Rebirth of the Stars

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Market owner

Thank you for your patience to finish reading the first two chapters. Today is the last chapter of the story. With the beginning of the next chapter, our story will officially begin.

Last time, it was said that in the five hundredth year of the last millennium of the Era of the End of Dharma, that is, five hundred years before the story node, the various tribes of the stars for their own interests and the original Dongzhou core fragments named “Shenzhou Continent” are contained in the continent. Abundant resources, a total of one hundred and twenty-six dynasties of various ethnic groups invaded China almost one after another taking advantage of the split and chaos of the dynasties on the mainland of China.

This has stretched for three hundred years, buried nearly seven billion people, and started a world war that destroyed more than 100 dynasties.

According to the historical records of later generations, the population of the various races of the stars has recovered to about 11.5 billion before the world war, which occurred in the reality of the stars in the era of the end of the stars. However, after the 300-year war, the world population was only Less than four billion in deposit.

Excluding natural growth and Yidai population, the 300-year war cost all races at least a total of more than seven billion people. Among them, more than 80% of the elites of all ethnic groups are included.

The result of the war is that more than one hundred dynasties have been destroyed or divided or decayed in 300 years to the extent that they can barely survive with the help of other countries. Only nine dynasty countries have gained sufficient benefits in the war to develop and grow.

But these nine countries have not been able to laugh for long.

Whether it was the dynasties of various races that launched the war, or from passive defense to activeness, the dynasties of the Xia Dynasty, which finally barely became one of the nine dynasties, did not expect that the whole world would undergo earth-shaking changes just ten years after the end of the war.

Yes, the judges are right.

Zhu Xia was one of the nine dynasties that ultimately benefited.

However, Zhu Xia’s gains are not much in terms of geographical resources. On the contrary, Zhu Xia suffered heavy losses in terms of territory and resources.

Since the losses were heavy, how did Zhu Xia become one of the nine dynasties that ultimately benefited?

Simply put, although Zhu Xia lost nearly half of its territory and the resources contained therein, Zhu Xia, which was originally split into 49 countries, was reunified in 300 years, and the technology that was originally stagnant or even regressed. The level has returned to the forefront of the world, and in some aspects it has even surpassed the dynasties of all races to stand on the top of the world again.

Let’s put it this way. Originally, Zhu Xia had not enough people to digest because the plates were too open, and the foundation was already a little unstable. Coupled with the frequent internal strife and division, the branches of the Xia clan that had been merged once again showed signs of disintegration.

Without this world war that would eventually affect all the fragmented continents of the former East Continent, it might not take a few hundred years before Zhu Xia would cease to exist. The various branches of the Xia Dynasty will once again return to the tribal period and will be independent and hostile to each other.

So after the end of the war, all the dynasties had their own evaluations of the war, only the newly born Zhuxia clan was a little confused about how to evaluate it.

At the beginning of the war, the Zhuxia clan, which had been split into 49 countries at that time, didn’t pay much attention to the countries that successively set foot on the mainland of China, and were still busy fighting inwardly.


Because they haven’t understood the situation of the outside world for too long, in the eyes of Zhuxia’s clan, these dynasties who set foot in China are still their own little brothers, and their technology is far behind Zhuxia.

Because the various dynasties did not act in a unified manner, but set foot on the Shenzhou one after another. Therefore, at first, when the Zhuxia clan guessed that the dynasties came, they assumed that it was an extravagant move that a certain sub-nation thought of, and they invited other dynasties to do their own cannon fodder.

Until the armies of the dynasties of the various races captured 19 border cities in different divisions of Zhuxia in just one month with a force beyond the imagination of Zhuxia’s clan, and launched a brutal and inhuman massacre.

But even if this is the case, at first the major divisions still did not stop the civil war, but began to blame each other. Those in power in each sub-country still believe that this is an off-board move by other sub-countries.

It wasn’t until more and more dynasty troops set foot on China, captured cities, and slaughtered the people of the Zhuxia tribe, and the division of the country felt that something was wrong.

At this time, the people in power of the various branches of the Xia have already felt something wrong, very wrong, wrong in their combat power, and in the wrong way. It seems that these dynasties are not here to help one or several divisions.

But the seeds of mutual suspicion have not disappeared.

Until one of the sub-national masters called “Yu Xia” could not resist the pressure of public opinion and swore with the blood of their ancestors, no one, including the entire sub-national regime, had any contact with these dynasties that slaughtered the people of Zhu Xia.

Then almost all those in power in different countries proved their innocence by “ancestral oaths” in no particular order.

The people of Zhuxia people in the Age of Last Dharma did not believe in ghosts and gods, but only respected their ancestors. Any oath involving the blood of ancestors is sacred and inviolable.

Since then, the various branches of the summer have suddenly realized that they have been invaded.

And looking at the posture of the various dynasties, it seems that they intend to completely destroy the Zhuxia clan.

He’s Zuma, it’s worth it.

Mao Zi, who is going to die and exterminate the species, still fights inwardly, and fights his Zuma in unison.

We said that as a descendant of the Hanshan tribe, originally known as the “Black Demon”, the nature of the Zhuxia tribe has not changed.

In terms of fantasy games on earth, the Zhuxia clan is a typical evil lawful camp.

The Zhuxia tribe, especially the Zhuxia tribe as the main body, like to fight internally, but in the same way, they are extremely united when facing foreign enemies.

And now it is no longer a simple foreign enemy, but almost all dynasties and races outside of China intend to directly destroy the Zhuxia clan.

The true subjugation of the country and species.

And when did the gang of barbarians develop so well in science and technology?

This battleship, this cannon, this armor.

Did he make a mistake about Zuma?

