Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 22

Chapter 22 Peach Blossom Spring

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Shi Gui went home and discussed with his wife for half the night, and decided to call his brother-in-law Liang Wei to the store to help.

Like most township youths in this era, Shi Gui’s brother-in-law has been out of work for several years.

Although there are many state-owned enterprises in Xibao Town, most of them are under the jurisdiction of the city or county. It is only for geographic reasons that their factories are built here. In the years when the unemployment rate across the country has soared, they are connected to their own factories. It is difficult for the children to absorb all of them, let alone the local youth.

For example, the Xibao Cannery may leave a place for Yang Rui, but in any case it will not openly recruit.

Shi Gui’s small restaurant said it was good or not, and it was always easy to mix oil and water. They told Liang Weiyi that the latter quickly agreed.

The next day, Shi Gui handed over the job of heading to his wife, and gave Liang Wei the job of delivering food and food. He rode his bicycle to the repair shop, installed a large bamboo basket on the rear wheel, and brushed it again. With tung oil and black paint, there is a “truck”.

He estimated that since Yang Rui wanted to sell papers, it would be interesting to spend more than 50 sets a day on average. If he sells them smoothly, there is still hope of earning 20% ​​of his own double-employee money.

Considering that the more you sell, the more you earn, Shi Gui still gave full confidence. After all, such a young man who can earn a lot of manuscript fees by relying on a list of articles can’t be exhausted for a few dollars.

When he arrived outside school, Shi Gui realized that he wanted to be simple.

As expected, Yang Rui prepared a set of papers. Look at the thick piles, and then look at the bamboo baskets he made…

“What should I do if I can’t hold it?” Shi Gui was dizzy.

“I will ask you to accompany you to the passenger station and go directly to the county seat. When you arrive, you can just take a tricycle.” Yang Rui pushed a bicycle out from the back of the communication room, with a pile of papers **** behind it.

“So many!” Shi Gui couldn’t tell without counting, this was much more than fifty sets he had imagined.

Yang Rui nodded slightly, took out one set of papers, and handed them to Shi Gui, “Each set of papers contains 12 test papers with one answer. Each set of papers sells for 2 cents, and I will also give you a commission at this price. There are a set of papers here. You have to bring me 24 yuan. The remaining 6 yuan is your commission.”

He is actually dealing with Shi Gui as a dealer, and Yang Rui doesn’t care much about whether he sells more or less.

Shi Gui looked at the paper over and over again.

Each set of papers is packed in a hard-shell carton. The appearance is so hard to say that it also has the words “Research Secret Volume” written on it, which is quite attractive.

However, giving away a hard-shell carton for free still made Shi Gui feel a waste, and asked: “I see the papers sold in the county, just order it…”

“If everything is the same, can our mimeograph papers sell for two cents?” Yang Rui also priced two cents after seeing other teaching materials. This price is a few cents cheaper than the relatively cheap exercise book, which is about the same as the juvenile literature and art magazine. Since the literary and youth of the age can afford magazines of a few cents and “Harvest” for one dollar, it is not too difficult to spend two cents on a set of papers.

On the other hand, “Rui Xue Secret Volume” is too cheap to sell. The surrounding spending power is limited, especially the students who have money to play the problem sea tactics are very few, and a higher profit ratio is the basis for making money. In addition, although paper and ink can be bought, if you want to engage in low-price dumping, the supply of raw materials is definitely not enough.

In other words, the era of the selling house market is naturally an era of pursuing high profits.

Shi Gui didn’t know the cost of a set of papers, but he was satisfied that he could earn 6 yuan. He thought to himself for a moment, and said, “I have an acquaintance in the county. First go to Shengli Middle School and try it. If it can be sold, I will come back and get another batch of papers. How about three days?”

“Selling sets of papers for three days?” Yang Rui looked at him helplessly.

The cost of mimeograph papers is actually very low, including labor is only half, that is to say, the paper can earn 15 yuan.

If you sell so much every day, you should have a profit of RMB yuan a month, which is enough to buy a biological microscope. But if you sell the papers in three days, your income will be reduced to yuan per month, and you can only buy blackboards and other big lectures.

