Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 46

Chapter 47 Glorious past

“Dream Demon Ji” is a very famous bar. Lin Feng had heard Liu Yingying mention it during the day. Therefore, Lin Feng brought Wang Meng to this bar with an insight mentality.

The style of the bar is good, there are quiet places where you can chat and drink, and there are small halls with high songs and dances, which can meet the needs of all kinds of people. Of course, there will naturally be such things as methamphetamine and ecstasy, which are inevitable in all bars.

“Brother, what’s the matter, a frowning look?” Wang Meng said after pouring a glass of beer.

“Big Brother Wang, I have been thinking about what happened just now. I always feel that the robbery just now was strange.” Lin Feng said about his doubts and the strange reaction of the robbers when he gave out money.

“Yes, brother, after what you said, I also feel that something is a bit wrong.” Wang Meng also noticed that things were unusual.

In the past, when robbers robbed, they would choose to run away if they encountered passers-by or unexpected situations, but today they did the opposite, which made Wang Meng even wondering.

Hearing what Wang Meng said, Lin Feng felt even more puzzled. All the scenes from the sudden robbery to Wang Meng’s appearance began to appear in my mind, and I played it back in my mind over and over again, trying to find out the strangeness and connection.

By the way, this is not a robbery at all, it is just a farce. -Lin Feng’s mind flashed.

Unexpectedly, the seemingly invincible noble son actually played this kind of tricks. ――Lin Feng had more contempt for Zhang Han in his heart, and less awe when he met him during the day.

“Brother, did you find something?” Wang Meng asked.

Lin Feng smiled and told Wang Meng of his guess and what happened during the day. Wang Meng was full of joy when he heard it. He didn’t think that it was a heroic rescue of the United States performed by others, and he was messed up by himself.

Lin Feng and Wang Meng looked at each other and smiled.

Clink glasses and drink!

“Brother Wang, I don’t know where you are now?” Lin Feng asked after half a drink.

“Oh, I haven’t found a job yet.” Wang Meng took a glass of wine and sighed, “Brother, I don’t have money to pay you back for the medical expenses you paid for now. I will pay you back when I earn money.”

Lin Feng knew that people like Wang Meng were particularly concerned about these things, so he didn’t shirk.

“My brother is so good, was he in the army before?” After today’s incident, Lin Feng also had the idea of ​​recruiting a group of security guards. As my business expands, sooner or later, many people will be jealous. Even if no one is jealous, in case of bad luck, encountering such a thing today, he has no crisis handling ability at all.

Of course, Lin Feng hadn’t thought about worshiping Wang Meng as his teacher and learning some self-defense skills. But these are all real skills, and they need to be tempered over the years. I couldn’t endure this hardship first, and the golden age of learning martial arts was too early for the second time. It’s better to ask people like Wang Meng for money.”Haha, brother, brother, I’m not a fan. I was the number one person in a certain unit of the Lanzhou Military Region. When it comes to solo combat and individual competition, I’m the one.” Wang Meng said From the past, a year of excitement.

“Back then, in the Military Region Individual Fighting Competition, although I only took third place. But it was a contest, and I couldn’t be cruel. Otherwise, my opponent would not be able to resist even if my opponent had a hard qigong body.” Wang Meng is extremely proud of his iron palms that have been tempered for more than 20 years.

Iron palm! Lin Feng was taken aback when he heard it. Looking through the bar lights, Wang Meng’s hands were indeed different from ordinary people. The appearance of his hands looked smooth without a trace of palm lines, but they were extremely rough and strong to the touch.

“This is as powerful as the iron palm of the iron palm gang in the novel?” Lin Feng asked in surprise.

“Haha, my brother, how can it be so powerful. But the ordinary cement wall, I can leave a few palm prints on this palm.” Wang Meng’s life is the most proud of this pair of iron palms.

Next, under the influence of Lin Feng’s deliberate ingratiation and alcohol, Wang Meng may be unacceptable. Except for some secrets related to military affairs, he told Lin Feng all his brains.

It turned out that Wang Meng was a strong general of a certain special force in the Lanzhou Military Region. He has always been loved by his superiors. He thought he would be handed over to the army for his whole life. Unexpectedly, an accident happened while visiting relatives.

While returning home to visit relatives, he stumbled upon a girl who had escaped from an alley calling for help. After the nosy Wang Meng rescued the girl, he learned from the girl that she had been molested by an outside school gangster in the middle of the night. During the escape, he encountered a 110 patrol car and called the police. Unexpectedly, after getting into the car, he was raped by the three defense team members on duty. After a night of tossing, in the morning the girl took advantage of the three defense team members to fall asleep, and ran out.

After hearing this utterly conscience, Wang Meng, who was filled with righteous indignation, directly single-handedly killed the room opened by the comatose defense team, and directly “clicked” three times, and the iron palms were printed on the three people’s chest, severely wounding the three of them. Although they didn’t kill the three of them, Wang Meng promised that these three would never want to be “men” again.

The boss who witnessed the death of his hotel hurried to the police. Wang Meng, who wanted to explain the ins and outs of the matter, did not escape, and followed several police officers to the police station. Unexpectedly, at the police station, several police officers did not give him a chance to explain, and directly used torture. Unwilling to be humiliated, Wang Meng fought back brazenly. Single-handedly, after overturning more than 10 police officers, one person was killed from the police station.

But Jing Wang Meng’s trouble is even more serious. The public security bureau in the county directly reported to the city bureau, and more than 100 riot police officers were deployed to encircle Wang Meng. Feeling that he was wronged by doing good deeds, Wang Meng suffocated his chest and started a chase battle with more than one hundred anti-riot police in the mountains.

On the flat ground, perhaps these anti-riot armed police can rely on their number advantage to eat Wang Meng to death. But in the mountains, Wang Meng, who has performed many jungle missions, is more adapted to survival in the jungle than anyone else. With one’s own strength, relying on the cover of the jungle, he just turned the more than one hundred anti-riot armed policemen around. If it weren’t for Wang Meng’s mercy, I’m afraid these armed policemen would have been buried in the jungle long ago.

In the end, the police found Wang Meng’s information and notified the Lanzhou Military Region, who sent personnel to take Wang Meng back. And after such a major incident, although Wang Meng was exempt from any criminal law because of the protection of the military area, he could no longer stay in the military area. Therefore, I chose to retire and leave the army, wanting to work hard in the city by my own ability.

Unexpectedly, his pair of iron sand palms, his knowledge of various firearms, and his almost abnormal knowledge of the jungle are useless in this steel forest.

After wandering for a few months, appendicitis suddenly occurred yesterday, and I got acquainted with Lin Feng.

After listening to Wang Meng’s story, Lin Feng felt more confident about recruiting Wang Meng. As long as he is given sufficient salary and respect, I believe that there is no problem in hiring him as the head of the company’s security department.

Although I am running a legitimate business, it doesn’t mean that it won’t cause some hooligans to worry about it. For example, in the barbecue shop opened before, there are always a few stalls that cannot receive money every night. Some gangsters always exempt orders for various reasons.

For these people, it is not good to offend, nor is it good to not be offended. If you call the police, you can naturally drive them away. But when the police leave, they will come back again. It would be even more troublesome if it provokes them to retaliate secretly. Moreover, it is even more expensive to hire the police once.

It’s better to ask people like Wang Meng to shake those cats and dogs.

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