Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Simple questions

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The first physics exam in the afternoon.

Yang Rui arrived in the classroom ten minutes early, and unexpectedly discovered that Hu Yanshan had arrived earlier than him, and he had prepared stationery, and was scratching his head and reading a book there.

Seeing Yang Rui, Hu Yanshan only raised his eyebrows, but Quandang didn’t see it.

“This guy also reads?” Yang Rui couldn’t help but muttered strangely.

Wang Guohua laughed as he listened: “He didn’t go to school and went back to the furnace to do what he did, he went to the soldier early.”

If you can be a soldier, it will have the same effect as taking a secondary school, but it will be much worse than a tertiary school. However, the director of the small power supply station still has some means at the local level, which is beyond the reach of the army.

“How much does he score on the college entrance examination?” Yang Rui’s curiosity remained undiminished.

Wang Guohua tilted his head and thought for a moment, and said, “Let’s look like it is divided. He probably wants to take a college entrance examination. This year should be the third year.”

After graduating from a technical secondary school, you will have the status of a cadre. If you have a way, you can return to the unit. However, if you want to start a little higher and pass his father’s achievements, a college diploma is quite necessary, and you need to score even higher. .

I want to come, and I have been the head of the power supply station for half his life, and I don’t want my son to spend his whole life in the village.

Yang Rui smiled without sympathy: “Hu Yanshan hasn’t scored after three years of testing. I’m afraid it will not only be the New Fourth Army, but the old Red Army will have hope.”

Compared with the New Fourth Army of the Anti-Japanese Army, the old Red Army is farther away from the date of liberation.

Wang Guohua also smiled gleefully.

Other students looked at them inexplicably, and then proceeded to prepare test equipment for themselves, or read books temporarily.

The emphasis on learning by the students of the age is unimaginable in later generations. Whether in school, at home, or on the court, the most talked about by students at this time is always learning. On the one hand, because of the social atmosphere, fewer temptations make people more focused; on the other hand, because there are too few outlets for young students, the college entrance examination is almost the only way up.

This is how the carp jumps into the dragon’s gate, skipping once, turning a fish into a dragon, and instantly transforming into a national elite. It has a file and is a pillar of the country. Those who did not skip, either repaired the earth at home, worked in a factory, or served as a soldier in the army, and the status of treatment was different. As for the self-employed, it is still a desperate choice for the extremely poor and those released from prison…

Even if the family conditions are the best, the future will be completely different whether they can pass the university entrance examination.

Therefore, whenever there is a little opportunity, students will choose to “study hard and make progress every day.”

At two o’clock exactly, the physics teacher brought the test papers, which were usually mimeographed paper and handwritten fonts.

The question is also modeled after the college entrance examination last year. Over the years, the syllabus of each college entrance examination has changed greatly, and the school can only refer to the most recent one and make amendments.

Yang Rui looked at the topic before the ink was dry, and nodded secretly. Don’t think Xibao Middle School is just a township middle school. The teacher’s academic qualifications are not high, but the degree of professionalism is really admirable.

He is also considered a teacher. He knows how troublesome it is to produce a paper. It should not only include as many knowledge points as possible, but also assign the frequency and value of the knowledge points according to their importance and difficulty. In addition, abandon the outline. It is also very tedious work to diversify the solution of the problem.

Teachers after a year, even if they have countless mock test papers and materials for reference, it is very troublesome to write the questions themselves, and to push people. The mock exams of the age are almost entirely dependent on the teachers to write the questions themselves. The workload is so huge that it is hard to imagine.

“You have to add a week’s class at least to get such a paper.” Yang Rui first examined the paper from front to back before immersing himself in the question.

Unlike other students, Yang Rui has become accustomed to guessing the mind of the person who made the question, not the question itself. This is the only little fun he has left after he has done countless test papers.

Otherwise, it would be really useless to keep doing the same topics.

In about a minute, Yang Rui used neat notes to answer a complete physics test paper.

Compared with later generations, the difficulty of the physics test paper at this time is obviously much lower. Among the big questions, there are simple electrical studies in the third grade of the later generations. The highest difficulty of other topics is not the level of ordinary second-year students. Of course, the junior and senior high schools in the early years were both two-year schools. From the perspective of selection examinations, it was not a significant decrease.

However, the students who have repeated the studies have a clear advantage over the freshmen.

Yang Rui tilted his head to look at Wang Guohua, he almost stopped writing, he was done with everything he could do, and the rest could only be guessed.

