Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 94: Kisara In Trouble

"Shinpaku Alliance of Kenichi Shirahama!! So that means he took down one more fists! leaving us with half of our original strength. He is really something!" said Kisara.

"Just Kick him Valkyrie. As I said it's natural punishment for those who break the oath of Ragnarok" Kaname said.

Kisara kicked as she said "Yes ma'am Freya-nee-sama"

"But our numbers are dwindling. Before we even start our battle against Shinpaku alliance. If it goes like this, we'll be overthrown by Shinpaku alliance" Kisara said as she started walking away from them.

Besrserker didn't care what she said but Kaname narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

Getting out from Ragnork's base Kaname called her team of Valkyries "Keep your eyes on Kisara just like you ave been doing now, if she is gonna betray the Ragnarok it will happen fast"

"Yes Freya-nee-sama" said Chisato Ayazaki the second-in-command.

Kenichi and Miu were coming back home after seperating from Saeko when Shigure's rat Tochimaru came out of Kenichi's pocket.

"Oye Tochimaru if you want to look at our school then don't enter my lunch box. No matter how clean you are.. you are still a mouse I don't feel like eat my lunch after seeing you in there." Kenichi said to Tochimaru sitting in his pocket.

"It's looks like he wants to be friends with you Kenichi" said Miu.

"No I think he wants my money" Kenichi said while shaking his head as Miu laughed.

While they were talking Miu looked at a street corner and saw Kisara looking at an abandoned Kitty in a cardboard box.

"Wow it's such a cute Kitty" said Miu but right at that time Kisara kicked the box.

"Kenichi let's kill him" Miu said as she walked towards Kisara.

"She isn't going to do anything to get Miu.... Did you forgot that she loves Cat's as much as you do when we went to the cat cafe" Kenichi said reminding Miu about Kisara's love towards cat's as well.

"Then what is she doing" asked Miu.

"Well let's wait and see" Kenichi said as he pulled Miu behind a tree to not get caught by Kisara.

Kisara went into the store right next to the alley and bought some things from the stores entering back into the sorry where she kicked the cat.

Miu and Kenichi entered the alley and saw Kisara feeding the cat Milk while on her side was a box of cat food was present as well.

"Sorry Kitty I can't take you with me as cat aren't allowed at my flat. I know.....I will come and feed you every day until you get adopted" said Kisara.

"See I told you that she won't hurt the Kitty" said Kenichi to Miu when they see and heard what Kisara was found and said.

Kisara looked behind her and saw Kenichi and Miu in shock.

"Is that the abandoned cat! please let me hold it too!" said Miu as she walked towards Kisara.

"Co,Co,Co,Cowdairy" Kisara stuttered as she looked at Miu walking towards her.

"....Cat? Oh really, there is one I hadn't noticed" said Kisara

"You are kidding me!? you have given milk to her" said Miu as she scratched the little cat's head.

"I was just having lunch! I spilled a little!" said Kisara.

"Com-mon Kisara there is cat food peeking out of that bag from the convenience store, moreover have you forgotten that I know how much you love cat's give you forgotten that I took you to the car care because if that" Kenichi said.

Kisara looked at Kenichi then stood up taking her battle stance "You are not going to tell anyone about it"

The little cat got scared away from Kisara and started to run away from her getting out of the alley.

All three of them looked at the cat getting out of the alley on the road but right at that time a man in his scooty was driving on the road was almost going to scoot over Kisara and Miu moved.

Kisara kicked the man on his head wearing his helmet throwing him off the scooty while Miu jumped and saved the little cat.

" he safe?" asked Kisara

Miu showed the cat to Kisara that it was safe.

"Give him to me" Kisara said.

"oh... just a little bit more" Miu replied.

Kenichi looked at the man who was kicked by Kisara and sighed as the man was totally unconscious. Taking out his cellphone he called for an ambulance for the poor man.

From a different street the Valkyries were looking at Kisara and there second-in-command Chisato Ayazaki was talking on her phone "Yes she has made contact with them Freya-sama as expected. In case she previous out to be a traitor then you can leave the rest to us The Valkyries" she said.

"You two one of you take care of this kitten, I can't keep him at my apartment" Kisara said.

"My father likes dog so we already have one, hence it would be a little hard for me to tale it home" Kenichi replied.

"Tch... then you take care of it" said Kisara as she pointed her finger at Miu

"Huh!? Me..." Miu said as her eyes started to start shinning but then she started to remember the people she lives with and what will be there reactions if she took the car with her.

According to Miu - Akisame will try to experiment on the kitten, Sakaki will here the car and but the little one, Kensei Ma will try to eat him, Shigure will kill the kitten as she has Tochimaru who may become afraid on the kitten and Apachai will hire the kitten while saying that it's cute.

"No, I am sorry it's impossible for me to take her home." Miu said.

"You are worthless! your only redeeming features are your gigantic breasts" shouted Kisara.

"What did you say!?" Miu shouted back.

All of this was seen by The Valkyries as they kept there eyes on Kisara

Ryozanpaku Dojo

In the evening while Kenichi was training with his master's. Miu was sighing remembering the conversation they had with Kisara after the incident of the little cat's almost road accident.

"I will be going out for a while...." Miu said as she ran out of the dojo.

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