Rebirth of the Red Dragon: Self-discipline Becomes Stronger

Chapter 24

   “Orina is gone.”

   When Xilin passed by Olena, he also used a dragon’s tail to wrap her up.

   The spikes on the dragon’s tail can shrink freely, so there is no need to worry about hurting Olena. .

Chapter 39:

on the ground

   Xilin breathed fresh air as soon as he came out, and threw Olena on his tail directly into the small pond.

   Katelina dug this by herself and used it to bathe her.

   may be the obvious reason for the Yinlong gene, and her living habits are more biased towards Yinlong.


  Orina successfully fell into the water.

   “Help, Your Majesty! I can’t swim!”

   Olena’s body, which was already exhausted, suddenly regained strength.

   “Oh yes, I almost forgot.”

   Xilin has forgotten that Olena can’t swim anymore.

   So he picked up Olena, poor Olena had already been wet by the water.

   Because of the hot weather in the desert area, Olena’s clothes are inherently lighter.

   In addition to being soaked in water, the red flower on his body seems to be looming.

   The girlish body was displayed vividly, but it was too small.


   Olena also found this, and her flushed face became even more red.

   “What are you hiding?” Xilin pretended to be disdainful.

   In fact, his heartbeat has accelerated a little, and it seems that he is already a young dragon.

   When the dragon reaches the young dragon, it means it’s OK.

   It’s just that the vast majority of dragons will look for a mate and give birth to a baby after they become adult dragons.

   Seeing that Xilin didn’t care, Olena seemed a little overwhelmed.

   Grandma didn’t mean that evil dragons not only like to eat human girls, but also like to do that with human girls?

   “Hurry up and change your clothes. Although it’s easy to dry in the desert, don’t catch a cold.”

   Xilin opened the dragon wings to cover Olena, but in fact all eyes were on Olena.

   He is not a pervert, he just wants to see what is special about the incarnation of Goddess of Luck.

   That’s right, that’s it.

   “But your majesty, I…”

   Olena flushed, not knowing what to say.

   You are just watching me like this, how should I change my clothes!!!

   Three minutes later~

  Orina seemed to be venting white air above her head.

   Not only Olena, above the supreme stars.

   A goddess with big wavy golden curly hair emitting dazzling light, and her delicate brows wrinkled slightly.

   Then the white teeth and red lips moved lightly: **** red dragon!

  Western Fantasy Land

   Xilin didn’t know what happened to the gods in the sky, he had already feasted his eyes anyway.

   “Did you bring up the idea of ​​raising horned lizards?”

   Seeing that Olena kept blushing, Xilin could only help her divert her attention.

   “Yes, your Majesty, when we were in the village, we just kept some simple monsters to store food.”

   “So you don’t have to risk going out hunting.”

  Orina was successfully distracted by Xilin, and recalled the memory of the village.

   It’s just… the village should have been destroyed by the forest lord.

   “Good job.” Xilin Xiaoxiao praised Olena.

  Orina became a little embarrassed after hearing her majesty’s praise.

   I was embarrassed just now because I was shy, but now I am embarrassed because I am a little shy.

   Small sand dunes piled up by the attackers nearby, which are their homes.

   It’s just that most of the dunes are outside the forest.

   After all, dune raiders are more suitable for living in the desert.

   came to the desert forest just to prey on other animals inside.

   “Your Majesty~”

   The assailant who was busy with children said respectfully after seeing Xilin’s figure.

   “You are busy with yourself, don’t worry about me.”

   Xilin responded and took Olena to the lake.


   Feeling the breath of Xilin, Akfo quickly got out from the bottom of the water.

   “Your Majesty!” Akef said.


   “His Royal Highness Katelina!”

   Seeing Katelina’s return, Pepys immediately led the army to kneel on the ground and shouted.

   “Well, brother, he agreed and gave you the command.”

   Katelina said blankly.

   “Thank your majesty for your trust! The humble servant will surely conquer this territory for him!”

   Pepys said excitedly.

   He never expected that His Majesty believed in himself so much and gave him the command, instead of giving it to His Highness Katelina.

   This is the great trust and support!

   “Hope Pepys, you don’t let your brother down.”

   Katelina still wants to direct her heart.

   It’s just that my brother’s order has already been given, so I must obey it.

   “Pepys must use his life guarantee!”

   Pepys’ eyes burned with a raging fire, that was the embodiment of war spirit!

   “Blade Tribe!”


   Pepys shouted.


   The earth seemed to begin to shake, and more than 800 teams equipped with horned lizard cavalry were assembled.

   Just an order from Pepys, there can go to the north!

   “His Royal Highness Katelina! You should call for the attack!”

   Pepys is very smart, although Xilin gave him the command.

   But he still gave Katrina the chance to attack this scenery.

   He knew Katelina was angry, why didn’t he direct her.

   Sure enough, the whole dragon couldn’t help laughing when Katelina heard it.

   “For the great Noxus! Charge!”

   Katelina’s voice that resounded through the sky came from her mouth.

   “Long live Noxus!”

   The assembled cavalry force moved toward the north vigorously.

   lifted up a hundred meters of sand and dust!.

Chapter 40:

   The red dust is rolling ~ the smoke is everywhere~

   The cavalry of the Blade Tribe moved towards the Grimfang Tribe.

   Tooth Tribe————————

   A tortoise in thorn armor is sitting on a stone bench.

   Before him turned out to be a lot of watery grapes.

   “To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Tooth Tribe, cheers!”

   Ramos happily raised the stone cup and smiled.

  Bangfang tribe was founded by his father one hundred years ago.

   There are not only the armored dragon tortoise group, but also some other large and small races.

   The total number adds up to more than 1,500 people.

   “Haha! Cheers to the great Toothy tribe!”

   A sandburst turtle stood up.

  Blow Sand Turtle is a close brother of the armored dragon tortoise, and its whole body is made of sand.

   is a kind of elemental warcraft.


   Ramos took a sip of the grape juice secretly made by the Toothy Tribe himself, as he was about to speak.

   “Leader Ramos! A group of mighty attackers came to the south!”

   “They are coming towards our tribe on a horned lizard. It looks like the one who came is not good.”

   An armored dragon turtle spy rushed in and said.

   The sharp blade tribe is so dynamic, the armored dragon turtle can naturally notice them.

   “Attacker? Those bugs?”

   Ramos raised his brows, and instead of troubled them, they troubled themselves instead.

   “It’s really **** these days that I dare to cause trouble.”

   “But this time they got the wrong turtle! We are the Toothy tribe!”

   Burst Sand Turtle stood up angrily and smashed the stone table vigorously.

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