Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 99

Chapter 99 Go Contest

It has been more than a month since Chen Ze launched “The Soul of Chess”, and the sales of “Manke Weekly” magazine is improving step by step.

“Manke Weekly”, whose sales have plummeted because of the end of Chen Ze’s “Slam Dunk”, has risen step by step because of “The Soul of Chess”.

Although it hasn’t reached the peak of “Slam Dunk”, it is almost the average level.

The fans around    also began to mention Sawei Kei Tengguang and so on. In order to understand Chen Ze’s chess game, one by one began to become interested in Go.

The original purpose of Chen Ze in drawing this comic has begun to be realized.

Huang Qi is still staying in City G. He saw this situation and discussed with the Chess Academy in City G. He planned to strike while the iron is hot and start a juvenile amateur Go contest to promote Go.

At the same time, they also invited Chen Ze, hoping that Chen Ze could be the guest. Because Chen Ze has a huge popularity, he is here and can bring enough attention to this competition.

Chen Ze thought about it when he received their invitation. He has a lot of things. However, this competition is only held on Saturday afternoon, and I can still spare this time.

And after all, this manga was commissioned by the Huaxia Chess Academy. They should still participate in this kind of activity. Therefore, in the end, Chen Ze agreed to attend this amateur Go tournament.

Huang Qi received Chen Ze’s affirmative reply. He was overjoyed and immediately added the news that Chen Ze was a guest in the publicity activities of this amateur competition.

“Chen Ze is going to attend this amateur competition!”

Chen Ze’s popularity in City G is so high that it doesn’t need to be said any more. Therefore, as soon as the news that he was going to be a guest of the amateur competition came out, it spread all over City G immediately.

City G, which was heated up by the popularity of Go in “God of Go,” has now become more interested in this competition.

arrived on Saturday, Chen Ze arrived at the building where the Go game was held at one o’clock in the afternoon according to the time agreed with Huang Qi.

When he came here, he was taken aback by the crowds inside.

China is not a country with a very high atmosphere of Go. Even if it has recently become interested in Go because of its own “Soul of Go”, there are not so many people.

In fact, with so many people, most of them did not come to play Go, but because Chen Ze rarely attended such public events, so they all came to see Chen Ze.

Chen Ze walked into the backstage through the small door next to him, led by the staff of the chess academy. With Chen Ze’s current popularity, if he directly appeared in front of the public, it is estimated that today’s game will not go on.

“Brother Chen, you are here.” Huang Qi walked over and said after this time of getting along. The relationship between the two has become very good, as can be seen from the name.

“Brother Huang.” Chen Ze greeted Huang Qi with a smile.

“Knowing that you are busy, I am sorry to trouble you today, but our game will start in five minutes, and it won’t delay your time.” Huang Qi said.

“As for Brother Huang, this Go game can be regarded as a promotion for my “Soul of Chess”, how can I not come.” Chen Ze shook his head and said.

They chatted for a while again, and the game just started.

“Welcome everyone to participate in this amateur Go tournament held by our G City Chess Academy in your busy schedule.” The host said the opening remarks at the front, after a bunch of very high-sounding words: “Well, there are popular cartoonists below. Chen Ze came on stage to say a few words to us.”

Chen Ze had been greeted a long time ago, and he was going to speak on stage this time, so he was well prepared.

“Today I am very happy to see so many people here to participate in this competition.” Chen Ze took the microphone and said, “Everyone knows that Go is the invention of our ancestors in China, but in recent years, we have Goryeo, who has inherited it from us, can’t beat it.”

“I think this is not just the shame of their professional chess players, but also the shame of each of us in China. That’s why the comic “God of Chess” came into being.”

“But if you want to stand up, not only one of my comics can be successful, it needs the joint efforts of our entire Chinese people. I am very happy that I have seen this kind of effort today, and I have confidence.”

“So, I hope you can participate more in this kind of activities in the future and support our Go world.”

Chen Ze’s words caused a round of applause below. Many people were also upset that our dignified Huaxia would actually lose to a small country like Korea.

Many of the children who participated in the amateur competition this time were young children. Although they did not understand the meaning of Chen Ze’s words, they also liked to watch Chen Ze’s “Soul of Chess” and then fell in love with Go.

Looking at the many immature faces below, Chen Ze also knew that the future of China Go is among them.

The competition has finally started, because it is an amateur competition. There is no age group, and many children’s opponents are adults. They all learned the way that the people in “The Soul of Chess” painted by Chen Ze took the chess pieces. Although they were not high-level, they looked alike.

To Chen Ze’s expectation, he thought that children must be better than adults. But here, the children eliminated the adults one by one. When the finals came, only two ten-year-old boys were left.

The game between these two people was moved to the front stage and broadcast on the big screen.

The audience all watched the game between the two with breathlessness, and Chen Ze was the same.

Although he didn’t know Go in his previous life, when he asked Huang Qi questions in this life, his own Go level has improved considerably.

Although I can’t compare with those masters, at least I can understand the game.

In his opinion, the chess skills of these two children are quite close, and they are both very powerful. Next, whoever should be more patient will win.

The facts are as he thought, after more than half an hour of fighting, a child narrowly won by half a chess piece.

The people on the field, including Chen Ze, when he was happy for the kid who won the championship, secretly regretted the kid who had lost.

Next is the awarding. Chen Ze’s task is to issue certificates and certificates to the champions. When he handed it out, the half-born child couldn’t help crying.

This kid looks very competitive, but he was very unconvinced in losing this time. Therefore, it was very sad to cry, and it was useless for his parents to persuade him.

When Chen Ze saw this, he walked up and comforted: “Today is just the beginning of your Go game. It doesn’t matter if you lose. There is no point in crying. We have to think about how to win back. This is for you. I hope you are like him. In the future, he will grow to the point where he can carry the entire Chinese Go world.”

Chen Ze took out a drawing as he talked about it. It was Jing Tengguang painted on this drawing, and he was playing Go with a focused expression on his face.

What Chen Ze did not expect was that more than 20 years later, when a Chinese Go genius finally defeated the Koreans and won the highest honor in the world, when he was interviewed, he pulled out a drawing.

“My idol is Jing Tengguang. I hope I can be a chess player like him. But the person who has the most influence on me is Chen Ze. Without his gifts and encouragement at that time, there might be no later me.”

(Book friends are all right. It’s my second head. This time it’s my own fault. I promised that the good five shifts will not decrease. Starting today, three shifts every day, the time is 7 am and 12 noon O’clock, six o’clock in the evening.)

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