Rebirth Of The Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 53: The Second Elder (2)

Chapter 53: The Second Elder (2)

Ye Ling alighted from his carriage, and when he noticed those Elders from the Duan household standing around, he furrowed his brow slightly.

Today marks the completion of their Second Elder’s sequestered training, what are those people from another household doing here?

“Great Elder, why’re these Elders from the Duan household…. “Ye Ling knitted his brow as he voiced his query.

The Great Elder responded indifferently: “Our Second Elder wanted to achieve ascension and undertook this cultivation regime. Our friends here are all his equals in strength previously. Their purpose here today is to witness his achievement and maybe, learn a thing or two from him as well.”

“Sorry for disturbing.” The Elders from the Duan household put on a smile as they exchanged formal greetings, though their attitudes lacked the appropriate respect for a head of the household.

They were well aware of the current hierarchy of power in the Ye household. It was only a matter of time before Ye Ling relinquish his position as head of the household.

So instead of getting on Ye Ling’s good side, siding with the Great Elder would be the wiser choice.

Moreover ….

The Great Elder even had backing from Ye You, a member of the Cloud-breakers!

Ye Ling felt something was amiss, but after those desultory conversations with the Elders, them being perfunctory towards him was pretty obvious and getting them to be honest with him would be inconceivable.


After Duan Tianrao renounced the engagement, Ye Ling was still upset with the Duan household. And now, after he saw Ye Xun and Duan Tianrao standing around blatantly as a couple, he was all the more unwilling to say anything to them.

From this moment, Ye Ling felt relieved instead, that Ye Qingtang was not around for having to put up with this debacle.

While silence ensued amongst them, the stone door to the chamber rumbled and from the slowly- widening gap, an air which brought a chill to the bones was released.

When the door became wide open, a tall and stout figure emerged gradually from within. That was an older adult seemingly in his fifties, with a stalwart build that betrayed men of his age. If it was not for those wrinkles that was apparent on his chiseled face, one could hardly tell his actual age.

The Second Elder paced gradually into the open, though donned in a drab garb, he exuded an air of confidence.

When he raised his eyes to his surroundings, he noticed that besides the people from his own household, those from the Duan household were present as well. His eyes flashed a glint of bewilderment, but he did not read too much into it.

Before he secluded himself for training, Ye Qingtang and Duan Tianrao were already engaged. Therefore, though he was puzzled, he was not too concerned over their presence.

Ye Ling had long-awaited for the Second Elder’s return. After seeing him making it back in one piece, he could finally put his mind at ease. When he was about to approach him to have a word, a figure cut-in before him.

The Great Elder had appeared in front of the Second Elder suddenly. At that moment, though he had an impassive face, his gaze prowled over the Second Elder briefly before he knitted his brow and narrowed his eyes. Finally, with a piercing glare, he asserted: “Men! Seize him!”

When the Great Elder’s words were spoken, Ye Ling and the Second Elder were stunned.

While they were caught off guard, the accompanying guardsmen surrounded the Second Elder and seized him by the arms.

“What’s the meaning of this?!” The Second Elder scowled instantly, what had transpired were totally beyond him.

“What do you think you’re doing?!” Ye Ling’s face clouded over as he turned to face the Great Elder.

*Thought you could escape cliffhangers?

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