Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 582: It's More Exciting Than Watching A Movie!

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"You can open your eyes now."

"Where… am I?" Little Fairy obediently opened her eyes. Bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, she found herself on a dilapidated rooftop, confusion clouding her face.

Wasn't I just in the alley with Princess? How did we suddenly end up on this ruined rooftop?

"We’re on the rooftop of the old, abandoned building," Yaeger explained calmly.

"The dilapidated building?" Little Fairy blinked, recalling the infamous structure in their town. "How did we get here so quickly?"

In her mind, the building was far from where they had been before. Closing her eyes for a split second shouldn’t have brought them here.

"It’s a secret," Yaeger said with a knowing smile.

Despite her growing curiosity, Little Fairy held back from asking further. Princess seemed more mysterious than ever now.

‘Honestly, if she told me she could teleport, I’d believe her at this point.' Little did Little Fairy know, she was closer to the truth than she thought. Yaeger had used the [City of Chaos]’s spatial transfer ability, something that could very well be described as teleportation.

"Princess, are we here for something specific?" Little Fairy asked, curiosity lacing her tone.

"You’ll find out soon enough," Yaeger replied with a playful smirk.

"Alright, I’ll wait," Little Fairy said with a smile.

Even though they were in a completely desolate location, she wasn’t afraid at all. After all, she trusted Princess completely and knew she had nothing worth troubling over.

But Little Fairy’s thoughts began to waver when she noticed the large, soft mattress laid out in the spacious stairwell. ‘Late at night, big mattress, just the two of us… Gulp… Is this really happening?' Her nerves started to get the better of her.

"P… Princess?"

"Yes? What’s wrong?" Yaeger asked, gently setting her down on the mattress.

"Is this… for real?" Little Fairy stammered, her cheeks flushing red.

"But of course. Naturally," Yaeger replied, referring to the treatment.

"But… I’ve never done this before…" Little Fairy’s face turned bright red, her heart pounding wildly.

"Neither have I," Yaeger replied, referring to the treatment of paralyzed legs.

"Oh… I see! But, isn’t this a bit… inappropriate?"

Little Fairy was relieved to hear that Princess was inexperienced too, but panic quickly returned as she thought about what might happen next.

‘What should I do? Am I really going through with this? I’m not ready!'

Despite her mental scramble, she had no true desire to refuse. The idea of being close to Princess didn’t bother her at all.

In fact, it felt like a dream come true—spending the night with Princess was something she had never dared to imagine.

"There’s nothing inappropriate about it. Don’t you want this?" Yaeger asked, still referring to the leg treatment.

"I… I’ve thought about it, of course. But… isn’t this happening too fast?" Little Fairy stammered, so embarrassed she felt like her head might explode.

"Since you want it, then we’re all set. Now, take off your clothes. I need to perform a detailed inspection," Yaeger said, completely calm, as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

Hearing this, Little Fairy’s panic skyrocketed.

‘Take… it all off? What kind of inspection is this? Are we playing some kind of doctor’s game? Wow, Princess really has some bold ideas!'

Though she was no longer a child, Little Fairy lacked experience, but she had certainly learned a lot about these situations from theory.

"Hurry and take it off. We're running out of time," Yaeger insisted. With Rakshasa's treatment next, she couldn’t afford to waste any more time.

"But, Princess, I’m so shy," Little Fairy replied hesitantly, clearly reluctant.

"We’re both girls. What’s there to be embarrassed about?" Yaeger said with a tilt of her head, feigning confusion. However, a shiver ran through her after those words. ‘We’re both girls? Yeah, right, Yaeger—you’re still a boy!'

"That’s true," Little Fairy nodded but quickly shook her head. Even if they were both girls, that didn’t mean she should just undress like this. Was she really ready to show her body, even if they were close?

But wait… She was really close with Princess, wasn’t she?

‘Well… it’s not like I can’t show her!'

After much internal debate, Little Fairy finally convinced herself.

"Alright… I’ll take it off, then," she said, starting to remove her clothes. The soft shuffling of fabric echoed throughout the stairwell.

With each piece of clothing she removed, Little Fairy’s embarrassment grew.

"It’s held together by strings?" Yaeger observed.

"Yeah… makes them easier to take off," Little Fairy responded, her face flushing a deep red.

Yaeger, meanwhile, simply observed her calmly, as though mentally taking note of every detail about Little Fairy’s body.

After a brief hesitation, Little Fairy finally removed the last piece of clothing, though with a bit of struggle. Now, she stood there, completely bare, just as she was the day she was born.

"P… Princess… I'm ready!" Little Fairy said, mentally preparing herself.

‘After tonight, I’ll finally be an adult!' she thought.

"Alright, let’s begin," Yaeger said, as her pupils suddenly glowed bright green and thin green needles materialized in her hands.

Little Fairy froze in surprise.

‘What’s going on with her eyes? And where did those needles come from? What is she about to do?'

As one of the needles shot toward her, Little Fairy's eyes widened, panic surging in her chest.

"Don’t worry, it won’t hurt," Yaeger reassured her, as the green needle landed on her body. By the time she heard those words, the needle had already pierced her skin.

"Lie down. This might hurt a bit, but you’ll need to endure it," Yaeger instructed. Another needle appeared in Yaeger’s hand and swiftly embedded itself into Little Fairy’s skin.

"O-Okay!" Little Fairy, realizing something was off, quickly laid down.

‘Wait… did I misunderstand this whole situation?' It was clear now that what she expected and what Yaeger was actually doing were entirely different things. ‘Ugh, this is so embarrassing!'

Little Fairy wished she could dig a hole and hide, overwhelmed by embarrassment.

"Ugh~" The sudden pain brought her back to reality.

‘Wait… is Princess really treating me?'

She glanced down at her legs without thinking. After being immobile for years, her legs had deteriorated in appearance.

At that moment, countless green needles were embedded in her legs. Strangely, the areas where the needles pierced her legs began to feel pain—something she hadn’t experienced in years.

Previously, no matter how hard she struck or pinched her legs, they had always remained numb.

Just as Little Fairy started to feel hope, Yaeger picked up speed, and in a matter of seconds, over two hundred needles were embedded into her body.

"The pain is going to intensify. Hold on," Yaeger warned, just as the green needles began to merge seamlessly into Little Fairy's skin.

"Ugh~ Ahh~" In no time, an overwhelming, excruciating pain surged through Little Fairy's body, forcing her to cry out uncontrollably.

"Stay strong and endure it. Once your nerves are repaired, they’ll be as good as new," Yaeger reassured her. As she spoke, Yaeger moved her hands over Little Fairy’s body, channeling life energy into her with focused determination.

In an instant, green flames erupted, scorching the air around the stairwell.

"This is incredible! It’s even more thrilling than watching a movie! I love this!" Meanwhile, in the [City of Chaos], Little Blue secretly watched the entire treatment unfold. Like an excited child at Christmas, she twirled and danced with a bright, joyful grin on her face.

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