Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system

89 – Settling In

Cirucci sighed. "Just ignore him. He isn't the only one like that here. If he gives you any trouble you can come to me," she said still trying to ingratiate the girls to her.

Hisashi just shook his head. It had already been shown he could probably stand up against Grimmjow and she should know Nelliel definitely could stand up to Grimmjow so why would Harribel or the Tres Bestias go to Cirucci for help in dealing with Grimmjow?

Nelliel quickly found her spot on his arm again now that the fight was over as if nothing had happened in the first place. She wasn't worried as she could interfere if she needed to.

"Next time I will kick his ass myself," Apacci said.

Mila Rose smirked. "If I don't get to him first," she chimed in.

Sung-Sun chuckled. "Sure, I'll leave the troublesome stuff to you two," she said.

Cirucci smiled. "I wouldn't underestimate him too much. He might be one of our newer members, but he is quite powerful among those below us Espada," she said.

Apacci snorted. "Well Jack didn't have any problems getting rid of him last time," she retorted.

To avoid the remote chance that Aizen might have investigated the poor human that White killed and managed to remember its name he had convinced the others to act like his name was Jack A. Boreas. Although it was a stretch for Aizen to remember an insignificant human that happened to stumble upon one of his operations around two decades ago he wouldn't put it past him either so he would prefer not to risk it by using his human name with anyone he didn't trust entirely in Las Noches.

Cirucci raised her brow realising him stopping Grimmjow before hadn't been a fluke despite him only being a Vasto Lorde. It seemed her goal was getting tougher as she wasn't only competing with Nelliel to get their respect, but it seemed this guy might be troublesome too.

Loly and Menoly eventually led them to their new quarters. By the time they got there Loly had regained her composure and her haughtiness seeped back into her behaviour. It seemed even saving her once could only do so much with her innate personality.

Loly opened the door to their quarters. "You will be staying here for now until your positions in Las Noches are determined," she said. She didn't wait any further and just left without even saying goodbye. Menoly seemed unsure, but quickly ran after her to catch up.

Apacci ran into their new quarters excited to explore.

Nelliel smiled pulling Hisashi by the arm into their new home. "Let's go explore," she said excitedly.

Hisashi chuckled lightly. "Alright, alright," he agreed.

The others joined after them to explore their new home for the foreseeable future.

Cirucci smiled. "I'll let you all explore your new quarters. I look forward to seeing more of you," she said before also leaving them alone.

Harribel simply nodded and closed the door after her.

"Wait for me," Sung-Sun said slithering after them.

There was a large main room along with some hallways that contained smaller rooms. Some things of note were the lack of a kitchen and the bathrooms didn't contain toilets. It made sense though since Hollow didn't eat regular food nor had a need to go to the bathroom. Everything was practically empty though so they would need to figure out what to do regarding decorating the place. 

It appeared to be a suite the size of a small mansion. It was a little strange from human perspective since despite its size it wasn't a separate building. Instead it was part of Las Noches' greater structure. The unusually smooth white walls and tiled floors giving off a cold atmosphere rather than something one could consider a home. It was still preferable to the sandy desert that made up most of Hueco Mundo or even their cave hideout.

At least the suite seemed to be on an exterior wall. Or was it an interior wall since it was all in the huge dome of Las Noches? Either way there were windows and they let in some of the still cold moon light.

Since each Espada had their own palace they probably wouldn't be staying there all that long since at least one of them was likely going to become an Espada soon. They would need at least one of them to do so to facilitate them sticking together under an Espada rather than joining someone else.

It turned out things in Las Noches didn't move that much faster than they did in the rest of Hueco Mundo as they wouldn't be getting transformed into Arrancar right away. There will still tasks to be done and tests to participate in before they would be allowed to become Arrancar.

After everyone got settled down Hisashi was relaxing in his own room. They didn't need anything like sleep, but it was nice sometimes to simply relax and not think about anything. The bedroom door creaked open and Nelliel's head poked from behind it. She quietly snuck onto the bed with him curling up against him like she had gotten used to during the time they spent together before getting to Las Noches. Since he had already gotten used to it he didn't say anything about it and let her do as she pleased.

They spent the first few days getting settled while the girls furnished and decorated their quarters at least to the extent that was available in Hueco Mundo. Hisashi only really got a say over the decoration of his own room. It seems even if they were Hollow instead of human that didn't mean they weren't women after all.

One thing that was a little surprising was just how empty Las Noches seemed. Even if there were more Arrancar than shown in the show Las Noches was absolutely huge so it actually wasn't that hard to spend a day without running in to anyone else. On top of that most of the Arrancar weren't very sociable. The only one that had come to visit them at all had been Cirucci who still seemed to be trying to win over the girls though she was wary of Nelliel.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon. Currently 17+ chapters ahead.

Writing Soundtrack: Wake Me - Various Tracks

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