Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 64

Chapter 64: Qualcomm And Cdma

Chapter 64 Qualcomm and CDMA

However, extremes turn against each other. Qualcomm is too domineering and finally attracted global opposition. In the 3G era, everyone was deeply affected, and no one wants to be squeezed by Qualcomm when it comes to 4G. Therefore, Chinese and European manufacturers gave up the idea of evolving a new communication standard from CDMA, and decided to start playing LTE from OFDM. At the same time, INTEL, IBM, Motorola, and Nortel in North America brought Japan, South Korea and Taiwan to play WIMAX.

Qualcomm became alone and had to play CDMA evolution by itself. CDMA has the biggest weakness of self-interference. In order to overcome this shortcoming, Qualcomm decided to study the multi-user detection (MUD) technology. However, after research by Qualcomm, it was found that although MUD can improve CDMA, it will bring out other inherent defects of CDMA, and it is difficult for MUD to support CDMA system design, and the commercialization cost is high. The most important thing is that the actual effect that OFDM and MUD can achieve are similar, but the complexity of OFDM is much smaller than that of MUD, and the notoriety of Qualcomm’s rogue directly leads to no one willing to develop MUD with him.

In the face of the strong R&D capabilities of China (Huaxia, ZTE, Datang) and European (Ericsson, Nokia, Alan) coalition forces, Qualcomm wants to evolve CDMA through MUD, which is more difficult to develop and has higher commercialization costs, to defeat the Chinese-European coalition forces. LTE clearly has no chance of winning. So Qualcomm gave up UMB and participated in LTE.

As for the North American coalition playing WIMAX, Motorola was acquired by Google, Nortel went bankrupt, Japan and South Korea switched to LTE, and the loss of bending and bending that resolutely refused to yield exceeded 30 billion US dollars. In terms of 4G communication standards, in addition to Qualcomm, China and Europe dominate the world. Qualcomm, which has been surpassed by China and Europe in the communication industry, has instead focused its energy on baseband chips. With its deep patent accumulation, it is still difficult for MediaTek, Huawei, Apple, and Samsung to compete.

Therefore, it is also conceivable that Guo Shouyun covets CDMA patents. When the era of smartphones arrives, patent licensing alone can make a lot of money. If he is a little more ambitious and uses the advantages of previous knowledge to make arrangements in the field of LTE-based OFDM, he may not be able to build patent barriers in the field of OFDM before Qualcomm reacts to give up MUD, and then compete with Qualcomm for baseband when the time is ripe. Chip global market!

Thinking of this, Guo Shouyun became slightly excited. This is a starting point for involvement in the research and development of baseband chips. Of course, it is not that he has not considered acquiring Qualcomm. It’s also a good opportunity at the moment when the stock price has plummeted because of the Nasdaq crisis. But the capital required to acquire Qualcomm is too high. Moreover, the old Jacob who controls Qualcomm is notorious in the capital world. The rumors of two “black boxes” not only deceive opponents, but also their own people. After more than ten years, Qualcomm, which was originally co-founded by seven people, has become a private land for Jacob and his son. Guo Shouyun is not confident that he can play this old business fritter.

The most important thing is that he doesn’t have so much money now. Moreover, he is more willing to plan Apple than Qualcomm!

Therefore, it is easier to accept if we can win the giant semiconductor electronics at a very low price and maintain the opportunity to intervene in the field of baseband chips.

“Do you have any information about Juji Electronics?”

“Yes! But I didn’t bring it with me!”

“Give it to me immediately after you go back!” Guo Shouyun said immediately.

Michael Moretz nodded.

“By the way, why did Qualcomm license key CDMA patents to Juji Electronics?”

“Juji and Qualcomm are the original co-developers of CDMA, and cross-license each other’s patents. Compared with Qualcomm’s first-mover advantage, Juji, whose strength is more concentrated in the ASIC field, is obviously inferior to Qualcomm in the CDMA field. In order to avoid the US anti-monopoly investigation, Qualcomm signed an agreement with Juji in 1997 to obtain a full authorization for Qualcomm to develop, produce and sell CDMA chips.” Moretz explained.

“That is, evading the anti-monopoly investigation and still enjoying huge profits, Qualcomm is really a good way!” Guo Shouyun sighed.

“Paul Jacob never makes a bad deal!”

Guo Shouyun nodded, and there was more thought in his eyes. He realized that Juji Company was an opportunity to enter the market of hundreds of billions of dollars in mobile phone chips every year. But opportunity is opportunity. Guo Shouyun also understands very well that if you want to turn an opportunity into strength, you need billions of dollars in R&D investment every year, and it is not an easy job to compete with Qualcomm!

And now, what he lacks is precisely the funds!

Originally, I wanted to ask about Michael Moritz’s investment in the No. 2 technology sector and No. 3 biopharmaceutical sector, but Guo Shouyun, who was completely attracted by the opportunity of Juji Electronics, lost his interest.

Moreover, judging from the investment situation of the previous No. 1 Fund, Michael Moritz’s vision is indeed worthy of his reputation. In this case, Guo Shouyun was relieved.

