Rebirth of the Tech Frenzy

Chapter 530

Chapter 530 : The arrangement is clear

Zhou Zuo also pacified with approval: “I know about this. Don’t worry, we won’t bother with Dark Sword. We naturally know who your heart is for. And many things are indeed inconvenient for the country to come forward. , But if your company can protect your thoroughness, it will naturally be the best.”

Xiang Qianjin sighed and said with a smile: “Now I have to thank the organization for its trust. I went to Baiying for an appointment this time. They should negotiate with me for the resources transported from outside the country. I also It is planned to be opened on a large scale, and we are also going to start the handover.”


“Yes, I am also from the Bureau of Space Affairs anyway. I plan to open a space business department. For this, I want to come and go with you alone. Those who can represent the Bureau at that time should be with you. Let me borrow two people! It can be regarded as a representative for us to start talking about the issue of resource allocation. We may have to sacrifice a small part of our interests. Of course I will try to minimize it as much as possible, but it is impossible for us to get nothing!”

“Haha, the alien planet itself does not belong to us yet, so you guys just remember the country.” Zhou Zuo said with a smile, and Xiang Qianjin immediately waved his hand and said: “One is one, two is two. This is a matter of national interest. Meaning, we use resources to bind them, at least let the Rothschild family and the Rodman family bind us together. And my core bottom line this time is that they will never block our Huayan from trade. We can pull the land port directly into North America, build shelf warehouses in North America, and then directly supply the Rothschild family and the Rodman family at low prices. In turn, they will join our land port project and help me To complete this project, and at the same time to ensure that our Huayan company will never be affected by any of them. We are going to enter into a memorandum of cooperation this time.”

“Okay! If this land transportation port can be built directly, doesn’t it mean that our domestic manufacturers can…”

“That’s what it means!” Xiang Qianjin’s mouth twitched, and Zhou Zuo said excitedly: “Okay! This can be regarded as providing a safe haven for domestic technology companies. Although this safe haven is an internal loop, it cannot be sold directly to the outside world. But this has already given capital a great place to hedge. Domestic manufacturers who join the land transport port project can enjoy the most comfortable money-making solution!”

Xiang Qianjin said with a smile: “Then if you really agree, then I’m not welcome.”

“Don’t be polite, just open up a world-class industrial land transportation port for me! A safe harbor!”

“I think the name of your land transportation port should be changed. How can a land transportation port be called a land transportation port? According to Lao Zhou’s words, a safe harbor!” Hong Botao’s proposal made Xiang Qianjin’s eyes bright, and he smiled. Said: “This is good, straight to the subject, safe harbor! Well, I believe they will like this name even more!”

After getting Zhou’s full support, Xiang Qianjin got on the plane after a day’s rest. He didn’t have time to meet other people.

Of course, Zhou Zuo directly approved the person who was picked up this time, and this time, as the representative, he took the plane and followed Xiang Qiang directly.

One of these two people is Lu Qingxue and the other is Fang Xinyi.

Xiang Qianxue, Lu Qingxue, this time represents business affairs, while Fang Xinyi represents the security department of the Bureau of Space Affairs. The two women were also sent to Beixing overnight, and went to North America with Xiang Qiang to participate in this golden age.

In the golden age of Xiang Qiang’s appointment, the news finally entered the country from abroad, and immediately all those who had been struggling to advance in the dark immediately stopped cooking.

And it also became like a rat crossing the street, everyone shouting and beating, public opinion is like this, one after another.

Xiang Qianjin didn’t care about the direction of public opinion at all. What he cared about was the appointment.

There was a time lag when he arrived in North America. It was midnight where Xiang Qianjin went. After getting off the plane, Xiang Qian went into the hotel very tired. The hotel he stayed in was arranged by Rothschild himself. This time Xiang Qianjin brought people. Not much. Chen Tong took Zuo’s four best guards. Then came JK, Lu Qingxue, and Fang Xinyi. In addition, I brought six company entourages and there were only fifteen people in total.

At first, people thought that there were a lot of people here, but they didn’t expect Xiang Qianjin to dress lightly. The total supply is only fifteen people, which feels very shabby, but they also know it. It is not that Xiang Qianjin can not afford to invite people. Just bringing this number of people means that these people are enough, and they are all elites. Neither Gores nor Du Le doubted that Xiang Qiang was a bit human.

Xiang Qiang himself was placed in a large presidential suite, and the Rothschild family owned a three-story hotel. And they are all blocked by bodyguards, and outsiders are not allowed to enter.

This is not to imprison Xiang to advance, but for his safety. This is true.

Xiang Qianjin lay on the bed exhaustedly, but the phone came just as soon as the person got down.

“Hello? Ruoxin! How are you now?”

Xiang Qianjin was very patient with his wife’s “checking up” phone calls. As soon as I hung up the phone, someone knocked on the door. After Xiang Qiang passed and opened the door, JK and Chen Tong led Lu Qingxue and Fang Xinyi in.

Fang Xinyi picked it up and looked around, and then whispered: “You live in a luxurious place.”

“Otherwise you stay at night?” Chen Tong asked with a smirk.

Fang Xinyi’s face turned red, then she lowered her head and said nothing. Xiang Qianjin looked at them and asked, “Why are you so desperate?”

“Of course we have to work hard. If we don’t work hard, how can we live a good life! Now it is a regular meeting. This is all in accordance with the regulations. Let’s start the meeting!” After JK finished, Lu Qingxue raised her hand and Xiang Qianjin looked helplessly. Lu Qingxue, Lu Qingxue pointed to Xiang Qianjin and said, “Why do you want him to direct? You still need to listen to him overseas?”

“If you don’t listen to my instructions, you want to go to heaven?” Xiang Qianjin almost didn’t make Lu Qingxue jump up. After all, he nodded and admitted, Xiang Qianjin could only bear it. Chen Tong coughed and said, “Okay, normal meetings. Don’t talk about it. I’ll start. This time we are here mainly for a gathering in the golden age of collectors. This time we have only one purpose, and that is to achieve us. The bottom line of the goal. Overall, we still have a certain risk. But this risk is still valuable and very low.”

“Then we are here this time, besides negotiating with us, do they have no other purpose?” Fang Xinyi asked, looking at Xiang Qiang worriedly. Xiang Qianjin nodded and said, “Well, your question about this matter is very informative, but I can’t answer you. Because the situation is not clear now, I can’t talk nonsense.”

Xiang Qianjin’s words were recognized by the other women. For the upcoming meeting, everyone must have a unified caliber and tone from now on. They must speak uniformly and arrogantly, and they must have a deep sense of contempt. This is very necessary, and it is also for the effect needs of the negotiation.

Someone asked, what effect is needed in the negotiation?

Of course it is necessary. Negotiation is a war. In this human fight, when each other moves, sooner or later, the human nature will be distorted. Therefore, we must agree with the bottom line of the big guys. The bottom line is absolutely not to be discussed. This is to prevent leaks and loopholes. Xiang Qianjin directly unified the caliber. Just to become full of power in front of the opponent.

And the most test of negotiation is human nature and hearts. A lot of these two points are missing. Without the most basic human nature, can you do a good job in business? The human heart is the recognition of the big guys, and in the debate or negotiation, the appearance and temperament of the two sides basically determine the weight of the right to speak! ! If you lose momentum, it will basically be difficult to defend. As the saying goes, if you lose, don’t lose!

Thinking of this, Xiang Qianjin said to the four women: “Sleep well tonight, tomorrow, I will take you to the meeting!”

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