Reborn and Ready: The Not-So-Awesome Adventures of Li Wei

A new home

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Li Wei stood at the edge of his new home, glancing at his martial arts panel:

Tiger Boxing method [revised version]: [Completed]
Chen Family Body Forging Technique: [Completed]
Iron Sand Palm: [Complete]
100 Poison Immunity: [40/100]
Basic swordsmanship: [100%]
Art of Turtle Breathing: [0/5 stars]

Art of Turtle Breathing was taught to him by his new wife. Apparently, this method was precious because it could increase life span. Also, one could conceal themselves better using this

His progress was steady, but there was still work to be done. He had returned to his home village for a simple life—one focused on training, marrying, and raising children. The mountains provided peace, far from the chaotic town after 1 year of focusing on making the road he wanted.

Li Wei had chosen a spot on the slope of a small hill near the entrance of the village, flattening a 200 by 200-meter plot of land. From this height, he could see the entire village below. He then began to carve a massive, ancient rock at the center of the plot, shaping it into a house. It had four rooms, each 15 by 15 feet, with wooden floors and a veranda made from the trees nearby. He added a chimney in the kitchen and sectioned off part of the area for farming.

Next, he built bamboo fences around the entire plot, giving his land a secure boundary. He planted lemon trees along the borders, knowing their scent would repel snakes. In the center of the plot, he created a vegetable garden, dividing it into four sections, one for each type of vegetable. He then planted ten orange trees and ten apple trees, careful to use a variety of apple suited for the warmer climate.

For his training, Li Wei constructed a martial arts gym, 30 by 30 meters wide, where he could practice in private. He also paved the road leading up to his house with stones from the nearby river, making it easier to access.

Water was essential, so Li Wei connected the mountain spring water to his house through a self-made filtration system. The water passed through ten layers of filters before reaching the large stone tank he had carved. From there, it flowed into a tap system, providing fresh, clean water. Li Wei also made an indoor toilet with a waste management pit outside, ensuring his home was modern and comfortable.

Finally, to guard his new home, he brought in two wolf dogs, which he named Hei Feng and Bai Fang, powerful and loyal companions.

Zhao Mei, his new wife, lived with him now. She was quiet and obedient, as was expected. Li Wei admired her body more than anything, and Zhao Mei knew this. She rarely spoke unless he addressed her, always referring to him as "Lord Husband."

One morning, Li Wei was working in the vegetable garden when Zhao Mei quietly approached, holding a basket of fresh-picked greens.

"Lord Husband," she said softly, bowing her head slightly, "the vegetables are ready."

Li Wei looked up, nodding. "Good. Prepare them for the meal. Make sure the dogs are fed as well."

"Yes, Lord Husband," she replied, turning away to complete her tasks without question.

As time passed, the plants in their garden grew. The lemon trees along the border were tall now, their bright fruits glowing under the sunlight. The vegetable garden was thriving, each section full of green, healthy produce. The orange and apple trees had also grown taller, their branches heavy with fruit.

Li Wei often noticed how convenient the systems he had built were compared to the old ways. While other villagers still carried water from streams and built simple outhouses, Li Wei had fresh water running through his tap and an indoor toilet. Zhao Mei marveled at the efficiency of the house, although she never spoke her thoughts aloud. She simply continued her duties, silently admiring her husband's work.

The two wolf dogs, Hei Feng and Bai Fang, patrolled the borders of the property, keeping watch. Li Wei would occasionally watch them from the veranda, satisfied with the life he had built. Zhao Mei would stand beside him, quiet and dutiful, only speaking when he directed her.

"Mei, the trees are growing well," Li Wei said one day, watching as the orange and apple trees swayed gently in the wind.

"Yes, Lord Husband," she replied, her voice soft and respectful, never raising her head too high.

This was the life Li Wei had envisioned—peaceful, orderly, and focused. The modern conveniences he had brought to his home made it all the more comfortable, a sharp contrast to the laborious ways of the other villagers. With Zhao Mei by his side and his martial progress continuing, Li Wei knew he had made the right choice in returning to the village.

Weeks turned into months and months turned into years and 3 years had passed since he caught the phantom thief, he had become 25, and as the plants grown, so did their quiet, harmonious life together. Zhao Mei tended to the household, always in her husband's shadow, while Li Wei focused on his training and expanding his strength. Life was simple, just as he liked it.

He barely went to towns guard and a pigeon would be sent if anything urgent came up. So, his focus on the training was undivided. The path he built had been completed a year ago and all villagers benefitted from it.

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