Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 104

Chapter 101: Fraternity

Chapter 101 Brotherhood

As LinkedIn’s vice president and head of research, although the company has not yet been listed, Matthew, who has a monthly salary of 20,000 US dollars, also took a loan to buy a two-story building near LinkedIn, covering an area of about 200 square meters. ‘s residence.

“Looks like there are a lot of people!”

After noticing the cars parked on the side of the road and the brightly lit houses not far away, Guo Shouyun thought.

“Matthew, put me down at the door and you find a place to park.”

“Boss, won’t I go in with you?”

“No, just wait in the car. I’ll call you as soon as there is a situation.”

Considering it was a classmates reunion, Guo Shouyun, who would not be in any danger, said.

Hearing him say this, Matthew Bloom didn’t insist anymore.

After getting out of the car, he briefly looked at the whole house. Guo Shouyun pushed open the waist-high courtyard door and followed the garden road that crossed the lawn to the door. Just as he was about to knock on the door, he never thought that the thick wooden door would be preempted by someone from inside. opened. A guy in a white suit hugged the tall golden girl in his arms, and walked out without anyone else while kissing passionately.

Fortunately, Guo Shouyun hid quickly, otherwise he would have to be hit by these two rash guys.

“Bruce Guo?”

Guo Shouyun’s actions successfully attracted the attention of the two, especially the young man in a white suit, about twenty-six or seven years old, who quickly pushed away the female companion in his arms, and walked over to Guo Shouyun with great interest.

“You are…?”

He frowned slightly and looked at the guy in front of him. He never remembered that there was such a person among his classmates.

“Jason Valles, Stanford Economics Class of ’92!”

Looking at the right hand that the other party took the initiative to stretch out, after suppressing the doubts in his heart, Guo Shouyun stretched out his right hand and said, “Nice to meet you!”

“You also came to this party?”

“Party, isn’t this a class reunion?” Guo Shouyun asked in surprise.

“Of course it’s the class reunion. Tonight is the class reunion at Stanford. Let’s go, I’ll take you in. Many people in there want to know you!”

In the memory left by Bruce Guo, there are countless experiences of his participation in the alumni reunion, of course Guo Shouyun is no stranger to this. But compared to the classmates reunions he had attended before, the man at this party did not say that all the women he saw were young and beautiful, well-dressed, and of good-looking figures. Few of these apparently arranged women were his classmates.

“Everyone, Bruce Guo, who we most want to see, is here!”

Jason Wallace, who came in with Guo Shouyun, shouted, instantly attracting the attention of everyone in the room.


Putting down the wine glass in his hand, Martin Alexander quickly greeted him.

When he approached, Guo Shouyun smiled and gave him a deep look, “Martin, you gave me a big surprise today!”

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Martin Alexander’s face, of course he knew what Guo Shouyun was referring to.

“Su Li, I didn’t expect us to meet again so soon!”

Without giving Martin a chance to explain, Guo Shouyun turned his eyes to a shrewd woman who was standing beside him at this moment.

Suri Windrow smiled, “Bruce, you have been a well-known entrepreneurial elite in Silicon Valley for more than half a year. It is our honor that you are here today.”

After quickly scanning her left hand holding Martin, Guo Shouyun’s eyes flashed with a gleam, and he nodded with a smile.

“Martin and I are best friends and partners in a joint venture. Of course I can’t be absent at his invitation!”

After a pause, his eyes turned to the crowd surrounding him, “Won’t you introduce me?”

Martin Alexander’s expression changed, and he was about to speak, but Suri Windrow, who was standing beside him, had already preempted: “Bruce, let me introduce you, this is Keith Breschlaud, now Bank of America San Francisco. Head of branch credit department!”

After briefly looking at the young white man in a dark blue suit, about twenty-seven or eighteen years old, with gold-rimmed glasses and slightly long and narrow eyes, Guo Shouyun held the other person’s hand. The right hand stretched out actively.

“Mr. Guo, I’ve heard the name for a long time!”

“You’re welcome, it’s really embarrassing to be praised by the founder of the famous ‘Kratos Brotherhood’!”

A gleam of light flashed in Keith Breschlaud’s eyes, “Mr. Guo also knows us?”

“Of course!…Although I only studied at Stanford University for two years, I still know the names of ‘Archimedes’, ‘Kratos’ and ‘Joan of Arc’!” Guo Shouyun nodded and smiled.

‘Archimedes’, ‘Kratos’ and ‘Joan of Arc’ are the most famous fraternity and sorority societies at Stanford University, similar in nature to the famous Yale University ‘Skull and Bones’.

