Reborn in the 70s, emptied the enemy's warehouses and went to the countryside

Chapter 666: Does he have the right to arrest people?

After being beaten, Zeng Guang huddled up and secretly cried out: if he had known he would be caught, he would not have parachuted into Qingshan County if he was beaten to death.

The most unlucky among these people were undoubtedly Chen Feihu and his son. They thought they would make a lot of money by taking advantage of the situation, but they did not expect that they would go to jail.

I don't know how long this prison sentence will last. One of them is regretful, the other is afraid.

Chen Dajiang kept kowtowing to Wang Facai and begging for mercy. They were all relatives, so let him go. He knew he was wrong.

Listen, these people are all relatives, so Chen Dajiang was able to send letters of collaboration to Wang's family to frame Wang for making a fortune.

But Wang Facai wants to let him go. If he doesn't let him go, will he not be a relative?

Chen Feihu also kept repenting next to him. Chen Feihu really regretted it. He didn't expect that he would break the law when he was old.

Where does this put his old face?

Moreover, the crime seemed quite serious, and Chen Feihu felt that he was going to become the sinner of the Chen family.

At this moment, Chen Feihu only regretted that he failed to teach Chen Dajiang well and let Chen Dajiang go astray.

He should have corrected Chen Dajiang as soon as he found out that he had gone astray, instead of following Chen Dajiang all the way to the dark side for money.

Alas, it's too late to say anything now, it's too late!

Wang Facai would not be soft-hearted to his enemies, nor would he be soft-hearted to enemies who wanted to harm him, so Wang Facai persuaded the two to confess.

You must know that you will be treated leniently if you confess, and you will be treated harshly if you resist. If you don’t confess early and make meritorious service now, you will have no chance in the future.

Chen Dajiang and Chen Feihu were not resolute people to begin with, and with just a few words, they were able to persuade them to nod in agreement.

It's just that the ice and snow are not the place for interrogation now, so we can only escort this group of people and rush to Wangzhuang Brigade.

By the time they arrived at Wangzhuang and were in line, it was already mid-afternoon. Xu Lin took the first step to inform Aunt Wang that they were preparing a big pot of rice.

When Wang Facai and his team arrive, they will be able to eat hot rice immediately. As for Zeng Guang and the gang of prisoners, hey, eat shit!

Xu Lin didn't care about the interrogation. She went directly back to the Educated Youth Home to catch up on her sleep. It was different for the others. No matter how busy they were with their studies, they couldn't help but go and watch the excitement.

It was a very rare scene of catching a bunch of people, and it would feel wrong if you didn’t see it.

After Tu Hai and the others had eaten, they did not leave in a hurry, but went directly to the empty room of the brigade headquarters for interrogation.

The first people to confess were Chen Dajiang and his son. Neither of them were heroes, nor did they have strong bones.

It's a pity that the two of them didn't know much. Chen Dajiang would be attracted by that big fish and make a poisonous plan. The most important thing was Chen Feihu's ability.

It can be said that without Chen Feihu leading the way last night, Zeng Guang and the others would have wandered around in the mountains and would not have been able to find the entrance so quickly.

However, Chen Dajiang's frame-up of Wang Facai is real and cannot be denied, so Chen Dajiang's guilt is still very high.

Song Erniu was the toughest-spoken member of the Thinking Committee, but no matter how tough-talking he was, he was not as powerful as Tu Hai and the others.

In fact, Tu Hai didn't do anything. He just brought a few pieces of ice from outside and placed them under the soles of Song Erniu's feet and buttocks.

Song Erniu couldn't hold on for half an hour. It was cold. It was too cold. Song Erniu suspected that he would freeze to death if he didn't explain.

Song Erniu had never dealt with Zeng Guang and Zeng Shou, but the big backer behind Song Erniu was Hou Changming, deputy director of the Municipal Thought Committee.

That man and Zeng Shou were old acquaintances, so when Zeng Shou approached Hou Changming, Hou Changming agreed without even thinking about it.

Hou Changming knew very well how rich the Xu family was back then. If he could get 10% of the Xu family's treasure, it would be enough to make the Hou family rich for several generations.

What's more, what Zeng Shou promised was 30% profit, which was enough to make Hou Changming crazy.

Of course, the 30% profit was not so easy to get. Hou Changming had to help Zeng Guang load the treasure onto the train, and then transport it all the way to Huacheng.

As for why Hou Changming dared to agree, it was naturally because Hou Changming had connections in the Ministry of Railways.

Otherwise Zeng Shou would not have found Hou Changming.

Song Erniu knew so much because he was cautious and investigated secretly.

In order to please Hou Changming and get promoted, Song Erniu often sent good things to Hou Changming.

The law enforcement officer in charge of the interrogation had his eyes lit up. After completing the interrogation, he immediately reported to Tu Hai and asked Tu Hai to order the arrest.

Tu Hai heard a dark clue. He was the deputy director of the city's ideological committee. Did he have the right to arrest people?

But it doesn't matter if he doesn't have rights. Tu Hai took out his cell phone and started shaking people. He didn't have rights and he wouldn't go to someone with rights.

Soon Xu Lin's cell phone rang. Xu Lin, who had already gone on a date with Zhou Gong, heard Tu Hai's loud voice before she opened her eyes.

After hearing Tu Hai's request, Xu Lin shut herself up for a while. Should she be used for such a small matter as arresting someone?

At this moment, Xu Lin felt that it would be a pleasure to cooperate with Wang Mingliang. Wang Mingliang would not encounter problems like Tu Hai when handling the case.

However, Xu Lin thought of Han Hong when she heard that Hou Changming had a relationship with people from the Ministry of Railways.

It just so happened that Han Hong was leading a group of brothers to handle this case. Maybe Hou Changming's case would be a breakthrough.

Regardless of whether Hou Changming was present or not, Hou Changming was involved with Hong Kong City and the enemy agents.

As long as Han Hong is involved in this kind of case, he can handle the case in a big way, so those who secretly cause trouble will not dare to continue to make trouble.

If this stumbling block catches fire and turns them into people involved with the enemy, those people will cry to death.

Xu Lin hung up Tu Hai's phone and immediately called Han Hong to tell Han Hong about Tu Hai's findings and asked Han Hong if he had any ideas.

Han Hong, who received the call, was very thoughtful. He was worried that he couldn't find a suitable breakthrough point, so Xu Lin gave one as a gift.

Moreover, Hou Changming's case is a major one, so there is even more space to exploit.

Without saying a word, Han Hong hurried to the city with his brothers. He was afraid that Hou Changming would get the news and run away, so he even asked his old comrades to come out to help arrest the people.

Han Hong is more urgent than Xu Lin about this case.

She thought that if she handed over the job of arresting people, nothing would happen to her, but Xu Lin received another call from Tu Hai an hour later.

This time Tu Hai still asked Xu Lin to help arrest people, but there was no other way. Fu Dongshan had a bigger backer.

"Xu Zhiqing is sorry. There is really nothing we can do this time. You don't know who the biggest backer behind Fu Dongshan is."

"I know." Xu Lin replied weakly with three words. Can it be said that she had already seen it from Fu Dongshan's face?

I thought that Fu Dongshan would not recruit a big backer, but Xu Lin wanted to remind Tu Hai a few words, but she didn't expect Fu Dongshan to be so useless.

With curiosity, Xu Lin asked: "How did you interrogate Fu Dongshan?"

"I didn't do much interrogation. I just got a few ice skates and put them under Fu Dongshan's butt."

Tu Hai blushed after saying this. He really didn't come up with this trick. It was invented by other colleagues from Song Erniu.

Not to mention that the ice skate is really easy to use!

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