Reborn 80s

Chapter 609 CNC Machine Tools

Chapter 609 CNC Machine Tools
A machine tool is a machine that manufactures a machine, and it is also a machine that manufactures the machine tool itself, so the machine tool is also called an "industrial mother machine".

CNC machine tools first appeared in the late 50s, and the United States produced the world's first CNC lathe, which heralded that the machine tool manufacturing industry had entered the era of CNC.

There are three main CNC machine tool players in the world: Miguo, Hans and Neon.

All are proper industrial powerhouses.

However, in addition to these three countries, there is another country in the world whose CNC machine tools are also quite good.

That's the former Union!

In 1989, the former alliance produced 13 machine tools, of which 2.2 were CNC machines.

The microprocessor of the machine tool is the former alliance's own chip.

What industrial chips need is stability. As for the performance, it is still not as good as civilian chips.

When you go to the factory, you can see some old CNC machine tools. The onboard computers on the machine tools are all antiques.

However, it is such an old antique that can still process parts that meet the standards.

Sixiang Technology has also invested a lot of money in the research and development of industrial chips.

Industrial chips do not pursue the highest performance, but extreme stability.

In fact, this characteristic of industrial chips can also be used as military chips.

The Qinglong Panshi chip specially designed by Sixiang Technology for the Mota machine tool is also called the Rock chip.

There is an R mark on the chip.

The Qinglong R chip has powerful data processing capabilities. In terms of stability, it has been installed on hundreds of CNC machine tools anyway. After using it, customers have never said that there is any problem with the chip.

Of course, it is also possible that the customer simply does not understand whether the machine tool has a problem with the mechanical part, the software or the chip.

Now the most advanced domestic CNC machine tool launched by Mota Machine Tool is Mota0803 machine tool, which is a machine tool with 8 axes and can realize 3-axis linkage.

As for four-axis linkage and five-axis linkage, Mota Machine Tool is still working hard.

A four-axis linkage machine tool is already under development.

In 1987, the former alliance put into production a machine tool named 3C-150, with a maximum number of control axes: 12, and a maximum of 7 axes linkage.

However, no information on this machine tool has been obtained.

This machine tool is an absolute high-end CNC machine tool, and people take the information very seriously!
It was impossible to take shortcuts. Although Chen Huaiqing was slightly disappointed, he didn't care too much.

Just a little thing.

Big deal, just develop it yourself.

I don't believe it anymore, I can't figure it out.

If it takes a few more years, when Mao Xiong's economy is completely ruined, there may be a chance at that time.

Of course, even if the information is obtained, it is useless if the Mota machine tool itself is not capable.

To do imitation, it also requires technology and strength.

Without strength, even imitation will not work.

Like Shendu, all kinds of advanced equipment can be bought, and people are not afraid to sell them to Shendu.

Everyone knows that body poison is the kind that mud can't support the wall.

Even putting a full set of technical information in front of them can mess things up.

It's not that Chen Huaiqing didn't think about getting machine tool technology from Neon through Tianyuan Co., Ltd., but it was too conspicuous.

Machine tool technology is something that all parties attach great importance to. The title of industrial master machine is for nothing?
Whoever has strong machine tool technology can drive the improvement of the entire industry.

Song Qi leaned on the desk: "Now that the shareholding system reform of Mota Industry has also been completed, when will it be listed?"

Chen Huaiqing glanced at Song Qi. Naturally, Song Qi would not wear short skirts. Although Song Qi was still very young, as the president of Mota Holdings, she lost a lot of the fun of being a woman.

Like Wang Wan, she can wear short skirts and hot pants in summer, showing off her figure wantonly.

No one sees a problem.

But Song Qi couldn't do it, it would look undignified.

Everyone has a different identity, so you have to play your own role well.

Chen Huaiqing touched Song Qi's leg, although it was through the pants, it didn't hinder the touching!

For Chen Huaiqing's movements, Song Qi was naturally so happy, and changed his posture a little to make him more comfortable.

"Why, you are in such a hurry to go public, thinking that you can realize the shares as soon as possible?"

According to the regulations of the Southwest Stock Exchange, there are restrictions on the number of years for the sale of shares held by corporate executives and employees.

Corporate executives are subject to a three-year limit, and employees are subject to a one-year limit.

Some people are resolutely not allowed to come to the stock market and run away after collecting money on the stock market. The money raised must be invested in the development of the company.

Song Qi has been the president for so many years, in addition to salary, there is also a bonus every year.

In terms of money, Chen Huaiqing has never been stingy with the people under his opponents.

Song Qi naturally didn't deposit the money in the bank, even though the bank's deposit interest is good now.

Now the total deposits of urban and rural residents have exceeded one trillion yuan and are heading towards two trillion yuan.

Huaguo is a country with a large population. Even if one person saves one dollar, it is more than one billion.

Of course, most people actually have no savings in the bank.

Even many people don't even have savings.

People don't deposit money in the bank at all, but dig a cellar at home and hide the money in it.

I don't think it's safe to keep money in the bank.

Later, there were several news reports that XX stored money at home, and then was bitten to pieces by rats, and all of them were drilled to pieces by bugs.

Song Qi used the money to buy shares of Mota Holdings.

The stock price of Mota Holdings has been rising continuously in these years.

Even in terms of dividends, Mota Holdings has always been very stingy.

Shareholders have no opinion on this.

Even if all the profits of Mota Holdings for one year are used as dividends, it will not be a few dollars. Instead, Mota Holdings will take the money for reinvestment and increase the company's stock price, which will make more profits for shareholders. many.

Investing in this matter is a test of vision.

When Mota Holdings invests, it does not invest in everything, mainly to build an industrial chain related to itself.

Like those component manufacturers, Mota Holdings has been supporting them since the very beginning.

Otherwise, how can these factories become the largest manufacturer of a certain part in China.

These factories specialize in the processing of one or two types of parts, and the larger factories specialize in several types.

Anyway, it is to achieve the ultimate in product quality.

Who said that enterprises in Huaguo cannot refine their products?
In fact, as long as the employees of the enterprise are stable, it is still very easy to maximize the product.

Which companies are the easiest to do?
State-owned enterprises!

In itself, workers in state-owned enterprises are the easiest to study in a technology, because they don't have to worry about unemployment.

If you don't have the mind, you can't do anything well.

Song Qi whispered: "My man doesn't need my money, I have money but I have no place to spend it!"

Chen Huaiqing looked at the smiling Song Qi, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Who is taking care of whom?
Perhaps, there is no such thing as nurturing or not. When everyone walks together, each takes what he needs.

I can't help but feel so strong.

(End of this chapter)

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