Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 516

Chapter 509 Comics are always bigger than Chen Ze

Ten years, time passed quickly, and soon after Chen Ze defeated Li Mingyang, ten years passed.

During these ten years, Chen Ze’s career continued to be brilliant.

In the comics, a large number of classic comics such as “Naruto Shippuden”, “Gundam” series, “Fullmetal Alchemist”, “EVA”, “Attack on Titan” and so on have been launched. Together, they brought Chen Ze’s comic career to the top, and finally pushed the Chinese comics industry to the entire world.

The two words Chen Ze are closely related to comics. The name of the **** of comics spread all over the world, and Chen Ze himself is equated with comics.

As for the expansion and extension of comics, Chen Ze also achieved considerable success. Several animations have created a new record for the ratings of China Animation, so that future generations can only stand up to the record.

And in the movie, Chen Ze is the same. His animated films such as “Spirited Away” have been well received around the world and are regarded as the pinnacle of animated films. And another series of movies “Transformers” has swept the world, not only in Asia, but also in Europe and the United States has also caused great repercussions.

In a word, in these ten years, Chen Ze has truly reached the pinnacle of the comics industry and has become the mark of an era.

Today is the opening day of the tenth Ze Animation Theme Park in China.

At this moment, the theme park is full of people. And not only in the park, but the roads beside the park are also blocked by the crowd. Reporters from major domestic media were all here, and even two helicopters appeared in the sky, planning to broadcast live.

Such a big battle, of course, is not only for the live broadcast of the opening of the tenth Ze animation theme park. Although Ze animation theme park has been a great success in the world during the past ten years, although the popularity of Chen Ze comics worldwide, the theme park is also loved by people from all over the world.

However, the tenth theme park in the country is not yet in such a big battle.

There were so many people, so many reporters. There is only one reason, and that is that at today’s opening ceremony, Chen Ze will deliver his retirement speech.

That’s right, Chen Ze suddenly heard the news of the pen closure a few days ago, and set the time for the pen closure to be today. Of course, this news shocked the world instantly, and no one had thought about it. Chen Ze, who had never been there before, would actually choose to seal his pen, which really surprised them.

But Chen Ze’s determination has been made, no matter how the fans keep, he insists on closing the pen and retiring. So today at this opening ceremony. So many people came here.

And there are countless people around the world waiting in front of the TV to watch Chen Ze’s writing process.

“Unexpectedly, there were so many people here today, so I couldn’t walk at all. Fortunately, I had guessed that this might happen. I waited at the door early in the morning to grab a good position.”

Ze Animation Theme Park. A man said to the person beside him. In front of them is a high platform. Obviously, Chen Ze’s closing speech will be held here.

“Yeah, yeah, fortunately I came early today. Otherwise, I must not get such a good position.”

The people next to him looked at the dampness of people behind, showing a grateful expression, and said.

“Why did Mr. Chen Ze retired so early? He is my favorite cartoonist. I like many of the cartoons he draws, such as “Detective Conan”, “Naruto”, “Dragon Ball” , “One Piece”, etc., are my favorite comics. If he retires, I am afraid that the entire China comics industry will be worthless.”

At first, the person said, in his tone, it was quite regrettable.

“Who said no, I actually like his later works. For example, “Fullmetal Alchemist”, “EVA”, etc., are my favorite to watch. I still remember those years, I was still on Middle school. At that time, I had to save money every week to buy magazines.” The humane beside him showed a happy smile on his face when he recalled these things.

Obviously, these memories are quite beautiful in his opinion.

“Unfortunately, Mr. Chen Ze thinks that he has reached the pinnacle in comics and he does not want to draw more. In the future, I am afraid we will never see such classic comics again.

Having said this, the expressions of the two of them dimmed.

“It’s out, it’s out. It’s Teacher Chen Ze, he’s out.”

At this moment, a boiling sound from behind pulled the two men out of their deep emotions. They looked up and saw that a few people walked out on the high platform. The one who walked in the front was the one who was very familiar with them. Chen Ze.

“Teacher Chen Ze is Teacher Chen Ze.”

After seeing Chen Ze, the two of them, like everyone else on the scene, immediately boiled. In a short moment, Chen Ze only showed his face, which aroused the atmosphere of the audience.

Chen Ze came to the front of the high platform. Although ten years have passed, his appearance has not changed much. The only difference is that his temperament has really matured a lot.

He stood next to the microphone and smiled and said, “Hello everyone, this is Chen Ze.”

In an instant, his words resounded through the microphone throughout the theme park and on the TV.

“Hello, Teacher Chen Ze,” everyone said loudly.

“Welcome everyone to participate in the opening ceremony of the theme park, and everyone is also welcome to participate in my closing ceremony.” Chen Ze continued, and the closing speech began this time.

The audience was noisy at first, but after Chen Ze spoke, he immediately calmed down one by one.

“I am thirty-six years old this year, and I have been in the comics industry for about sixteen years. During these sixteen years, thank you for your support, which made me achieve what I am today. Here, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone. .”

With that, Chen Ze stepped aside and bowed to the people in the entire theme park.

“Teacher, you are serious, so we have to thank you. For so many years, we have been spending time with you in your comics. Without your comics, I am afraid that we will lose color in the past years. From this perspective, you are the one we want to thank.”

“Yes, teacher, we have to thank you.”

After seeing Chen Ze’s action, the people underneath said one after another. What they said were their sincere words, and they really thanked Chen Ze from the bottom of their hearts.

After bowing, Chen Ze walked to the microphone with a smile on his face, and continued: “But after so many years of drawing cartoons, I have spent almost the past 16 years in drawing cartoons, ignoring me. My family, I’m very sorry for them. So some time ago, I decided to retire and spend more time with my wife and children, hoping to make up for the regrets I had for them in the past.”

Hearing this, everyone felt very sorry. How much they hope that the news that Chen Ze wants to seal the pen is false, and Chen Ze will announce here that this news is just a joke.

But now, they all know that this matter is absolutely true.

They are very unwilling to give up, but there is no way. They also know that Chen Ze has given everything to him for comics over the years and drew so many high-quality comics. Indeed, he should be a family person who needs to accompany him well.

“Teacher We wish you, and hope that your family is harmonious and beautiful, and the whole family is happy.”

Thinking of this, all the fanfare said in the same way.

“Thank you, thank you.” Chen Ze nodded, seeing this scene, he was also a little excited. So many years have passed since he entered this world.

After so many years, these achievements have been made, and the fans’ true love, Chen Ze thinks, it is enough.

“I know that everyone is very reluctant to leave me, but don’t regret it. I believe that the future of comics will be more prosperous than it is now, and there will definitely be a greater manga artist than me in the future, who will draw more There are many better comics that everyone likes. Because comics is a great business, there will definitely be more outstanding people involved in it, because comics, it will always be greater than Chen Ze!” (To be continued. If you like this work , You are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read.)

PS: (Three chapters will be published in the evening, and the finale in the evening. I thought about this ending early in the morning. I hope you will like it. Also recommend my new work “Nine Lights Emperor”, I hope you will like it. Through train.)

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