Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system

77 – Change In Plans

'Wait, that's not a Bleach ability,' Hisashi thought in confusion seeing the reward.

It took him a while before he could remember what it was from. It had been decades since his reincarnation after all. He had made sure to go over his memories regarding Bleach quite a bit the moment he found out he was in the Bleach universe, but his memories of other properties had faded even further.

If he recalled correctly it was a skill or technique from ZombiePowder. A prior property by Tite Kubo, the same creator that created Bleach. He didn't remember much about it though. The zanjutsu part of the name made it clear it would involve swords and he remembered something about fire, but that was the extent of it. He wouldn't complain about being offered a skill though.

Going over the mission itself made him contemplate the goal more.

It was definitely something he really wanted to do and if it was a mission given to him it should be something he could achieve somehow. His system had yet to give him a mission he couldn't achieve. He hadn't managed to completely figure out how to complete the Hōgyoku mission, but even there he was slowly making progress figuring out how to achieve it and he suspected it too must be possible if it was being offered at all and this mission at least wasn't dangerous like that one was.

'Show my my status,' he told his system after some consideration.

=Notification Summary=

[+9,112,740 XP from Hollow]

[+446,600 Spirit Power from Hollow]

[+410,872 Spirit Power from Spiritual Energy Absorption]

[+30 Levels]

[+30 Stat points]

=Status Panel=

[Name: Saito Hisashi]

[Soul Age: 58]

[Race: Hollow]

[Rank: Vasto Lorde]

[Level: 230 -> 260]

[XP: 231,790/265,650]


[Strength: 325]

[Dexterity: 651]

[Constitution: 150]

[Intelligence: 250]

[Spirit Power: 3,048,941 -> 3,906,413]

[Available Stat Points: 0 -> 30]

=Passive Skills:=

[Spiritual Energy Absorption]

[Ultra-Speed Regeneration]

[Acidic Touch]


=Active Skills:=

[Soul-Body Separation]

[Spirit Power Concealment]

[Illusory Aura]


[Energy Blade]


[Hachigyō Sōgai]




[Skill Infusion]


Looking over his skills he finally put together that he might be able to use [Skill Infusion] to temporarily grant [Ultra-Speed Regeneration] to Nel Tu increasing her regeneration massively and speeding up her recovery. Since it was capable of repairing his own mask it should be able to do the same for Nel Tu for the duration she has it. Even if it takes multiple attempts it should at least make some progress every time at worst.

During one of his returns to their hideout he pulled aside Nel Tu.

She seemed excited by the attention. "What's up Hitashi?" she asked.

Hisashi hesitated for a moment. Part of him felt guilty. Currently Nel Tu was enjoying her life to the fullest due to her amnesia. If he healed her that might very well go away, but on the other hand if he didn't he would be forcing a risk on her with what would be happening between the things going on in Las Noches and what Soul Society and Ichigo's group would be doing.

He looked at her cracked mask. He reached out caressing the damaged area gently. "If I could heal you faster, would you want me to?" he asked her deciding to still bring it up, but leave the choice to her.

Nel Tu went quiet for a while and seemed in thought which was unusual for her. 

She eventually nodded to herself seeming to have made up her mind. "If I do can I protect all my big brothers and sisters?" she asked.

Hisashi sighed looking at the cute girl. "Maybe..." he said hesitantly.

"I can't guarantee you will be able to protect all of us, but you would be able to help us," he continued.

"Then heal me," she said.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

She gave him a firm nod.

He placed his blade on her mask softly caressing the crack in it as he began infusing [Ultra-Speed Regeneration] with his entire pool of spirit power.

She looked up at him curiously with her big brown eyes.

At first he thought nothing was happening, but after inspecting closer he could see the crack slowly closing up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was a bit of a letdown no magical transformation yet, but at least it seemed to be working as it was healing much faster than it was before. Now all he could do was continue to infuse [Ultra-Speed Regeneration] to maintain the healing and hope that once the crack had healed completely she would regain her original form, strength, and memories.

Before moving on he took another look at his system. 'Put 25 points into Constitution and the rest into Dexterity,' he ordered the system trying to maximise his survivability.

[Dexterity: 651 -> 656]

[Constitution: 150 -> 175]

[Available Stat Points: 30 -> 0]

Hisashi continued hunting, but would return much more regular. No longer would he stay away for weeks at a time. All so he could keep recharging [Ultra-Speed Regeneration] on Nel Tu before it ran out for her to heal as fast as possible.

Nel Tu was just happy she could see her big brother more even when she didn't join him on his trips out. Playing games with him was her favourite pastime after all.

Harribel was happy to find out her little Nel Tu was being healed unaware that this would make the relationship between the two quite a bit more awkward. Adult Nelliel was quite different from child Nel Tu with her amnesia. It would be hard for her to baby a mature and adult Nelliel after all. That was just a concern the two of them would need to work out at that point.

Thankfully a couple weeks was all it took and Nel Tu's cracked mask was on the verge of being healed entirely.

The moment they were all spectating as the last remaining fractions of the crack were filling in they were surprised when a massive amount of spirit pressure started leaking from Nel Tu who just seemed to be in some kind of trance. Hisashi immediately threw up a [Hachigyō Sōgai] barrier to cover it up.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon. Currently 18+ chapters ahead.

Writing Soundtrack: Sub Urban - Various Tracks

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