Reborn 80s

Chapter 12 Eight employees

Chapter 12 Eight Employees
Chen Huaiqing and Xiao Weidong went to assemble the engine together, no, someone came here again.

"Xiao Chen!"

Chen Huaiqing took off the cotton gloves and put them aside casually: "Aunt Zhang."

Aunt Zhang hesitated: "Listen to Uncle Li, you asked me to cook."

Chen Huaiqing: "Yes, I'm too busy here, and I want to invite a few more people. You know, Uncle Yang's cooking can only fill your stomach. If it's delicious, you still have to ask Aunt Zhang to cook it."

Fortunately, Yang Shilin was not here, otherwise I would have to talk to Chen Huaiqing: I don't cook well, and I don't see you eating less?

Aunt Zhang thinks she has some experience in cooking. She used to be in charge of cooking when there was a large group: "My cooking is also average."

"That's better than Uncle Yang. Aunt Zhang, that's the deal. You'll come over tomorrow."

"Or, I'll cook for you at noon today!"

Chen Huaiqing fully agreed: "Okay, I'll trouble Aunt Zhang then. The kitchen is over there, go and see what's there for yourself, the meat is in the refrigerator."

There is a butcher shop in the village. As for vegetables, you don’t need to go to the city to buy them. Can the countryside be short of vegetables?

Just kidding!
In the kitchen, there is no firewood stove, but honeycomb coal.

Two stoves, one for cooking and one for cooking.

In normal times, put two kettles on it, and the water will be hot at night, and you can wash your hands and face and so on.

I bought the refrigerator a few days ago. It is too sad to have a refrigerator in summer.

Aunt Zhang agreed with a smile and went to work in the kitchen.

"Aunt Zhang, cook for five people."

"got it."

Originally, Chen Huaiqing was going to continue working, but Li Shurong came again, and brought four and a half children over.

They are all sixteen or seventeen years old, none of them is fat, and they are all thin.

In this day and age, fat people are not considered ugly, but blessed!

Being able to eat enough food is considered good in these years, and there is no oil in everyone's stomach.

If you come from a fat family, what kind of family conditions do you need?

Li Shurong: "These are all children from our village, what do you think?"

Xiao Weidong came out to take a look, he was not interested in recruiting, so he turned around and went back to the room.

He had to hurry up and assemble a few more engines.

Now that there are more people, it also means that the speed of motorcycle assembly will be accelerated.

Motorbikes are not worrying about selling now, the more they assemble, the more money they can make.

Chen Huaiqing looked at the boys, two of them were well dressed, as for the other two, they were just...

One had tattered shoes, and the other had no shoes at all.

It seems that there is some malnutrition.

Their family conditions must be bad.

Slightly looked at Li Shurong, Li Shurong is worthy of deep friendship.

No wonder being able to be the village chief for so many years, obviously not if he has no conscience.

Chen Huaiqing: "You all have read books and know how to read, right?"

"I have read it."

Chen Huaiqing nodded lightly. Those who have read books and those who don't know a word are completely two kinds of people.

"Please introduce yourself first."

Introduce yourself, how should I introduce myself?

The four and a half children peeked at each other, not knowing what to do for a moment, they couldn't help but look at Li Shurong.

Before Grandpa Rong came, he told them to behave well!
Li Shurong: "Just to introduce your name and how old you are."

Chen Huaiqing didn't laugh at them. Before entering junior high school, he didn't know how to introduce himself.

Chen Huaiqing: "And what do you want in the future. Let's start here!"

"My name is Li Furui, I am 16 years old, and I want to make money and marry Xiaohua."

The corner of Chen Huaiqing's mouth twitched slightly, it really works!

This Li Furui and Li Shurong should be relatives.

"It's worth encouraging to make money and marry a wife. Work hard in the future. I promise, you will soon be able to marry a wife. As for whether you can marry your little flower, then I don't know."

"I'll marry Xiao Hua!"

Li Shurong said angrily: "You boy, if you want to marry, you have to be willing."

"Come on, next!"

"My name is Yang Bin. I am 17 years old. I want my grandparents to live a good life."