Wang Guohua, who was biting his pen, sensed Yang Rui’s gaze, grinned, and said: “The college entrance examination score is 36, and now it’s not much higher.”

Physics full score, 36 points can only answer the basics.

Yang Rui squinted at his paper. Most of the big questions only wrote two or three calculations, which were not completed at all, and the rest was empty. Needless to say, his 36 points are simply two points.

“Go back and make up the physics for you.” Yang Rui said in a low voice.

Wang Guohua nodded repeatedly, his eyes full of expectation.

“Don’t talk, be your own.” The physics teacher licked the table.

Yang Rui smiled slightly, turned over the paper, and confirmed that there were no omissions, then covered the draft paper and woke up in a fake sleep.

Squad leader Liu Shan also raised her head because of the noise in front of him. Seeing that Yang Rui was still a normal one, she couldn’t help but flatten her mouth, sighed inexplicably, and bowed her head to answer her own.

Her first two college entrance examinations were 352 and 361 respectively, which is a short-line difference from the undergraduate course. However, in this era when more than 10,000 people applied for the exam and only more than 10,000 people were admitted, the frontline gap was not so easy to break through.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, the physics teacher collected the papers on time.

The students who had handed in the paper hurried out to go to the toilet, and the students who were addicted to cigarettes took the time to smoke a cigarette.

Students with a bit of spare money often light up cigarettes in public, and get up and down in the classroom. While smoking, they speak loudly, which is very instructive. The students next to him were accustomed to smoking secondhand smoke.

Most of the students smoked 3 cents a pack of mountain flower cigarettes or 5 cents a pack of swordfish cigarettes. The students who couldn’t afford cigarettes and were addicted to cigarettes would sneak into places where no one was there to smoke hand-rolled cigarettes.

Hu Yanshan has the highest grade. He puts two kinds of cigarettes in his pocket. One is the flock cigarette that he usually smokes, and he is also given to his classmates. It costs 9 cents a pack, which is better than ordinary teachers smoke. One is the Big Wild Goose Pagoda he used to show face. It is ridiculously expensive. Not to mention among students, ordinary adults can’t afford it. Most of them will only be used for gifts.

At this time, the famous Daqianmen only sells for 36 cents. It is the main force of gifts for counties and cities. Hu Yanshan’s father, as the director of the town’s power supply station, received mostly Dayan Pagoda and Baocheng. I smoke one by myself every week and give it to my son two packs.

Yang Rui habitually fanned with his hands in front of his nose, got up and stayed in front of the window. When he first went to college, he occasionally smoked a cigarette with his classmates. Since banning smoking in public places, he has avoided even the effort to pretend.

Hu Yanshan glanced at him disdainfully, in his opinion, Yang Rui is a bit too squeamish now.

“Girl!” Hu Yanshan blurted out his comments, pointing clearly.

His two attendants immediately opened up to cheer, but their voices were not loud. What Yang Rui said at noon was still vivid in his ears, and they were somewhat scared.

The ten-minute break between classes passed in a flash, and the chemistry test went on.

Yang Rui answered faster this time, and it only took a minute to control the degree. Compared with the other subjects, the chemistry became simpler.

However, in the eyes of the students and teachers in the village, chemistry is a very strange and difficult subject. Because of the lack of school conditions, UU Reading www.uukā is unable to carry out basic experiments, it is difficult to have a perceptual understanding of chemistry by pure recitation.

If you want to learn chemistry systematically, the conditions of Xibao Middle School are actually not available. Even their chemistry teachers are just workers transferred from the city’s chemical plant. They rely on enthusiasm and hope that they can make up for their weaknesses with diligence. And the papers he produced were much more clumsy than the math and physics papers. They were almost all basic routines, and even the last question had obvious omissions.

Yang Rui hesitated for a moment, did not directly mark the error on the paper, but directly made the correct calculation according to his idea of ​​the question.

When lying down to rest again, Yang Rui scratched his head slightly. To give his study group chemistry tutoring, paper and pen are not enough. You have to have teaching equipment and reagents. At least, you have to establish a decent chemistry thinking system for them.

Of course, pure recitation is not impossible, it’s just too wasteful of time. Students and teachers of the age may be used to it, but Yang Rui doesn’t want his students to waste their precious energy so much.

“After that, I have to think of a way to get some funds. It won’t work if I always eat steamed buns.” Yang Rui looked tired of dinner when he thought of dinner.

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