Rebirth of the God-level Xueba

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Countless data

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“It doesn’t matter if you don’t go to college.” Rui’s mother thought her son was pretending to be strong, and her distressed tears were about to fall.

Yang Rui shook his head vigorously. He was a fat man in his previous life, and he was a fat man who didn’t like sports and loved to grow meat. Let him walk every day, one two one, that is no different from killing him. The laziness in the bones has penetrated into the soul, and it is the same everywhere.

“Mom, don’t tell me, I must take the college entrance examination. If I can’t even pass the college entrance examination, what else can I do in the future? I will get up wherever I fall. From today I will study hard. Strive for a good test score and contribute to the four modernizations of the motherland!” Yang Rui was anxious, and instinctively called “Mom” out, and he did not forget to search for two slogans from his memory.

Sure enough, as soon as he said this, Mr. Lu, who was standing on the side with sunken eyes, clapped and said in agreement: “Well said!”

Yang Rui’s mother was also stunned by her son’s words. She was just a precious son. She couldn’t do so since she was a child. She was still called Xiaobao when she grew up. She didn’t expect that she would always think that her young son would say such imposing words. When she was surprised, she immediately became happy again. In her opinion, her son is capable and promising sooner or later.

“I am ambitious. Mom supports you. You study hard. You don’t take the exam for two years in one year, and you don’t take the exam for two years for three years. I’ll talk to your father.

Yang Rui rolled his eyelids and thought: You are asking me to take the Ph.D. test. I may be a little bit imaginary. Let me take the college entrance examination. That’s not easy.

Not to mention the 4% acceptance rate, which is an acceptance rate of four per thousand. He doesn’t take it seriously. Yang Rui is a research monk in biology. When he arrives at a cram school, he can’t just be a biology teacher. In order to make more money, he is a mathematics teacher when the cram school opens a basic mathematics class, he is a physics teacher when the school opens a physics improvement class, and he is a chemistry summer class at the school. Chemistry teacher. It is through this kind of experience that he has the confidence to start his own business.

The scope of the college entrance examination is so large, it can be said that Yang Rui can go directly to the examination room except for political review.

However, Rui’s mother’s statement was also endorsed by Teacher Lu: “Yang Rui is very smart, but he is not attentive enough. It is still very hopeful to study for another year this year. An undergraduate is not difficult.”

Yang Rui smiled bitterly, feeling that she felt that her predecessor would only have a college or technical secondary school life after another year of study. However, it is common for students to repeat two or three years at this time.

Rui Ma was very happy after hearing what Mr. Lu said, and immediately began to thank and praise Mr. Lu.

The two quickly entered a cycle of praise and gratitude.

The next day.

Yang Rui woke up very early and looked at the ceiling with his eyes open.

The environment in the dormitory is very bad. The two rows of ten-person big-ticket shops are all the belongings in this bungalow. Although many students go home after the college entrance examination, there are still many students like Yang Rui who will continue to go to the “returning class”, that is, A common repetition class in later generations.

Because the admission rate of the college entrance examination is extremely low, most of the students, except those who are not going to re-enter, have to take two or three years of refurbishment classes before they can enter the university, or choose to give up completely.

Therefore, there are often more people in the returning class than the freshman class combined.

The dormitory is naturally more crowded.

However, Yang Rui couldn’t sleep, not because the kang was too hard, or the straw pillow was too stiff, but because his head was filled with too many words and pictures.

Plants, animals, cytology, genetics… The words Yang Rui chanted when he was a research monk jumped into his mind one by one.

What surprised him even more was that with the appearance of these words, a book that he had read appeared in his mind. For example, “Genetics” followed by the third edition of Higher Education’s “Genetics” “, “Genetics” of the second edition of Higher Education, “Genetics” of the third edition of Zhongnong Agriculture, “Medical Genetics” of Renwei Second Edition, “Principles of Genetics” of the third edition of Higher Education…

Yang Rui only felt as if he had memorized the content inside. As long as he recalled it for a while, he could remember a lot of the original sentence.

And he was sure that most of the books in it had only been slightly turned over by himself.

Try to recall other books, even the complicated college entrance examination exercise booklet, the same is true.

What’s even more exaggerated is that all the student work he has corrected can be recalled.

In just a few minutes, Yang Rui re-read the books he read the most when he was in graduate school.

“This is the rhythm that allows me to be a master of my life…” Yang Rui was stunned when he thought of so many classic papers and books that were not yet published.

Around six o’clock.

The students in the dormitory got up one by one.

Some of them took books outside to recite, some sat near the door and window and made questions with a sad face, and some smirked and wrote letters.

