strange.

Why do they want to kill people for fun?

Is this really fun?

Tang walked to Wendy who was lying on the ground. The blood had flowed from her body to the ground, like a blooming red rose.

Looking at Wendy's face, with a bright smile on it, it seemed that she had not expected that death would come so suddenly.

"Wendy." Tang silently muttered.

It wasn't that there was any sadness in his heart, but a word called "pathetic" suddenly appeared in his mind.

Although he still didn't know why, Wendy's two deaths, and his own death and almost death, made him vaguely aware that he and Wendy, and even many people in this city, were experiencing this kind of "being... In the cycle of "kill-resurrect-kill".

"What kind of existence are those guys?"

Tang thought of Pumpkin Head and Cat Head riding motorcycles.

If a normal person were to wear that kind of hood, it would be difficult to see the road clearly, let alone drive at such a high speed on a motorcycle.

The same goes for the cat head. It seems that she is shooting randomly, but if you look closely, you will find that the locations where she shoots are always where there are pedestrians.

After thinking for a while, Tang couldn't figure it out. He glanced at Wendy again and walked forward.

Since it will be resurrected tomorrow, let it go.

He quickly returned to his original appearance, walked into the space between the fallen bodies on the roadside, and walked into the convenience store.

In the convenience store, there were several people queuing up to buy breakfast, and some were sitting at tables on the side eating.

"John, have a sandwich and a cup of coffee." After queuing for a while, Tang took out a banknote and put it on the table.

"Okay, good morning, officer."

"Good morning."

Tang picked up the sandwich and coffee and found a seat to sit down.

After sitting down, he looked around.

Those who read newspapers and those who chatted seemed very leisurely.

It seemed that none of them noticed that there was a shooting outside just now, and many people were killed and injured.

The strange feeling in Tang's heart became stronger and stronger.

"Is there something wrong with this world?"

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