Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 63

Chapter 10 Chutian Style

Lin Feng, existing industries: an online city (closed), six “killing clubs” (closed), a barbecue shop (closed), a tea processing factory (profit), online trading platform (losing money) . With a liquidity of 750,000 on hand, a down payment of 500,000 for Chuzhixuan Chufeng Net City store and all equity was paid, leaving 250,000.

Now Lin Feng’s most powerful opponent is Hu Xiaoli, the deputy mayor in charge of urban management, transportation, public security, security, justice, and industrial and commercial administration, and Hu Xiaobing’s cousin. Lin Feng knew that he wanted to bring down Hu Xiaoli on his own for this powerful figure who had seized most of his industry. It was a foolish dream. However, it is not a problem to take the opportunity to punish Hu Xiaobing, to vent his anger for himself, and to seek justice for the injured residents by the way.

Of course, Lin Feng’s deeper idea is to openly challenge the Deputy Mayor Hu Xiaoli-if you close my company, I will drive your cousin chemical plant out of Liaoyuan District.

Lin Feng’s trip to Chu City TV Station was nominally to advertise his online trading platform, but secretly he took the opportunity to get acquainted with the TV station director.

Lin Feng bought a week’s non-prime time 30-second advertisement for Chu TV Station for 30,000 yuan, and invited the director Meng Dong to have a casual meal by the way.

Meng Dong was also quite curious about this young boss who had just signed a contract and set up an online trading platform, which is the freshest industry in the whole of China. Although he had also heard of eBay, it was created by a Harvard student returning to China. This native of Chu City dared to be the first person to eat crabs, which made Meng Dong have the heart to get acquainted.

Maybe you can do a separate interview for him, an inspirational program. ――Meng Dong came to the revolving restaurant of Hailian Building with such thoughts and Lin Feng. But if he knew that Lin Feng had offended the deputy mayor at this time, I’m afraid he wouldn’t be what he is today.

While this meal changed the lives of others, it also brought him countless troubles. ――Several years later, when Meng Dong recalled the past, he couldn’t tell whether it was right or wrong.

The two met for the first time and were cautious in their words and deeds. However, under the influence of alcohol, the atmosphere gradually became lively, and Lin Feng also reserved his entrepreneurial history to Meng Dong.

While Meng Dong sighed about Lin Feng’s business prodigy, Lin Feng knew that the time was right.

“Taiwan Meng, I always have an idea in my heart, I don’t know if it should be said or not.” Lin Feng respected Meng Dong a glass of wine.

“It is admirable that Boss Lin can start from scratch at a young age. I believe Boss Lin’s idea must be a good idea.” Meng Dong put down his glass.

“Haha, Director Meng, in addition to watching news broadcasts every day, I like to watch the news of Chu TV Station. However, I find that the current local news is not only an introduction to the development of the city, but the content is vague and does not attract the attention of ordinary people. “Lin Feng threw down a bait.

“What does Boss Lin mean…?” Meng Dong’s heart moved, vaguely thinking of something.

“Hehe, it’s better to create a program that focuses on people’s livelihood every day when everyone eats dinner, and focuses on what is happening around the people. I believe this is a program that the people are very happy to watch.” Lin Feng finished speaking, quietly. Wait for the aftertaste of Meng Dong.

After listening to Meng Dong, he closed his eyes and said nothing, carefully digesting Lin Feng’s proposal. After silently calculating the ratings and gains and losses, Meng Dong slapped his thigh, “Sure! Boss Lin’s suggestion is good and feasible.”

Meng Dong calculated that this program was broadcast during meal time, and it began to be broadcast at 6 o’clock. It avoided the animation time of various stations after 5 o’clock, and it would not conflict with the news broadcast at 7 o’clock. , And there are very few attractive TV dramas in this time period. Even if the family gathers together to watch TV and eat, it can be said that it is a prime time second only to 8 o’clock in the evening.

Seeing Meng Dong’s bait, Lin Feng threw down another bait.

“Taiwan Meng, this program can also add a classified column to help the people solve the practical difficulties encountered in life. I believe the people will pay more attention to it. It can also be broadcast live to improve the audience’s sense of interaction.” Lin Feng Lu said. .