Under the threat of the powerful ships and guns of the armies of the dynasties of all races, and under the pressure of the genocide of the dead, the various branches of the Xia Dynasty completed the reorganization and unification at an unprecedented speed.

Under the command of the reorganized Zhu Xia dynasty’s new regime, the various armies of the Zhu Xia dynasty kept going to the front line, resisting steadily with significantly lower combat power than the enemy, and buying time for the people in the front area to retreat.

At the same time, the new regime has invested a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources to restart numerous scientific research projects, especially military projects, that have been put on hold or postponed for thousands of years.

is consuming the entire dynasty’s background to speed up the progress of its own technology research and development at a rate that burns money, only to obtain basic defense capabilities before the armies of all races reach the hinterland of the Zhuxia clan.

Zhuxia people are undoubtedly unfortunate.

It is undoubtedly unfortunate and pathetic to attempt to fight against the whole world with the power of one country under the calculation of subjugation of all ethnic dynasties.

But the Zhuxia people are undoubtedly lucky.

Because this war was launched by all ethnic dynasties, but it was not a united action.

Therefore, the hostile parties are not only Zhuxia and the dynasties, but also between the dynasties.

And this undoubtedly gave Zhu Xia a chance to breathe.

After discovering that the various races are also hostile to each other, the rulers of the Zhu Xia clan who are the most adept at internal fighting undoubtedly see a slim hope.

So in the first two decades of the war, the planners and planners of the various branches of the Xia Dynasty continued to create contradictions and frictions for the dynasties of various races.

Li Daitao is stiff, beauty tactics, divorce tactics, various tactics are constantly being staged.

Finally, in the twentieth year, the scale of the war has changed from the division of the Divine State among the various dynasties to a major shuffling of the power of all the fragmented continents in the original East Continent.

The scale of the war really burned from the Chinese mainland to the entire civilized world.

Although China Mainland is still the main battlefield of war, it is no longer the only battlefield.

Under the constant sacrifices and weaknesses of Zhu Xia, the armies of various dynasties began to diverge.

Since then, Zhu Xia has obtained a real opportunity for respite and development.

The dynasties of various races originally expected that the war would be over in 50 years at most, but no one thought that with the concerted efforts of the conspirators in all summers, the orderly war would be completely out of control.

The behemoths of war released by the various races completely broke free of the reins under Zhu Xia’s provocation, and could not stop.

Three hundred years. Three hundred years.

It wasn’t until Zhu Xia, at the expense of one billion people, that he kept shrinking the base plate, and consumed the unlimited burning of his foundations, that Zhu Xia finally upgraded his technology to a level that rivaled or even surpassed that of other fragmented continents. His foreign enemies drove out of the Shenzhou Continent, and even hit other fragmented continents.

As the origin of the war and one of the core battlefields, Zhu Xia’s feat of driving the invaders out of the Chinese mainland undoubtedly played an incalculable role in ending the war.

Actually, it won’t be over.

All races are overwhelmed.

As early as the first hundred years, the people had already made a living, and the people of all ethnic dynasties except Zhuxia complained.

If it were not for the strong suppression of countries, and the hatred was already deep, the war would have been out of control. I am afraid that all ethnic groups have already stopped.

After the second hundred years, the nationals of all ethnic dynasties except Zhuxia have completely erupted, and the war has gone farther and farther on the road of losing control.

The more people of all ethnic groups want to get out of the quagmire, the deeper they are.

Finally in the third hundred years, Zhu Xia’s feat gave all races a reason to end the war completely.

After the war, Zhu Xia gave up most of the territory he originally had, and only maintained the territory enough for the survival and development of the remaining 700 million people.

From the original population of nearly 3 billion to the only 700 million remaining at the end of the war, all the people of the Zhuxia people have a feeling of being left behind.

is not only the Zhuxia tribe, but also the other tribes.

The Three Hundred Years’ War destroyed too many things. The technology of all races, except for the military, has almost stalled. What’s more sad is the loss of elite talents of all races over the past three hundred years.

However, before the dynasties of all ethnic groups silently lick the wounds of the war, in the tenth year after the war, the world has undergone tremendous changes due to the discovery of a joint investigation team of the remains of all ethnic groups.

“He” is awake.

The existence of an age or even more distant ages on the Continent of the Stars proved that the soul can be free from the **** of the body of the great **** in the Age of Doom.

The last two hundred years of the last two hundred years of the era of the end of the stars and the hundred years of the “Dawn of the New Era”-the master of the world-class soul treasure “Void Realm” Ji Ling-“Market Master”.

The awakening of the “Russian Market Lord” and the mighty power it showed made the power holders of all races only choose to submit.

that’s all. Just like irony, the people of all ethnic groups who had been fighting for life and death, even after the war, became a family. All surrendered at the feet of the “Market Lord”.

However, the races soon began to rejoice.

According to the statement in the earth fantasy: as far as the camp is concerned, the “market owner” is clearly a lawful camp. Although it tends to be neutral and lawful, it is at least not cruel.

And under the guidance of the “Market Master”, the various tribes of Zhuxia quickly advanced from the purely materialistic gas refining technology to the mixed gas refining technology that added the soul technology “mind system” refining technology.

The rapid growth of soul binding technology and soul virtual technology has allowed people of all ethnic groups to enter the virtual era of gas refining.

And the “virtual world”, the world’s treasure, has completely eliminated the real war.

Because all disputes can be resolved in the virtual world. .

in the form of virtual games.

And our story takes place two hundred years after the “Market Lord” wakes up, on the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of the Allied Government of All Stars, “Hibernation of All Stars” is aimed at the Fourth Tianyuan’s Era of the End of Law and the Seventh Little Ice Age. “The Evacuation Plan” Opening Day-May 26th, 20th Year of the All Stars United Calendar.

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