Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 46: Departure

A low groan escaped my mouth as my eyes shuddered open. My vision was blurry for a few seconds before it finally cleared. I had apparently collapsed face first when grandfather used his soul attack.

My paw unconsciously moved to press on my head as It throbbed with pain. I raised my head to scan my surroundings. 'Is It over now?' I wondered. Grandfather was still standing in front of me with his oppressive aura, the only difference was the absence of his flames.

Mother and father's bodies oozed with pride as they both looked at me, their eyes filled with acknowledgment. My little siblings did not seem to understand much of the situation as their gaze danced between me and grandfather nervously.

'Was that some sort of test? But for what?' I inwardly mumbled, still confused. 'Aren't I getting tested a tad too much? Father, then mother, and now even grandfather, what's next?' A shudder ran down my spine as I imagined myself meeting other members of the family.

'Shit, maybe being the eldest wasn't so good after all,' I thought. Just then, grandfather's voice thundered throughout our surroundings.

"You pass," He said, causing my siblings to look at him surprised. My parents on the other hand had an all-knowing look on their faces as they nodded.

"You shall now return with me to the mountain of beginnings to be bestowed your name young one," He added causing my eyes to widen in surprise.

'Name? Wait, now that I think about it, I don't actually have a name do I? But what is this about the mountain of beginnings?' I turned towards my parents expecting some sort of explanation, instead, I was met with their proud gazes as they nodded repeatedly.

"We depart immediately!" Said grandfather as he turned to walk towards the edge not even bothering to glance back at me, nor my parents and siblings.

My eyes darted about as I peeked at my parents and then back at grandfather's large figure in confusion. Seemingly sensing my unease, my mother lowered her head to me and ever so gently licked my face before nudging me forward.

"Go, we will be waiting for your return," She said in a gently reassuring tone. Hearing that, my heart seemed to calm down.

I turned towards my father, and as our eyes interlocked I simply nodded to which he nodded back. No words were needed for I could feel his emotions and I was sure he could feel mine.

Just as I took a step forward, my gaze moved towards my siblings who seemed lost as they watched me leave. Green large eyes looked at me like a small animal that was being abandoned by its owner, while White was surprisingly composed.

She also gave me a nod. Blacky's feelings were in turmoil as he appeared to have something in mind yet ultimately refrained from doing anything, he simply shot me one last glance before he turned to walk back to the cave.

Golden boy seemed hesitant before he raised his head a roar escaping his mouth. I inwardly smiled at that and nodded back at them as I tried to send Green my reassuring emotions. 'I'll be back!' I then turned my head with a newfound resolution as I ran after my grandfather.

Once at the edge, my eyes glanced at him in curiosity. 'What now?' And as if to answer my question, his large tail presented itself to me as if ushering me to hop on.

I didn't dare to dally any longer as I hastily jumped on and carefully climbed to stand on top of his head. I didn't know if that was a good decision or not, but grandfather didn't seem to mind as he jumped down.

Soon, we were soaring through the air. I cast one final glance at the mountain, at my home before I turned to look forward. My curiosity got the best of me as I tried to communicate with my grandfather.

'Umm, c-can you hear me?' I asked hesitantly, only to be faced with an awkward silence for a few seconds.

Just as I was about to give up his deep voice replied. "What is it little one?", he was surprisingly able to hear me! 'Wait does this mean I can talk now? But how?' I wondered.

'What is this mountain of beginnings we are going to?' I had so many questions I wanted to ask, yet In my panic, I ended up asking the first thing that came to my mind.

Grandfather stayed silent for a few seconds, as if he was thinking of ways to reply to my question before he spoke. "It is the mountain where the king had first stepped foot once he descended onto the mortal realm, hence the name," He explained. I was honestly surprised he did since I was expecting him to perhaps ignore me altogether.

'No matter, now is my chance to know more about the world and my situation!'

'Grandfather, you said something about being granted a name?' I asked as I was confused about that part. Why couldn't mother or father name me? Isn't that how it's supposed to be done?

"You passed the trial, which means you are worthy of being granted a name by the King," He said.

'And what would have happened if I failed?' I asked.

"Hmph, you would have perished and the opportunity would go to the second eldest," He answered with a harrumph.

I gulped as a shiver ran down my spine, that was too dangerous, I knew from his previous attacks that he went at me with the intention to kill, had I made any mistake then I wouldn't be standing here.

Something still bugged me, however, 'Why didn't mother or father oversee my trial?'

"You ask too many questions little one," He said before he continued. "The trial could never be overseen by the parents, for it must be completely fair,"

To that, I inwardly grumbled as I recalled his first sneak attack. What part of that was fair? I wanted to lash out but I refrained from doing so.

'You also said something about if I failed the second eldest would try?" I asked.

"Indeed, should he also fail the one after will try and so on,"

'But what if no one survives?'

"Then that means they were simply too weak," He coldly replied. I took a deep breath as I calmed myself,

'Dragons are too hardcore,' I inwardly mumbled.

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