Having said that, I have to mention the fraternity and sorority that has a long history and tradition in the United States.

The fraternity started out as a secret organization in the upper-class church school. At that time, the university was still a church system, with strict school rules, monotonous social life and after-school life, and all kinds of thoughts were imprisoned by religion. For college students in their early twenties, Such a life is simply torture.

So, a group of rebellious children’s shoes got together and started a secret small group similar to the lower party. It started with everyone getting together to discuss life and current affairs. People of that era generally worshiped democracy and freedom, so most of the Brotherhoods named their groups after Greek letters and names, the source of European democracy, and the meeting place was very secretive.

In the beginning, such a group continued the atmosphere of speculation and discussion in Greek philosophy, and the operation of the entire organization group also inherited the way of the Greek city-state, such as democratic voting on bills, and the way of handling affairs and adjudication also inherited the Greek society and philosophical system. It was completely different from the religious centralization that prevailed in the society at that time.

However, because such discussions are not in compliance with the school rules, all activities must be conducted in secret, and the participating members form a revolutionary feeling of different surnames and brothers. In order to identify each other, the participating members will have unique mutual recognition signs such as member badges. Later, 6 Continue to establish a set of relatively obscure “passwords”, colors, flags, badges, symbols and so on.

And in order to resist the “spy”, there will be a series of membership review methods. During this time, those who apply for membership are called “brothers”, and they need to complete a series of requirements. There will be members responsible for all the review and membership process. This obscure, exclusive, private, and “elite” small group state gives participants a series of “identity” and “honor”. Later, there were many misunderstandings about such groups from the outside world, which gradually became closely related to a series of complex “unspoken rules” behind American society and American universities in the following hundred years of exhibitions.

The sorority is a derivative of the fraternity, because at the beginning Catholic schools only had boys, so the secret societies that started were only boys. Later, similar groups in girls’ schools were called ‘sororities’. Later, with the liberation of women’s rights, many schools had both male and female students, and many associations also began to relax the standards for recruiting people, and gradually became a mixed organization of boys and girls.

Also, to be clear, fraternities and sororities in America aren’t exactly the kind of madness that emerged in the later Hollywood films of American Pie. In fact, fraternities and sororities in the United States also have social and professional distinctions. Needless to say, the social nature, streaking, alcoholism, and corporal punishment-style initiation ceremonies all exist. But the professional nature is different.

For example: ‘business fraternity’, ‘law fraternity’, ‘medical fraternity’, etc., which are generally composed of students of the same major. These professional societies are generally mixed male and female, and the activities organized have a strong professional color. I don’t have my own house. Recruiting members is generally based on professional orientation and performance, and members are allowed to join other fraternities at the same time.

‘Archimedes’ and ‘Kratos’ are two of the most famous of Stanford’s many social fraternities. However, the criteria for recruiting members are also different. The ‘Archimedes’ Brotherhood, as its name suggests, values wisdom, knowledge, and creativity. It does not pay attention to the ethnicity and background of the members, but takes the academic performance and achievements of the members during the university as the evaluation criteria. The members who join the membership are basically the top ones in various colleges and majors.

Being able to become the top of the industry in Stanford University, which has gathered global elites, is undoubtedly a genius among geniuses, and almost 100% of them will become top social elites in the future. Therefore, the ‘Archimedes’ Fraternity that has existed since the establishment of Stanford University, although there are not many members in each, it has outstanding social resources and influence, and it is also a member of every Stanford University. The strongest club that students are eager to join.

Unfortunately, Guo Shouyun is not one of them. It’s not that he is not qualified, but that ‘Archimedes’ has a three-year assessment period for each new member. Those who are academically good enough in each of the three years can get its invitation letter. And Guo Shouyun chose to graduate just after finishing his sophomore year, and naturally passed by the ‘Archimedes’ Brotherhood.

As for the “Kratos Brotherhood” named after the ancient Greek warrior Kratos, Guo Shouyun is no stranger. Compared with the ‘Archimedes’ who valued knowledge and ability, the Kratos Brotherhood was established very late, and it has only been ten years, but it has developed very quickly. Because, although the Kratos Brotherhood does not care about race and origin, it is extremely utilitarian. The members are either rich second-generation, descendants of political families with extraordinary backgrounds, or entrepreneurial elites during their studies.

Although its history and influence are not as good as that of the Archimedes Brotherhood, it has developed quite quickly because it can provide many excellent social resources for graduates who are just entering the society.

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