Reborn little broken ball, I can mod myself

Chapter 15 Elegantly No. 0

After some explanations from No. 0, Sha Minghui finally understood No. 0's identity.

Zero shaped himself into a machine race living on Luyuan Star. He had been in a state of slumber in the past and only recently woke up.

The existence of aliens is not a secret to upper-class people like Sha Minghui, "I am quite wealthy."

Sha Minghui accepted Zero's statement immediately.

Moreover, he also showed great enthusiasm for Zero's idea of ​​reviving the machine race.

For this reason, he even gave up all the cars in the underground garage to Zero.

You know, although the value of these cars is not as high as the Zero, each one is not cheap, and when they are all added up, it is also a large sum.

And his request is also very simple, that is, after Zero resurrects the clansmen, one of them can completely obey his orders.

This requirement is not difficult for Zero.

As long as he can really turn cars and the like into mechanical tribesmen, then he will be their "reborn parent".

According to the records in [Fire], the mechanical clan is actually very hierarchical, divided into five classes from low to high:

The lowest level is the servant level, which is a mechanical race activated by [Fire] radiating electronic products. It exists as a vassal to the owner of [Fire]. It has a certain degree of autonomy, but has 100% obedience to [Fire]. .

The second level is the citizen level, which is the normal mechanical race with autonomous consciousness. Just like the name of this level, they are the "citizens" of the mechanical race.

The third level is the elite level. Compared with the citizen level, they have more powerful abilities. They can command at least a dozen citizen-level mechanical tribes during wartime and are the backbone of the mechanical tribe.

The fourth level is the leader level. The leader level is the elite among the elites, and they should be the ones with some unique abilities. Under normal circumstances, the leader level is the supreme leader of the mechanical tribe.

The fifth level is the Cybertron level. Just like its name, there is only one person at this level, Cybertron, the home planet of the mechanical race.

From the perspective of talent, No. 0 should be at the leader level, but from the perspective of overall strength, he may only be at the citizen level, or even the servant level.

But no matter what, even if it is a fake leader level, it is still a leader level.

Unless a Cybertron suddenly emerges, or a more powerful leader defeats Zero.

Otherwise, No. 0’s status will be unshakable!

The only thing that limits Zero now is the energy in his [Fire Source].

However, compared to the other two "good brothers" who almost had to start from scratch, his life was not very comfortable with a "big dog" behind him.

[Fire source] The energy required is actually very complex, such as gasoline, diesel, or electric energy. Higher-level nuclear energy is better and has higher replenishment efficiency.

Of course, the best thing is actually a kind of space crystal, which is the most commonly used thing by the mechanical tribe to replenish energy. Unfortunately, there is no such space crystal to be mined near Lu Yuan Star.

Even if there were, with the current aerospace technology of Lu Yuanxing civilization, there would be no way to conduct space operations.

After that, Sha Minghui used his connections to find a large power plant for Zero. Without affecting the normal power supply, he built several separate power generation units specifically for Zero to replenish energy.

With such a provision regardless of cost, the energy in Zero's [Fire Source] was quickly filled up.

According to calculations, the standard for producing citizen-level machines has been reached.

So this day.

Sha Minghui and Zero have moved their residence to a relatively empty place outside the city.

Sha Minghui bought a large freight warehouse here as a temporary residence for the mechanical clan.

In the corner of the warehouse, there is an open space.

It was originally used to place the power generation set purchased by Sha Minghui.

But later it was discovered that the efficiency of generating electricity was too low, and it would be better to consume gasoline directly.

So, this became a place for unloading.

Sha Minghui put all the extra power generation units on the other side, preparing to use them for energy production in the future.

I saw several sealed oil tanks placed throughout the open space, and a large robot stood in front of the oil tanks, holding the oil tanks "tons, tons, tons."

After a while, the oil tank was so empty.


Zero put the oil can in his hand back on the ground and wiped his mouth.

Of course, the gasoline he consumed was not actually in his stomach, but was directly converted into energy by the [fire source] and stored.

After these days of unremitting efforts and eating out every day, his [fire source] energy reserve reached 3%.

And it only takes 2% of the energy reserves to create a citizen-level robot.

Zero stood up and walked to the other side of the warehouse.

"Sir," a small mechanical race with a height of only about 2 meters came over.

This is one of the servant machines activated by Zero Radiation. Its body is a motorcycle, and it is also one of Sha Minghui's collections.

In exchange, Zero graciously gave up its naming rights.

So Sha Minghui named it: Hot Wheels, which is said to be the name of a character in an unknown cartoon he had seen that was born during the cataclysm a hundred years ago.

Number Zero didn't care what his subordinates were called, whether it was Hot Wheels, Flying Wheel or Fahrenheit, as long as they were his servants, the Machine Tribe.

Hot Wheels is a scientific research-oriented servant machine. After being activated, Zero gave him some of the information he obtained from the fire source and asked him to build a building with several other servant machines that were activated one after another. A mechanical modification workshop.

Afterwards, Sha Minghui provided the vehicle he wanted to transform - a sports car with red flames and bright yellow thunder patterns.

According to Sha Minghui, this sports car was a birthday gift from his elder sister when he came of age.

Although it is not a supercar, its price reaches several million.

Just because the car is getting older, Sha Minghui rarely drives it anymore.

But that doesn't make him any less fond of the car.

He also named the car Thunder Fire.

It's based on the pattern on the car.

In the past few days, under the leadership of Hot Wheels, Zero's servant machines have completed a complete remodeling of Thunder Fire. Basically, only the outer shell has been retained, and all the inner core parts have been replaced.

This is because this thunderous sports car is the citizen-level machine race that Zero wants to revive!

At the same time, this will also be the first clan member of No. 0!

"Hurry up, why are you dragging on?" Sha Minghui pushed No. 0's metal calf behind him, urging him to move forward.

But his power is nothing to Zero.

No. 0 was still walking slowly, opened his side, took out a piece of paper with two fingers, and wiped the corners of his mouth gracefully: "I'm not in a hurry."

Sha Minghui complained: "You are a robot, how can you pretend to be elegant?"

"I am the first descendant of the great Cybertron and the prince of the mechanical race. Is there anything wrong with being elegant?" Zero disagreed.

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