The more Meng Dong listened, the more excited he became. He had more thoughts about this newly formed column. He didn’t want to drink any more at the moment. After apologizing to Lin Feng, he left the table and returned to the TV station to hold an emergency meeting.

At the meeting, Meng Dong talked about Lin Feng’s proposal and it was immediately approved by everyone. Although it is also expected to receive “special attention” from certain departments, compared with the ratings of this program, this risk is worth taking.

After intensive discussions and consultations, Meng Dong quickly finalized the pre-screen host and location host, allocated funds, and ordered the column team to prepare for live broadcast as soon as possible. The program’s name was Chutian Style.

The next day, when Lin Feng and Wang Meng saw Chu Tian’s grace at 6 o’clock in the evening in the hospital, Lin Feng knew that his plan was half successful.

Lin Feng’s plan is to expose Hu Xiaobing’s chemical plant through television. Doesn’t he have a cousin of the deputy mayor? See if he can suppress the public opinion of the citizens of the city. Of course, this matter can’t be rushed, and it has to wait until the show is digested in Chu City. First of all, we must look at the views of leaders at all levels on this program. If it died just after it was broadcast, Lin Feng’s plan would not be executed anymore, and he could only think of other ways.

“Brother Meng, you don’t have to go to Hu Xiaobing in these two days to be unlucky and take a few days off.” Lin Feng fears that Wang Meng has been secretly working on Daya Chemical, and it will be counterproductive when the news reports this matter a few days later. Of course, by the way, I also avoided the great concern of the Liaoyuan Police Station on this matter. It really made trouble to the city bureau and sent a special investigation team, which was not good for everyone.

Although Wang Meng had always assured Lin Feng that he would never be tracked by anyone because of his skill, this was after all the last resort to “fight for life”. It was a last resort, and Lin Feng didn’t want to do this.

Wang Meng’s closing hand made Hu Xiaobing and Deputy Director Li feel relieved. Although they knew that this matter had nothing to do with Lin Feng, but they didn’t have a trace of evidence in their hands. They couldn’t do anything except send the security guards to the hospital every day. Although Hu Xiaobing seized Lin Feng’s “all” industry with the help of his cousin’s influence, the situation continued to be consumed and Hu Xiaobing couldn’t bear it.

And Wang Meng’s resignation was directly regarded by Hu Xiaobing as Linfeng Industry was blocked, cutting off the source of income, and unable to hire a master to deal with him.

Sample, I’m just waiting for you to kowtow to me and apologize! ――Hu Xiaobing is a little man and has begun to fantasize about Lin Feng kneeling and apologizing to himself in the future.

After three days have passed, everything is calm on the surface. Apart from paying attention to the development of the online trading platform, Lin Feng sits next to the TV at 6pm every night and waits for the beginning of the Chutian style to see how long the show is and whether it can survive. After the initial period of “years” monitored by leaders.

To Lin Feng’s joy, the launch of Chutian Style has received a lot of enthusiastic comments from ordinary people in Chu City. Many enthusiastic viewers even called the TV station and praised the program for speaking for the people and doing things well for the people. program.

Over the past three days, the program has also continuously broadcast events reflecting the suffering of the people. Although some sensitive departments are involved, it has not been warned by the leadership or even notified of suspension.

Lin Feng also called Meng Dong to inquire about the program. He learned that Meng Dongfei had not received a warning from the leader. He was highly praised by the mayor Yu Haowei and believed that Meng Dong had done a good thing for the people of Chu City.

Meng Dong is not the kind of villain who grabs credit. While being highly praised by Mayor Yu Haowei, he also told Yu Haowei, Lin Feng, the hero behind the scenes. After thinking about this, Yu Haowei smiled mysteriously and didn’t say anything. He just asked Meng Dong to insist on running this show, so that Meng Dong can feel relieved to do it boldly. This show will definitely be under pressure from all quarters. But you can’t give up easily, just ask him if you have any questions.

Hearing what Meng Dong said, although Lin Feng was uncertain of Mayor Yu Haowei’s attitude, whether he knew he was the person who was sealed off by Deputy Mayor Hu Xiaoli, but at least Lin Feng was certain that this program was not unexpected. It should be possible forever. And his own plan will be able to be executed as scheduled.

But at this moment, Lin Feng saw a person who would never have imagined that he would appear in Chu City now.

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