Yang Rui couldn’t lie down anymore, put on his clothes and went out, then shivered by the cold wind.

“Don’t catch a cold again, kid.” A student stretched his head from the gap between the two broken door panels on the side wall and grabbed Yang Rui and asked, “Is he better?”

“Okay.” Yang Rui glanced at him, and immediately remembered his name: Wang Guohua, which is a very common idea of ​​naming in this era.

In my impression, he and Yang Rui had been in the same dormitory a long time ago, and they wanted to be at the same table. Both of them failed the college entrance examination this time.

On the surface, Wang Guohua didn’t seem to be affected by the failure of the rankings. With a smile on his thin cheeks, he said: “The western wall is full of people. If you want to read, it’s better to stay here, the wind is small.”

He opened a broken door and let Yang Rui squeeze in.

Yang Rui hesitated for a while, got in, and nodded immediately: “It did block the wind. What are you looking at?”

Wang Guohua gave him the notebook in his hand, and smiled embarrassedly: “In this exam, I basically didn’t get the score of trigonometric function. I don’t want to learn it again. Hey, you said these symbols, but they are not. What’s the point of going?”

Yang Rui looked at his notebook curiously.

I saw an ordinary 32-carat white paper book, filled with small prints of topics and knowledge points, although the classification is not very detailed, but there are also different appearances.

Although reference books were available in 1982, they were scarce in quantity and variety, and the price was not cheap relative to the income of ordinary people. The average middle-level cadre family couldn’t afford the tactics. Wang Guohua’s father was the director of the Xibao Town Post Office, a unit-level cadre, and in terms of administrative level, he was a general staff member who was smaller than the deputy section chief. He had three more children in his family, so he could save the province.

For students in township middle schools, copying questions is almost natural.

Yang Rui flipped through his notebook and said habitually: “Trigonometric functions do make people dizzy sometimes, but as long as you understand the sine, cosine, and cotangent, it’s easy to do the problem.”

Wang Guohua said with a “Huh”, “Oh, you kid, what’s the matter, you figured it out?”

Yang Rui dumbly said, “I understand it.”

He is a dignified gold-medal tutor, if he doesn’t even understand such basic knowledge, how can he eat too much.

Wang Guohua didn’t believe it: “You only scored a lot in mathematics, isn’t it possible to get all of it on trigonometric functions?”

Mathematics is a big tiger. The average score of many middle school students is not even 20. Especially for those students who have only started to study in recent years, if they don’t make great efforts to make up from elementary school, they will struggle to see the binary equation. Alibaba’s Jack Ma took the 1982 college entrance examination and scored 19 points.

Yang Rui felt his chin for a while, and saw that no other students around could hear the conversation between the two, and then said: “I was stage fright during the exam, and I forgot all the things I had memorized before the exam. However, I really know how much. A special way.”

“I don’t believe it.” Wang Guohua was very sincere.

Yang Rui also smiled and said, “Then I will tell you what I have learned?”

“Then listen to it.” Wang Guohua was a little bit more energetic. In recent years, students have a strong atmosphere for learning from each other, because there are few materials and few high-level teachers, so they can only ask for news and help each other.

“This is called the hexagonal memory method. You draw a hexagon first…” Yang Rui took Wang Guohua’s pen and paper, and said while writing: “Starting from the upper left corner, write private n, … and then just There is such a rule, let me tell you, first, the two trigonometric function values ​​connected by diagonal lines are the reciprocal of each other. Second, the trigonometric function value of each vertex is equal to the product of two adjacent ones, such as net Take netbsp; Wang Guohua’s eyes widened after hearing a few words.

This kind of summative memory method, let alone the age, does not have a sufficient means of transmission.

It has only been five or six years since the resumption of the college entrance examination. UU Reading www.uukanshu. Not to mention that the students can’t figure out the way, the teacher is also in the mist. What to test and how to test? What to teach and how to teach? No one can say it clearly, so that all education bureaus have to organize teaching groups, pull some clear points, and then re-educate teachers in various places.

According to the standards of future generations, only some key middle schools in large cities and major education towns can reach the average level in all teaching subjects. As for township middle schools such as Xibao Middle School, they all rely on secondary schools graduated from earlier years. Students and high school students came to teach, and the highest level of them was a third-year high school graduate. Because he was already married, he had to give up further studies and stay in school after failing the college entrance examination in 77 and 78.

Using high school graduates to teach high school students is a common sight in township middle schools and factory and mine middle schools of this era. As for the effect, only God knows.

Wang Guohua listened eagerly to Yang Rui’s explanation. In his heart, the so-called “hexagonal memory method” was already a secret existence.


Wang Guohua desperately took notes, wishing to write down every word Yang Rui said.

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