This is seriously inconsistent with Yang Rui’s expectations.

He also wants to gradually increase shipments.

Shi Gui looked at Yang Rui unclearly. He feels that selling sets of papers in three days is a lot, and the Xinhua Bookstore in the county only sells many textbooks in one day.

This kind of conceptual gap is the most difficult to communicate. Sometimes, it is useful to do it, but it is useless to say it.

Yang Rui sighed and thought, “Fortunately, I made preparations in advance.”

He beckoned, summoned a boy from under the green trees outside the door, and said to Shi Gui: “I suggest you start selling from the county one. It has a demonstrative effect. This classmate Wang Meng is from the County No. 1 High School, or The math class representative in their class. This time, he originally copied the questions on behalf of his classmates. I persuaded him to accompany you through the sales test papers. With his introduction, you’d better deal directly with the teacher. The papers should be available in one day. Sell ​​it. Well, the extra fraction will be given to his classmates, and it will be the same in the future.”

Shi Gui opened a small restaurant, and he knew all about the world, and he suddenly said: “I understand, don’t worry. Student Wang Meng, I want to ask you more this time, do you smoke?”

He took out a box of Baocheng cigarettes and smashed one out skillfully.

Wang Meng was a lanky and tall man, took the cigarette a little restrained, lighted it, took a sip, and coughed slightly.

Yang Rui smiled, took out two boxes of large front doors from his pocket, and handed them to Wang Meng and Shi Gui respectively, before saying to the latter: “If you sell out the papers within one day, I suggest that you do not come back directly. In town, I will ask someone to send papers over, and you will stay there to familiarize yourself with the situation and save energy.”

“I stay in the county?”


“This one…”

Yang Rui knew what he wanted to say, and first said: “Find a place to live by yourself, and I will reimburse you for 1 yuan of travel expenses every night. After the county No. 1 Middle School, Shengli Middle School and Guanghui Middle School will all run to do public relations. The situation in the county has opened up, and there is no need to run away in the village, just deliver goods.”

Selling medicine is a public relations doctor, and selling teaching materials is a public relations teacher. As early as when Yang Rui was in graduate school, many of his classmates turned to medical representatives. If they had not been a tuition teacher at that time, Yang Rui might have gone this way. I have never eaten pork, but I have seen pigs run.

Shi Gui was shocked when he heard one dollar, and thought to himself: If the travel expenses of one dollar per day are not enough for a month? If you live in a Chase shop, you can save more than half.

He was worried that Yang Rui was testing himself, and said unpredictably: “It’s too expensive.”

“Going through the back door has always been the cheapest way to sell. Just do what I said.” Yang Rui didn’t blink his eyes when he said this.

The good boy Wang Meng’s face was flushed and he lowered his head as if he couldn’t listen.

It took a few years for the whole people to go through the back door. Today’s Chinese people are still a bit of ethics, and there is no shortage of fake high schools.

Compared with this generation’s view of ethics, Yang Rui’s lower limit of ethics is inherently lower, and after he graduated, his level of ethics was even lower. There is no other way. His mentor is just an associate professor in a general university. He always has to accompany smiling faces to schools, pharmaceutical companies and other institutions, not to mention the students who work for the mentor.

Unlike foreign systems, Chinese pharmaceutical companies basically do not have their own research institutions. Those with the corporate research institute brand usually only have the level of the factory technical department, and they are also doing technical departments.

Domestic medical research mainly relies on colleges and universities. The so-called integration of industry, education and research means that companies pay universities to conduct research, and universities produce results for companies and make money for themselves by the way.

If the professors of foreign universities still have a little high capital, the research system of domestic universities has already been monetized. It is hard to say how much skill Yang Rui has learned from his mentor, and he has learned a lot about the behavior of various bad companies at home and abroad.

In Yang Rui’s eyes, things like running-and-running relationships are pure and innocent.

Shi Gui didn’t have a mature plan himself, so he had to follow Yang Rui’s suggestion.

He and Wang Meng worked together to lift the test paper onto the back seat of the bicycle, and rode to the passenger station one after the other.

County No. 1 Middle School.

Shi Gui stood outside the back door of the school and kept smoking.