Chen Huaiqing nodded lightly: "Yes, you are a filial child. Work hard, and through your own labor, it will come true."

Li Shurong introduced: "Yang Bin is ambitious, willing to endure hardships, and is a good hand at work."

"My name is Zhang Guihua, I am 18 years old."

Chen Huaiqing: "Is there nothing you want?"

"I don't know what I want."

Chen Huaiqing: "When I was in the past, I didn't know what I wanted. I hope you will find what you want soon."

"My name is Du Hao, I am 19 years old, and I want to have a full meal."

The 19-year-old Du Hao was the shortest and thinnest among the four.

Chen Huaiqing: "Your dream can be realized directly. I'll take care of it."

"Let me talk about my rules first. If you don't know anything now, you will be apprentices first, and you will get ten yuan a month. I will let the master teach you how to do it. When you can do it yourself, you can do it yourself." Take regular wages."

Chen Huaiqing was not going to teach them, he was going to let Feng Yi teach them.

In order to get Feng Yi to teach seriously, Chen Huaiqing also has a way.

The most simple and direct one is monetary incentives.

"As long as you study hard and work hard, I guarantee that you will not lose money. Your life will definitely get better and better. I don't want to say more about unnecessary things. You will feel it later."

"Okay, there's nothing to do today, you come to work tomorrow."

After sending the four kids away, Chen Huaiqing looked at Li Shurong with a wry smile: "Uncle Li, I don't need so many people now, the three we agreed on, how can you find me four!"

One more and one less is nothing to Chen Huaiqing.

But sometimes, attitude is necessary.

Li Shurong took Chen Huaiqing's hand, walked to the side, and whispered: "Xiao Chen, I can't help it. Look, these four children are good children in the village. I thought, Let them come to work with you, follow you, and let them have a way out in the future."

"Uncle Li, it's not like you don't know what's going on now. You can only hire seven workers. If there are more than seven workers, that's not acceptable."

Li Shurong said nonchalantly: "Nonsense, I know that there are several people who employ more than eight workers. It's not a big deal!"

As long as there is money to be made, people are very courageous.

Chen Huaiqing: "That's something to do with others. I don't dare to have small arms and legs."

Li Shurong: "Xiao Chen, don't worry. In Xiahou Village, your Uncle Li's words are useful. I also know a lot of people in the town. Whatever happens in the future, just talk."

Now the old woman is working here in Chen Huaiqing, and the nephew and grandson of the family are also begging for food in Chen Huaiqing, Li Shurong naturally does not want Chen Huaiqing to have any problems.

"With Uncle Li's words, I feel relieved."

His backer is the village head?

No matter what, I feel a little ashamed.

No hurry, no hurry!
As for the current Chen Huaiqing, even if he wants to find a bigger backer, he will have to rely on you!

Who would take care of someone who tosses a few assembled motorcycles and earns two dollars?
Chen Huaiqing asked Li Shurong to have lunch here, but Li Shurong refused, saying there was still something to do.

Chen Huaiqing and Feng Yi talked about taking apprentices, as long as they teach them the basic assembly of motorcycles, teach one, and give Feng Yi 100 yuan. In addition, each apprentice he teaches, Feng Yi can get a piece of motorcycle assembly Divide the money.

This is divided into time and lasts for half a year!

Feng Yi couldn't help but look at Chen Huaiqing in surprise, what else is going on like this?
"Anyway, if you give them to the church, you'll get money! Isn't that a problem?"

Feng Yi: "You've said that, what else can I ask?"

Next, I talked with Pang Xinliang, and it was quite smooth. He is also the one who needs money urgently.

Compared with Feng Yi, Pang Xinliang made a decision faster. After hearing the salary offered by Chen Huaiqing, he directly stated that he would resign from the factory and work with Chen Huaiqing and the others.

The factory doesn't care about employees resigning at all, and even looks forward to it.

How many people are out of work right now?

When someone leaves, recruit people to come in immediately when they turn around.

As for whether they are core skilled workers in the factory, no one actually cares.

Now I don't pay attention to personal value, and I don't think how important a certain person is.

(End of this chapter)

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