Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system

87 – First Impressions

Given that there were already 10 other Arrancar besides Aizen there those were probably the Espada. Since Grimmjow wasn't among them it seemed he had not yet managed to become one of the Espada yet. Some of the Privaron Espada from the series were also still Espada.

Most of them looked at them with some curiosity, but as Espada they weren't too bothered. They felt the newcomers might be impressive outside of Las Noches, but within Las Noches' walls they felt there were plenty of others on their level.

The one that stood out most was Nnoitra who was staring at Nelliel with a look that could kill. After he finally felt he had gotten the upper hand over her and dumped her disgraced ass outside of Las Noches here she was once again as if all he did was for nothing.

Nelliel just returned his glare neutrally as she always had.

Aizen smiled spreading his hands theatrically. "Welcome to Las Noches, so what have you decided on?" he said.

Hisashi stepped forward ahead of the others smiling back at Aizen. "We would like to join," he responded for their group.

Aizen nodded and clapped his hands once with satisfaction. "Excellent. I'm so glad to hear that. Welcome to Las Noches," he said.

Dordoni stood up with a wide smile. "Welcome!" he bellowed excitedly.

Gantenbainne nodded in agreement, but most of the other Arrancar paid them no heed. The only other exception was Cirucci.

"Finally some more women, it was getting so boring with all these guys," she said completely ignoring Loly and Menoly.

She looked over at Nelliel. "Also welcome back Nelliel" she said.

Nelliel gave her a polite nod. "Thank you Cirucci," she said.

Hisashi expected she wouldn't be as excited about their arrival if she realised it meant soon she would likely lose her position as an Espada.

Nelliel already was powerful enough to replace one of the Espada. Once they became Arrancar Harribel definitely was powerful enough to replace another since she had been Espada Numéro Très in the original timeline. Not to mention Apacci, Sung-Sun, and Mila Rose each of which actually stood a good chance at becoming one now that they had become Vasto Lorde before even joining. Lastly there was of course himself. The only ones in the group with no potential to become one would be Nelliel's Fracción who had their masks completely removed to cripple them.

Apacci frowned at Cirucci.

Sung-Sun smiled. "So nice to meet you too," she said.

Hisashi could tell it wasn't one of her genuine smiles though, unlike Apacci Sung-Sun tried to avoid making enemies when she could.

"Sure..." Mila Rose said uncaringly.

Tier and Nelliel didn't give any further reaction. 

Cirucci seemed she wanted to talk more with them.

Hisashi looked over all those there again. They were effectively in the snake pit now. "It's nice to meet you all too," he said.

Cirucci snorted and looked away. It seemed he was less welcome than the girls were. He just ignored it though, like Loly he wasn't someone he was particularly looking forward to getting to know. Even if she was totally his type that was purely physically. Like Loly her personality was an entirely different matter.

"Are we still needed here?" Ulquiorra asked emotionlessly.

Aizen sighed, but shook his head. "No," he said.

Ulquiorra simply nodded and left without even speaking with them. Aaroniero followed shortly after.

Nnoitra was still glaring at Nelliel who continued to ignore him. His knuckles white from being clenched so tightly.

Szayelaporro was giving them an intrigued look, but said nothing.

Barragan was looking at Harribel with some disgruntlement, however it was nothing like the way Nnoitra was towards Nelliel. Hisashi knew this wasn't something to be concerned about since Barragan and Harribel got along well enough in Las Noches despite their history in the original so he doubted it would be different this time around. He was more concerned about what Nnoitra might try.

"We still need to talk about turning you into Arrancar, but first let's get you settled in. Loly... Menoly... please show our new members their quarters," he said.

The two girls nodded obsequiously. Hisashi always found their behaviour strange. Hollow might bow to the stronger party, but it was rare for them to do so so willingly. Usually there was resistance and desire to overthrow. This went for ones like Grimmjow and Nnoitra. However he didn't sense that from the two of them. The alternative was ones like Ulquiorra that didn't seem rebellious even when they kneeled, but just didn't have the motivation to overthrow those above them.

"We'd like shared quarters," Harribel said taking the lead.

They had decided to at least for now have Harribel act like she was the leader publicly since that was the assumption Aizen had made given that she had been the leader of the Tres Bestias. This would allow them to hide Hisashi's position a little from the rest of Las Noches and get the others to underestimate him some. The other option would have been Nelliel, but though she was powerful and caring she didn't make for a great leader.

Loly raised her eyebrow looking over their entire group. "All of you?" she asked.

Harribel nodded slightly. "Yes, we have been sharing the same cave for so long, we've grown accustomed to living together," she said.

"Even the guys?" Loly asked.

Harribel glanced over at Hisashi for a moment then simply nodded.

Hisashi couldn't help but smirk a little hearing her request for them to live together. Harribel noticed and rolled her eyes, but didn't say anything.

"Okay, follow us," Loly said.

"I look forward to our cooperation," Aizen said sporting his creepy fake smile.

They all bowed before heading out after the two girls. Nnoitra hadn't stopped flaring until they left the room. Hisashi was convinced he would be looking for trouble soon enough. Thankfully he had healed Nelliel who was powerful enough to defeat him all by herself, let alone the rest of them being around. Nnoitra wasn't above taking advantage of their weaker members though so everyone would need to be on their guard.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon. Currently 13+ chapters ahead.

Writing Soundtrack: Imagine Dragons - Various Tracks

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