Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 71: Kenichi's Plan

"Go into the kitchen and check for how many people's will the food be available for" Kenichi said to Niijima who hurriedly followed his orders and came back in 2 minutes with his Tablet in his hands he said "Since Ragnarok booked the place for the day and not much was taken out there is still enough for 100 people"

"100 people huh!?" Kenichi said then took out his cellphone and dialled a number.

*ring ring ring* the phone ringed and someone picked it.

"Hello, I have kidnapped your child...." said the person from the other side of the phone hearing which Kenichi broke into a smile and said "But I don't have any child right now Apachai..... so who have you kidnapped"

"Oh, it's Kenichi what happened!?" asked Apachai

"Nothing I just wanted to ask if you and the others wanted to have a free meal or not" Kenichi said with a smile.

"Free meal!!?? Apachai likes free meal!? Where will we eat the free meal" asked Apachai

"About that is Miu or Master Akisame near you" asked Kenichi to which Apachai's reply was "Yes, they are right here!"

"Good then pass the phone to Miu so that I can tell the address to her" Kenichi said.

"Miu take the phone Kenichi is gonna tell you the address of the place where free food is given!!!" Apachai said.

"Huh!? What Free food!?" asked Miu as she took the cellphone from Apachai then placed it near her ear and asked "What is Apachai-san talking about Kenichi"

It's true Miu we are getting free food, so bring everyone from Ryozanpaku to the address that Niijima is gonna tell you ok" Kenichi said

"Ok Kenichi if it's free I am sure everyone will come" Miu replied

"Ok then Niijima tell her the address" Kenichi said as he passed his phone to Niijima who told the address to Miu after which he passed the phone back to Kenichi.

"Miu, please call Saeko and tell her to come here with her sister as well, since it's free meal then we should bring all our freinds we can shouldn't we" Kenichi said to this Miu smiled and nodded her head and said "Ok I will call her right now Kenichi!"

After disconnecting the phone Kenichi contemplated for sometime then picked his cellphone again and called a number. After ringing for sometime the phone was picked up "Hello, you have called Imperial Wrath Chinese restaurant" said the person on the other side of the phone.

"Yes, hello My name is Kenichi Shirahama is Mr. Hakubai or Ma Renka there" Kenichi asked

"Are you one of there freinds sir!?" asked the man.

"Yes I am fine of Ma Renka and I wanted to ask something from them" Kenichi replied.

"Wait a minute sir I will call one of them" said the Man to which Kenichi replied politely "Sure!"

After a minute an excited voice was heard from Kenichi's phone "Hello-Hello Kenichi is that you"

"Yes Renka it's me, Kenichi Shirahama" said Kenichi with a big smile on his face.

"How do you know the number of this place" asked Renka

"It was written on the main board of your restaurant" replied Kenichi

"What!? Then you already had our number from the beginning but you only called me now" Renka said in anger.

"Didn't I already told you myself school's name!!??" Kenichi asked.

"I forgot about it" Renka replied while she blushed from shame.

"You forgot, OK then what about three name of the place where Master Kensei lived, I also told you about that" said Kenichi

"What!?? No you didn't!!" said Renka.

"Yes I did" Kenichi said

"No youuu Didn't!!??" Renka said again

"YES I DID, didn't I told you that I am the student of Ryozanpaku where I learn Jujitsu, Karate, Muay Thai along with Chinese Kenpo" said Kenichi.

"Ohh.... Yeah you did, but how am I supposed to understand through that" Renka argued again.

Hearing this Kenichi was dumbfounded for few seconds then asked "Renka are you by chance a bird brain!?"

"Whaattt!!!!??? NO I AM NOT" shouted Renka through the phone.

"Then why are you talking like an idiot... anyways that's not I called you for, I wanted to ask if you and Uncle Hakubai will like to come here and have meal with us" asked Kenichi.

"You were calling me a bird brain earlier now what are you!? Don't you know that!" Renka replied though she really wanted to go and meet Kenichi.

It's because uncle Hakubai treated me to a meal when I came to the restaurant for the first time which by the way was ruined by you, So I wanted to return the favour but if you don't wanna come then it's OK" said Kenichi as he almost Disconnected the phone when Renka voice was heard "We will come tell me the address"

"Niijima tell her the address" said Kenichi as he passed the phone to Niijima who as a perfect servant did what was asked from him to do.

After Niijima told Renka the address he passed the phone back to Kenichi who said "Come fast your father will come as well, so you can try to catch him as well" after which he disconnected the phone without waiting for

In Imperial Wrath Chinese Restaurant Hakubai came down and asked Renka "Who was on the phone Renka!?"

"It was Kenichi! Uncle Hakubai and he has invited us to treat us to meal and we are going" said Renka as she held Hakubai's hand and started pulling him out of the restaurant.

"Wait-wait-wait wait who will look after the restaurant" Hakubai asked as he was being dragged by Renka to which she replied "Let the others deal with it for the day!"

Matsue Lark

Kenichi was sitting on a seat while drinking and eating the fast food he had asked from the chef to make while he was still in his own thoughts. After sometime he asked not from anyone particular "Will these guys be enough to finish the food!?"

"I don't know man!? Food for more than 100 people isn't easy to finish" Takeda said.

"Hmm... You are right Takeda!?" Kenichi said then looked at Niijima by his side who hasn't eaten much and asked "Oye Niijima do you have Kisara's number.....!?"

""phufff"" ""phhuu"" everyone who was eating or drinking something soiled there food when they heard Kenichi's question from Niijima.

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