Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 98

Chapter 98 Threw out the fleshy bones

The sunlight sneaked into the bedroom along the gap in the curtains, and shone on the floor in front of the bed, adding a bit of brilliance to the room.

Lin Fengjiao clutched the bed sheet in his hand, greeted Tang Huan’s wave of shocks with a whisper, until the man finally stopped contentedly, leaning on her and panting heavily.

“If you don’t go down yet, people will be crushed by you.” Lin Fengjiao gave Tang Huan a white glance.

“I know your ability to withstand stress.” Tang Huan smiled and turned over and lay on the bed, “How is the filming?”

“You just remembered to ask.” Lin Fengjiao punched Tang Huan with two fists dissatisfied, “I’m almost half of the filming, I asked for leave this time to come to see you, but when I met, I hurriedly pulled. When people do such a shameful thing in broad daylight, can’t they wait till night?”

“There is fun in the evening at night, and fun in the day during the day.” Tang Huan smiled disapprovingly.

“There is really no way to take you as a rascal.” Lin Fengjiao finished his annoyance and began to clear the battlefield.

Tang Huan got up and came to the window, opened the curtains, and took a few deep breaths against the sun, feeling refreshed and refreshed. The boredom brought by the intense work these days was wiped out.

The time spent inspecting the factory on Baodao far exceeded Tang Huan’s expectations. He personally experienced the heavy production pressure brought about by a large number of orders. In order to avoid mistakes during the end of the year, the big boss had to come forward and sit down.

Participants in the game console sales battle during the Christmas period in the United States, in addition to the powerful Atari and the new Xiaobawang, there are also the inventors of commercial home electronic game consoles-Philips-invested veteran manufacturer Magnavox, which succeeded in 1978. Developed the second-generation game console Odyssey, the Odyssey 2.

This game console uses the 8-bit microcontroller Intel8048 introduced by Intel in 1976. There is nothing new in the hardware specifications. However, like Atari, it entered the industry early and has a profound foundation. There are many types of games.

At this point, although the latecomer Xiaobawang is somewhat inferior, but the game group led by “Tetris” has reached more than a dozen games, and they are more innovative and playable, and they are not necessarily at a disadvantage.

Xiaobawang’s real shortcoming lies in the channel. After all, its construction requires a process, and Apple’s direct sales stores are unwilling to lend a hand. Zheru’s marketing department had to try various ways to make up for it.

In addition, new faces appeared among the competitors. Mattel, the owner of the Barbie doll, also came to grab the food and launched the Intellivision game console with 16-bit CPUCP1600. Although it is only for trial sale, the price is slightly higher, at US$299. But the coming is menacing, and it makes people jealous.

In response to this battle, all game consoles from the Baodao factory production line are shipped to the United States by plane. Although this will affect profits, after expanding the market share, it can be compensated by the subsequent increase in the number of game cassettes.

The gluttonous feast of Christmas in the United States in 1979, the major game console manufacturers finally drew how many dishes on their plates, public opinions were divergent, the media was buzzing, but the relevant parties did not respond positively, fearing to attract more pretenders. This concealment has actually aroused greater interest from investors.

Of course, Tang Huan knows his own achievements. The statistics he obtained is that in the nearly two months from the launch of the Xiaobawang game console to Christmas, the shipments exceeded 500,000 units and the sales exceeded 100 million U.S. dollars.

This number is slightly higher than the level of Nintendo FC in the first two months of the previous life.

It is foreseeable that as the market heats up, competition will be more fierce next year. Excluding those PCs that play the main game cards, there are only four dedicated game consoles: EA’s Atari 2600, Warner’s Atari 2600, and EA’s Atari 2600. Philips’ Milova Odyssey 2, Mattel’s Intellivision.

The businessmen who do business honestly and the profiteers who set up today and run tomorrow will eat at the same table. The game industry is destined to usher in the first growing pains.

Tang Huan secretly rejoiced, thanks to the establishment of EA, let Tripp Hawkins take the lead, otherwise he would be annoyed by these trivial matters.

“What kind of food do you want to eat, I will cook it for you.” Lin Fengjiao asked, who had finished packing.

“As long as you do it, I like it.” Tang Huan, who was in a good mood, blew a kiss frivolously.

“If the craftsmanship has regressed, don’t complain.” Lin Fengjiao smiled and stepped briskly to go out to prepare.

Tang Huan smiled knowingly looking at the woman who was moisturized by him so that she was more than Huajiao. This relaxed atmosphere of home life can only be created by Lin Fengjiao, who is considerate and proficient in housework.

Tang Huan came to the living room, picked up the newspaper and looked through it.

The impact of the Formosa Island incident is still fermenting, but the people on the island still need to eat and dress to develop the economy. The overall situation is still the same, and the signs of black gold can also be seen looming.

Regardless of the current situation, Zheru’s factory on Baodao will never be affected, and the second phase of the project has already begun in full swing.

It can be said that Zheru is currently the most successful investment in Hsinchu Science Park. It is estimated that even after the official establishment is announced, it will be difficult for others to surpass it in a short period of time.

