Reborn in a daimyo’s court-Naruto SI

Chapter 25-The War Changes!

Chapter 25


"What?" he questioned once more as the servant reported the news.

"Indeed, my lord. The Daimyo-sama passed away in the morning," and the words shook him to the core, for he had received little news about the daimyo-sama's illness, and the news of his death was rather out of the blue.

"How?" he questioned after a second, trying to piece together the whole picture.

The servant handed him the missive as he began.

"The daimyo-sama fell down a few days ago, and had been bedridden ever since, and only passed away in the morning, though we are yet to receive the official word from the capital, this letter arrived from the Fourth Prince's aide telling us of his passing," the servant finished just as he finished skimming over the contents of the missive.

"Could it be a lie?" Shinohara-san cut in from the side and he shook his head.

"No," he was quick to shut down the notion.

"The Fourth Prince wouldn't lie over something like this. I believe that the reason we are yet to receive word from the capital is that someone is trying to suppress the news, but word will soon get out," he reasoned as he rubbed his chin, his mind racing as he thought of just how this might affect his plans.

"Then this changes things, my lord," Shinohara-san added from the side, taking a sip of his tea.

"Indeed," he agreed with him as he dismissed the servant, leaving him alone with Shinohara-san once more.

"The Third Prince, Tatsuya, would probably move to capture the capital to try and force the nobles into swearing their fealty to him. I believe the recent rumors about movements around the city of Zarawi outside the capital were connected to these developments," and the old samurai nodded.

"Yes, I believe so as well, but the daimyo-sama didn't name any specific heir for his position, so I believe the nobles would not be so easily persuaded to fear their fealties," the old man reasoned out, and he nodded along.

"Yes, and most importantly, the Third Prince's main pillar of strength is his relationship with Lord Mahiro. If we can neutralize that and gain a semblance of control over these lands, we will put a massive dent in his plans," he concluded, telling his plan.

"Then so be it. The plans will remain the same then. We gather our forces and attack the Mahiro lands," and he nodded.

"Yes, reject any offer of parley and negotiations. Gather men post haste so that we can mount an attack rather quickly," he ordered.

"I believe I might be able to make Lord Mahiro blunder a bit," he said with a small smirk, making the old man narrow his eyes.

"What kind of blunder?" Shinohara-san questioned, and he looked the man in the eye

As he cryptically answered.

"One that would kill two birds with one stone," and he didn't elaborate further, for if the man were to learn of his plans, he would absolutely not let him go through with it.

"And may I inquire what this blunder actually entails?" the old man questioned, and Akihito gulped down and shook his head.

"No, you may not," he answered, and the old man shook his head as he made to stand up.

"And Shinohara-san," he stopped the man as he was about to get up.

"Yes, Akihito-sama," he asked.

"Send letters to Lord Hattori and Saegusa, and please enlighten them about the benefits of remaining neutral in the conflict ahead, for I believe it would be quite troublesome if both of them were to team up against us," and the old man.

"I will see that appropriate message is conveyed, he acquiesced, and Akihito nodded as the door was closed once more, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

His eyes went to the second part of the message from the Furth Prince, Suzuki's entourage. Of all his brothers, him and Suzuki were closest with them, having struck a unique friendship over the years based on certain mutual agreement.

And it seemed he was set in his way as well and had already left the capital.

"Good luck, Suzuki," he uttered as he lay down once more, hoping to recover as much as he could before the final battle began.



Danzo stood in his lair deep under the expansive village in a vast network of tunnels as he read the report from his informants, a sense of unease growing with each word he read.

"The young jito was not only able to defend himself but is in a prime position to launch a deadly counterattack," he concluded as he recalled the emergency message he had received from Lord Mahiro, prompting him to act against the said Lord to secure his position as the next Kage.

Yet things weren't so simple. The nobles in the capital had become cautious after the recent defeats suffered by Lord Mahiro, and his prowess, which he had cultivated over years of painstaking efforts, had been eroded in a single night by Akihito Shirahoshi.

For they understood the scale of the losses suffered by Lord Mahiro. The average number of Samurai swords to a lord was around two to three, and lords like Lord Mahiro were held in high regard and feared, for he boasted nine well-trained samurai, of which one was Watashi Masamune, perhaps the best samurai in the land of Fire.

And now, with half his power gone in a single night, with his greatest weapon defeated by Akihito Shirahoshi himself, the young lord had turned the tables. And now the lords whom once Mahiro could have bullied into supporting his grandson's ascension were rebelling, their long-buried hatred for the old man and his family now on display as few rose to support him while he himself had credible reports that many in the capital were working against the Third Prince, though their actions could be representative of the previous daimyo's directions.

Yet he was at an impasse, a very severe impasse, for he saw everything he had worked for crumbling in front of him. He was already aware of Lord Akihito's preference for Hokage, Minato, which meant that his power in the village would only ever erode further and further.

Could he accept that? Could he accept losing his power and hold and retiring to the shadows?

No, he thought as his fists balled up.

It was a risk indeed, but one he was willing to take.

Moreover, his recent investigations into the man named Gato had revealed some unflattering details about the young jito, details that could provide cover for his actions. Gato, the man, had been the face of a rapidly rising shipping conglomerate. Yet one day, suddenly, all his businesses began collapsing out of nowhere. The losses he had suffered were substantial and were enough to beggar the man until a mysterious backer had saved the man.

And that person he suspected was Akihito Shirahoshi. The purpose behind this was even more obscure, for Gato mainly traded in the Land of Water, a country going through a civil war. There were reasons to suspect that the young jito was providing support to the rebellion.

The actions were not overt enough, seemed to be done using several intermediaries, and weren't so out of the ordinary for a smart noble. Yet his choice of side in this war and the way he seemed to be pulling these strings was obscure.

"Crow!" he whispered as he struck his cane on the ground. An operative with the crow mask appeared in front of him, kneeling on one knee.

"Yes, Danzo-sama," the nin said in a monotone voice.

"Assemble a small surgical team," he began as he gave the instructions.

"And assassinate, lord Akihito Shirahoshi, leave no evidence," he began as he gave the nin a look.

"Not even yourself!"


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