Reborn 1990: Make a fortune and become well-off

Chapter 592 Give you a chance

During this period, Yihang was also on the right track, and various problems caused by Song Yi's amnesia were gradually resolved. Because Lin Meihui was responsible for most of the company's business, Song Yi was free to go to psychological counseling. Hypnosis.

The two of them also had a tacit understanding and had a superior-subordinate relationship in the company. No one noticed anything, especially Chu Yunxiao. During this period, he learned a lot of tricks from Lin Meihui and his work ability improved by leaps and bounds.

He kept clamoring to invite Lin Meihui to dinner, but Lin Meihui didn't take it seriously. He and Lin Meihui had just come out of the food processing factory in the morning. Chu Yunxiao took a stack of information and said enthusiastically, "Mr. Lin, these foods we have recently developed can be They are all unavailable on the market. If once released, other food companies would probably shy away from it despite its taste and nutritional value."

Lin Meihui is not too optimistic. Researching and developing new foods is the original business of food processing plants. Because there is relatively little to worry about here, she sent Zhao Xingtai here at the beginning, but now it seems that this is not a foolproof strategy.

The research, development, processing and production of these foods are all under the control of Zhao Xingtai. If there is a problem in this part, it will be fatal to Yihang, so there is no unimportant work.

Seeing that Lin Meihui remained silent, Chu Yunxiao thought that Lin Meihui was still not satisfied with the current situation. Chu Yunxiao was quick to speak, "I have seen many food processing plants in terms of R&D and scale. To be honest, they are not as good as ours... in terms of management, hygiene , judging from the processing flow, our factory is now in the best condition, Mr. Lin, you should be happy..."

Chu Yunxiao was deeply impressed by the courage, endurance and energy that Lin Meihui showed these days. Generally, female bosses only care about people but not things. As long as they tell their subordinates to get things done, they rarely do it themselves, but Lin Meihui would do it almost every day. In and out of various departments, she has to personally understand many processes and become familiar with them. This makes many employees of the company regard her as a role model.

Although she is a woman, she usually wears her hair in a bun, black suits and skirts, and small black shoes with flat soles. When she walks, her feet feel like wind. Usually her eyes easily avoid staring at people, but once she is angry and stares at people, then Chu Yunxiao was able to capture people's souls all at once, and Chu Yunxiao often had this eyeball, but looking back, thinking back, it was precisely because of Lin Meihui's staring that he could grow up so quickly.

"I kind of regretted placing Zhao Xingtai in such a position before. I wish I had let him take care of logistics..."

"Mr. Lin, now he is very angry. In terms of food production and research and development, the most advantage he can have is knowing the formula and additive ratio of product production. But you think, our series of foods are all in During research and development, it is impossible for him to get all the food plans... The company has express regulations that the formulas in the R&D room are classified as first-level encryption."

Chu Yunxiao advised Lin Meihui not to worry too much, but he undoubtedly saw Lin Meihui loosening the collar of her shirt, and then he saw a mole the size of a grain of rice on the right side of Lin Meihui's neck, which looked extra special on her fair and slender neck. Eye-catching, Chu Yunxiao felt distraught and quickly lowered his head.

At that moment, he realized that even though Lin Meihui was so tightly covered, she still exuded that charming charm, and even a mole could make people's hearts flutter.

Lin Meihui noticed that something was wrong with Chu Yunxiao. She looked back at him and saw that he was kicking stones with his head down and walking forward. His leather shoes were covered with white marks. "You kid, you kick stones when you walk. Those shoes of yours are imported from Italy." Right, you’re not afraid of ruining the paint?”

When Chu Yunxiao was reminded like this, he immediately stopped his little moves and went to open the car door obediently. When Lin Meihui got into the back seat, Chu Yunxiao pretended not to look at his watch and said, "Mr. Lin, it's getting late. It's late now." I'm afraid it will take two hours to drive back, so why don't we just deal with it here and I'll treat you to dinner..."

"Are you a wealthy person? How can any subordinate treat his superior to dinner? If people find out, they would say I'm stingy..."


Chu Yunxiao was too embarrassed to ask Lin Meihui to treat him, and was speechless for a moment. Lin Meihui couldn't help laughing when she saw that his computer suddenly seemed to have crashed, "Is it because the weather is too hot and your brain has crashed? It wasn't the case just now. Are you okay?"

"I just want to treat Mr. Lin to an ordinary meal. I want to thank you for your guidance on my work for so long. I am afraid that you will worry about your identity. Don't you know what to do?"

Chu Yunxiao raised his head and secretly glanced at Lin Meihui's reaction with his peripheral vision. Lin Meihui thought for a while and said, "Then you can invite me. I'll see if you can afford to wear Italian handmade leather shoes. The conditions are not bad. The boss is going to take advantage of you today... …”

"Happy to be ripped off..."

Chu Yunxiao opened the car door and got into the cab. At this moment, Zhao Xingtai and his assistant Wang Bo were watching this scene. Zhao Xingtai curled his lips and blurted out, "Did you see it?" There are no foxes in the world who are not troublesome, and this Xiao Chu is a bit interesting to Mr. Lin. When he was holding the car door just now, he was so itchy... His left hand almost crumpled his suit into a tissue."

"Mr. Zhao's eyes are really sharp. I have never seen this wonderful scene..."

"Follow them and see where they go. I bet they're not going back,"

After Zhao Xingtai finished speaking, Wang Bo immediately jogged to drive. Zhao Xingtai also got in the car and drove forward with Chu Yunxiao's car. It was the noon rush hour, and the traffic was moving extremely slowly. Chu Yunxiao glanced at the back seat from the rearview mirror from time to time. Lin Meihui, who was looking at the food processing flow chart from beginning to end, he couldn't help but look at it a few more times, Lin Meihui's voice came out calmly, "Just drive well, if you are curious about what I do, look at it later..." "

Chu Yunxiao blushed. Even though the car had air conditioning, he was still sweating profusely from the heat. "Mr. Lin, I just want to ask you if you can open the meeting window..."

Lin Meihui was a little curious about what happened to Chu Yunxiao today. She glanced at him who was sitting upright and focused on driving, "Are you allergic to the air conditioner or something? Isn't it cool when the air conditioner in the car is turned on?"

"No, I just think the natural wind is better..." The air conditioner was still circulating in the car. Smelling the faint fragrance of Lin Meihui, he was a little distracted. He also felt that he was really crazy...

Lin Meihui raised her brows and said, "Okay, you can drive...but the exhaust outside is a bit strong now, so you can drive it for a while and then turn it off..."

Chu Yunxiao responded and opened the car window. When the heat wave outside the window hit his face, Chu Yunxiao finally woke up a little at that moment. Only then could he focus on the road again and drive the car steadily to the restaurant.

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