The fact that it took half a month to fly the Cassidy game console to the United States by plane has attracted the attention of insiders.

Recently, Tang Huan’s most frequently asked topic in private is, “How much does Mr. Tang make?”

But in fact, Tang Huan didn’t put this interest in his eyes. He had already set his sights on the procurement process.

Up to now, the total sales of Fangyuan Computers in Asia have exceeded 10,000. According to this trend, in 1980, it is conservatively estimated that the total sales of Xiaobawang game consoles will exceed 500. The possibility of 10,000 units is also great.

For such a scale of production, the quantity of the main semiconductor components required-CPU and memory-will naturally increase. If favorable negotiation conditions can be obtained when purchasing, the control of production costs will definitely be very considerable.

To this end, Tang Huan meticulously designed a large order of 30 million U.S. dollars and threw it in front of Japanese semiconductor companies. I believe that these guys who are eager to expand will definitely rush over like hungry dogs grabbing meat and bones, and even bite each other. .

For the weak, these Japanese companies will form a group to engage in monopoly, but in the semiconductor field, they are still only disruptors catching up with American competitors. Tang Huan believes that he can definitely get the maximum benefit.

As expected, Toshiba Semiconductor and Hitachi Semiconductor came in first. Tang Huan asked Jian Mingren and Shi Chongtang to deal with them first to see if they could attract more participants.

Tang Huan finished reading the newspaper, leaned on the sofa, listened to Lin Fengjiao’s busy in the kitchen, said a few words from time to time, and fell asleep unknowingly.

After Lin Fengjiao found out, she brought a towel and gently helped Tang Huan cover it. Looking at the man’s handsome face, she couldn’t help but gently kiss on the other’s forehead.

Tang Huan opened his eyes and smiled, then went back to sleep, until Lin Fengjiao was ready for dinner and woke him up.

“How many days can I stay on Treasure Island?” Tang Huan asked casually while drinking the bowl of soup prepared by Lin Fengjiao.

“I will leave tomorrow. The visa on Treasure Island is very troublesome. If it weren’t for your relationship, I would not dare to take the risk of delaying more than ten days and come back in the middle of the filming.”

Seeing the disappointment on Tang Huan’s face, Lin Fengjiao smiled and changed the subject, “I saw Hu Yinmeng this time and found that she has changed a lot. I dare not recognize the vigor of a strong woman. .”

Tang Huan made a cut, “What kind of strong woman is she?”

“Of course it is. You don’t know how troublesome the various relationships in the crew are, and how difficult it is to manage them. For a young girl like her, as long as she stops there, she is full of aura, her eyes are like a knife, and she is shocked. The disobedient guys are honest right away, it’s incredible.”

“Whoever dares to be disobedient, then open someone. This may be the feeling of being in power.” Tang Huan smiled slightly, “If you envy you, you can also enter the workplace for a trial. I can arrange for you.”

“I can’t do it. Hu Yinmeng reads a lot of books, I can’t compare it.” Lin Fengjiao shook his head quickly and refused.

“What are you timid? Isn’t your investment in those properties doing well? Sometimes, EQ is more important than IQ.” Tang Huan continued to encourage.

“Don’t think of me being foolish, I still have that self-knowledge.” Lin Fengjiao gave Tang Huan a white look, took a piece of braised pork and fed it into his mouth.

Tang Huan nodded repeatedly and praised, “It’s better to be Jiaojiao, the food is so delicious, it’s more caring than some strong women.”

Lin Fengjiao’s eyes were flowing, and he smiled, “It seems that you have a deep understanding Then hurry up and eat more.”

“Of course I have to eat more.” Tang Huan squeezed his eyes, “Otherwise, I don’t have the energy to work at night.”

“Smelly rogue, let’s see how I can block your mouth.” Lin Fengjiao, blushing, picked up another piece of braised pork.

Tang Huan just turned his head to eat in his mouth, and the phone in the living room rang.

“I’ll pick it up, it should be me.” Tang Huan said vaguely, got up and walked over.

Sure enough, Shi Chongtang came here. It turned out that NEC Semiconductor, Fujitsu Semiconductor, Mitsubishi Semiconductor, and Panasonic Semiconductor also sent representatives to Treasure Island to express their willingness to participate in the bidding.

It seems that the fleshy bone that I threw out is very attractive, and the six major semiconductors in Japan, which will soon become famous, are even attracted by their Gregorian New Year.

With the participation of these six companies, it doesn’t make much sense whether other small companies will be there.

“Okay, I will meet with them one by one tomorrow. You have arranged the reception work.” Tang Huan finished his instructions and hung up the phone.

“What happy event makes you so happy?” Lin Fengjiao asked curiously.

“Is there?” Tang Huan touched his face, and then replied, “I have the opportunity to enter the semiconductor industry in Japan, so I am naturally a little excited.”

“What semiconductor attracts you so much, I don’t understand.” Lin Fengjiao smiled and shook his head.

“That’s okay, as long as you know how to cooperate when working at night.” Tang Huan laughed happily.

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