Without a filter, he smoked the flue-cured tobacco until it was almost burning, and then took a hard breath, spit it on the ground, and twisted it with his old black cloth shoes to let it sink into the mud.

He dared not go to the front door to sell test papers. Although there were people coming and going, there was a police box nearby.

Today’s streets are not very peaceful. Young people all over the street fight at every turn. Some young people who graduated early but didn’t have a job, and even those who didn’t even go to high school, like to go to the gate of No. 1 Middle School to make trouble. After several incidents, the post just set up, sooner or later, a uniformed police officer was sent to watch the students go to and from school.

Shi Gui didn’t know that the police at the sentry box did not care about the publications, but he would rather go to the back door to guard it so as not to be ashamed of being caught in the police station.

He did not go directly to the teacher in the college entrance examination class as Yang Rui said. He didn’t know what to say.

In the end, it was Wang Meng who volunteered to take a set of test questions and said that he was going to the classroom to recommend it.

This wait is two hours.

Shi Gui had already smoked half a pack of cigarettes before seeing Wang Meng bring a few classmates out.

Shi Gui counted, and Wang Meng added a total of seven people.

When a few people approached, Shi Gui craned his neck to look.

There are not many people behind.

Shi Gui was extremely disappointed.

The seven sets of papers are only a four cents in sales, and only two cents are allocated to him, which is the money for a pack of cigarettes, which is not enough for the hotel and travel expenses.

“The paper is at the back, you can take it yourself.” Shi Gui imagined that at least dozens of people would buy papers, so he memorized fifty sets of papers, and put the rest with friends not far away. He wanted to sell more. Go get it.

But there were seven people in total, which really made him lack energy.

Wang Meng had previously accepted Yang Rui’s package of the big front door, and he had privately promised, actively stepping forward, unraveling Shi Gui’s baggage, and drawing a few sets for his classmates.

Several people opened the hard paper case on the spot, took out the papers inside, and looked at them one by one, comparing the quality of the paper in a low voice, and the clarity of the handwriting.

Shi Gui was a little unhappy. However, he always knows the principle of making money with harmony, and the little expression on his face is not overlooked.

Wang Meng squatted on the ground, counting the papers one to five to ten, and from time to time he would pull out one for his classmates to check.

Just when Shi Gui felt that his patience was about to reach the limit, Wang Meng called out, “Uncle Shi, how can I do it?”

“I’ll leave the rest to my friend. This thing is dead and heavy, and it’s not easy to walk over.” Shi Gui popped another cigarette and struck out a match.

Wang Meng looked at his classmates, stood up and said, “Uncle Shi, let me go and get them together.”

“What are you taking it for?”

“Our teacher Li (*this is all harmonious*) said that the papers are very good, let us take them, and give them to the students in his class first, as the test questions. You have to tell Brother Rui before you get a copy. “Wang Meng said, slapped his head: “By the way, in case Teacher Deng* wants to be in the class, it will be more.”

Shi Gui was dumbfounded, until the match burned to his finger, he said “Ah”, “You buy so many…Why don’t you copy it yourself?”

“It takes a lot of time to copy down the 12 papers. Besides, Teacher Li* wants to take the exam in class, so he has to keep it neatly.” A boy wearing glasses was quite arrogant.

“Then you can’t mimeograph yourself?”

“Printing 12 papers at a time? Impossible. UU reading applies once, and the school can give two papers at most. It is impossible to print so many papers.” The boy with his eyes smiled through his eyes and said: ” The school is reluctant to spend money. Besides, a set of papers costs two cents, which can’t save much.”

Schools can ask students for help in printing papers, but they cannot charge additional fees for materials such as paper, ink, etc. Under the circumstances that the tuition and miscellaneous fees paid by students are limited, the leaders have strict control over this.

The purchased test papers are different. Although they are also mimeographed, because they have no direct contact with the school, the students can pay for themselves, which is no different from other teaching materials.

This is the essential distinction between spending your own money and spending other people’s money.

Shi Gui didn’t understand what was going on at the school, but his heart jumped quickly.

In his eyes, this campus protected by a wall is like a peach blossom garden in captivity.

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