Observing that his attention was off the ball, Michael Moretz also simply proposed to end it. Both of them are the kind of people whose career is greater than their life. Since each has a goal and Moritz has completed his task of raising funds, no one wants to continue wasting time.

After their separation, on the way home in the car, Guo Shouyun in the back seat fell into contemplation. In the development plan he made for himself, for at least three to four years, his energy was mainly concentrated in the four fields of Internet, pan-entertainment, finance and investment. As for high-tech, when one’s own capital becomes strong, can leverage more powerful financial power, and have a wider network of contacts, acquisition is far easier than a little research and development. In future generations, whether it is Google, Amazon, or Ali and Tencent, they will do this. With strong capital, the acquisition of technology companies makes up for their own patent barriers. In the beginning, Guo Shouyun also planned to do the same. But now, Juji Electronics has given itself a small opportunity to join in early.

“Forget it, first look at the information of Juji Electronics, if the acquisition price is not too big, buy it. If the price is too high, give up!”

Guo Shouyun made up his mind. Now the capital in his hand does not allow him to be willful, and living within his means is a necessary condition. After making the decision, Guo Shouyun’s heart also became a little more relaxed.

After temporarily putting the matter of Giant Semiconductor aside, Michael Moretz’s request for an investment of $50 million popped up from the bottom of his heart.

The future of Netflix is also a giant with a market value of 100 billion, so if there is an opportunity to enter it, he does not intend to let it go.

Guo Shouyun began to calculate the funds in his hand. Although shorting Enron took up 80% of his funds, he still had some spare funds.

Thinking of this, Guo Shouyun took out his mobile phone to find Zhang Lei’s number and dialed it.


“How’s it going with IDG?”

“There is no consensus within IDG on whether to give up Tencent’s shares, but our $8 million offer made them very excited.”

“It’s good to be tempted. If it doesn’t work, continue to increase the price, as long as they are willing to sell. Of course, you must grasp the scale of this. Don’t let them think that they can use this to ask for a price!”


“What did Tencent say?”

“There is no response yet. However, from the information we have received, the management is more willing to sell some of the equity reserves for winter funds. But they have not made a decision on how many shares to sell.” Zhang Lei said.

“So, the Tencent shares we hold now are only 20% of the shares we bought from PCCW for $5 million?”

“Boss, it was my work mistake…!”

“No, you’ve done a good job, I didn’t mean to blame you!” Guo Shouyun interrupted him. After a pause, “What do you think of Sina and Sohu?”

Zhang Lei was a little unsure of the purpose of his question.

“Very good investment value, now it’s just dragged down by the Nasdaq crisis!”

“Then do you want to invest?”

“what do you mean…?”

“It’s very simple, Hanhua Investment Management Company gave up the equity acquisition of NetEase and Sohu, and transferred to your Hanhua Capital Lichun Fund to be in charge!”

“Can I ask why?” Zhang Lei hesitated.

“I want to transfer some of the funds managed by Hanhua Investment! Although I will make up for it later, I don’t want to affect the investment in China, so I can only choose some secondary targets to discard.” Guo Shouyun did not hide the people he recognized.

“Understood, I will take over the investment in Sina and Sohu. But for NetEase, I think we have the opportunity to acquire it now. Also, I sent someone to contact Ding Lei from NetEase some time ago, and I feel that there is a great opportunity.”

“I haven’t paid attention to NetEase’s stock price on Nasdaq for a while, how much has it fallen?”

It is not news that everyone knows about Ding Lei’s almost selling of NetEase in later generations.

“$3.5 per share, and it’s still It looks like it has a tendency to fall into a junk stock!”

Guo Shouyun thought for a while, “NetEase can buy it, but Ding Lei must stay, even if he gives shares, he must stay!”

Among China’s four major portals, TOM was brilliant for a while with multimedia value-added products and services, but as soon as 3G came out, it was like a yellow flower of yesterday. Sohu used to be brilliant, but Zhang Chaoyang was too casual. Sina is also very good, but after sending Wang Zhidong away, there is no spiritual leader, and there is a lack of expectations. Only Ding Lei’s NetEase has been brilliant all the way. Even after more than ten years, it has not fallen out of the ranks of China’s first-tier Internet companies. Instead, it has become more and more prosperous. It can be seen from this that Ding Lei’s talent in business management and strategic control.

As long as Guo Shouyun’s brain is not pumped, such a handsome talent must stay firmly even if it costs a certain price.

“If the acquisition of NetEase can be reached in the end, I will meet Ding Lei in person.” For insurance, Guo Shouyun decided to go out in person.

Although surprised by the importance he attached to Ding Lei and NetEase, Zhang Lei dutifully agreed.

“Also, recruit more people. Otherwise, every company will ask you to come and talk in person, it’s too slow!”

“The recruitment has never stopped. However, our establishment is too short after all, and our attraction to top talents is too low!”

“It’s understandable that there are difficulties. I’m just reminding you. Of course, it’s you who make up your mind. I’ll still say the same thing. As long as there are no major losses, I won’t interfere with the operation of Hanhua Capital. This promise will always be valid!”

“Thank you boss for your trust!”

“You’re welcome. Well, that’s all I have to say. If you’re okay, then I’ll hang up!”

“I’m fine here!”

“Okay, goodbye!”


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