Rebirth of the Evil Life

Chapter 37

Chapter 38 Brotherhood

Chapter 37-38 Brotherhood

Inside the box of Xiangjiang Seafood Restaurant.

“Come on, to this big lobster!” After seeing the devil and Maozi for a long time, Lin Feng was in a good mood and drank the beer in his hand.

“Cheers!” Guizi and Maozi both drank it, but their expressions were a bit unnatural.

“This lobster is expensive, do you have anything else to order? If you don’t order it, it’s enough!” The last two could not hold back, and asked while the waiter went out to get a beer.

“Don’t worry, although I am not very rich now, this lobster dinner is still invited. Moreover, I believe you can also invite you in the future.” Lin Feng filled the wine again and raised the glass, “This time I Please, you should invite you next time.”

Guizi and Maozi looked at each other with a wry smile.

“We can’t afford this. Next time we will invite you to have hot pot.” Guizi said bluntly, “I heard that you have opened a network city and made a lot of money. Naturally there is no problem with this meal. Maozi and I both work part-time. , But there is no money for such a high-end meal. If you have money, please ask us to have a good meal next time.”

“Haha, all right, no problem.” Lin Feng smiled.

Devils are always so direct, and they are not afraid to offend others. According to him, those who hate him are those who can’t be true friends. If you offend such a friend, you can offend it. Don’t worry.

“By the way, how is the business in the Internet City now? The price cuts here are drastic, how about your Internet City?” Mao Zi asked concerned.

“Fortunately, my side is close to the university town, the price has not dropped, and the business is good.” Lin Feng did not mention “killing”.

“Hehe, that’s good. The community smells big now. If you make money, buy a house for your dad earlier and move out. If you make money, you must be more filial to your parents.” Maozi said.

“Yes, Mao Zi is right. If you make money regardless of your parents, we won’t recognize you as a friend.” Guizi nodded repeatedly.

“What nonsense, can I be that kind of person! Come, toast again to our lobster dream!”

After drinking and eating, Lin Feng signaled the waiter to pour three cups of tea and let him leave the box.

“Guizi, are you satisfied with your job now? Maozi, how about you, how is your business with your dad’s hardware shop?” Lin Feng asked gently, taking a sip of tea.

“No, this towel factory is tired. Don’t pay back the money. It looks like 800 yuan is a lot. Damn, I work for 12 hours a day, and I’m exhausted to death. I’m going to quit my job to sell insurance.” The devil said loudly.

“Hehe, I won’t mention it. Ever since I opened this hardware processing store, I have been nagging to death by my family every night when I go out to play on the computer.

“Maozi also complained.

“Hehe, that’s good. I want to open a tea processing factory, but there are two persons in charge. Are you interested?” Lin Feng asked.

“Tea processing factory?” The two were taken aback, and after looking at each other, they said in unison, “We don’t have the money to invest.”

“You don’t need to invest, I pay the money, and you are responsible for the management. I own 51% of the shares, and each of you 24.5%.” Lin Feng pulled out two contracts from the briefcase he carried with him.

“Look, if you have anything unclear, ask me. If there is no problem, we will sign. From tomorrow on, we will play Jiangshan together.” Lin Feng said.

“What to look at, brother for more than ten years, you still ruined me, anyway I am not going to do it.” The devil only glanced a few times before signing the name.

“I’m a little bit troublesome here, this hardware shop was opened by my dad in name. I have to go back and talk to him.” Maozi said with a grimace after a cursory glance.

“Okay, no problem. But you can tell Ding Bo that the monthly profit of this tea processing factory will not be less than 10,000 yuan, which is definitely better than your hard work in hardware processing.” Lin Feng didn’t care.

“En. OK, I’ll call you tomorrow.” Mao Zishen nodded.

“Let’s go, go sing ktv, it’s been a long time.” After the matter was resolved, Lin Feng was relieved of his burden. Since he came out, he would have fun.

The devil resigned the next day. However, the director of his workshop did not approve, saying that there is no one at the moment and he wants the devil to do it for another week. The devils who could not bear the near-exploitation work, in a rage, didn’t even ask for their wages.

“Yang Guowei, you will regret it sooner or later. You want to come back then, I will definitely not agree.” The workshop director roared loudly.

“Damn, I, Yang Guowei, want to come back again and beg you, so I will jump off the Yangtze River Bridge.” Yang Guowei also broke down and said cruelly and left.

Maozi’s side is not going well. He told his parents about the matter the next morning, and their parents firmly disagreed. It is said that Lin Feng’s tea processing factory has not opened yet. Who knows that making money is not making money. It sounds good. The monthly profit is more than 10,000 yuan, but only 24.5% is allocated to you, which is similar to a hardware processing shop. Now the business of installing anti-theft nets and parts processing is very good, and now letting go of this business and opening a tea processing factory in partnership, isn’t this sick?

You wait for the Linfeng tea processing plant to open, and then go there if there is a profit. —This is the final decision of Maozi’s parents.

Maozi shook his head helplessly for the thoughts of his parents. Wait until the tea processing plant has a profit before going there. What is it, is it to divide the money? Even if Lin Feng was willing, he would not be able to do such a downfall.

After thinking about it, Mao Zi, who was tired of hardware processing, resolutely had a showdown with his parents. Go, you have to go; if you don’t, you have to go.

Seeing that the boat is done, Mao Zi’s parents can only agree.

In the afternoon, the two found Lin Feng and met Liu Yingying and others by the way. After marveling at Lin Feng’s handwriting, the “Killing” that has recently emerged in Chu City, and when he marveled at Lin Feng’s skills, he was also full of confidence in this tea processing factory.

While sighing that Lin Feng had hired a talented woman like Liu Yingying from Peking University, they also secretly asked Xiaomei Su and Qin Sirong under Liu Yingying if they had any boyfriends.

Originally, Liu Yingying was the best among the three girls in both appearance and temperament, but her master’s degree in Business Administration of Peking University was placed there. There was no certain ability, let alone pursue it, and she felt pressured even after a few glances. . And Liu Yingying is 26 this year. In Linfeng Company, apart from Accounting Zhang, she is the oldest.

Yu Jie, plus the look of a strong woman, there are really not many who can boldly pursue.

Lin Feng was speechless when the two wanted to chase after the first time they met. However, although Su Xiaomei and Qin Sirong are not the beauty of heaven, they are quite beautiful. Walking on the street is also the focus of passers-by. Just don’t look at Su Xiaomei and Qin Sirong’s appearance and writing, but after two months of negotiation and bargaining with various merchants, the two are definitely of that aggressive type now. Not only is the vision savage, but if a sharp mouth is a good one, it will not be too much.

If you two like them, yes, you will suffer in the future. —Lin Feng secretly prayed for the two brothers.

After talking to the two of the details, Lin Feng entrusted them with the site selection and contact with the Hui breeding base. Although Guizi has been working in a state-owned enterprise and has no experience in this area, Maozi is a veteran. After graduating from technical school, he has been to many factories, and he has also opened a shop. This matter of choosing a factory location can be entrusted to him. As for the Hui breeding base, after the list is complete, he must finally invite Mr. Xu to go out. Only if he finally approves it will we have a long-term cooperation. Moreover, in the early days of the tea processing factory, the management power of the factory was Xu Lao Yiyantang. Only when he recognized Guizi and Maozi, would the management power be handed over to them.

After entrusting the preparatory work of the tea processing factory to the two brothers, Lin Feng once again relaxed and became a shopkeeper. According to Lin Feng’s idea, the boss should be the boss who makes his own mouth and the people below are exhausted. Otherwise, everything will be done personally, and sooner or later will be exhausted.

Of course, the reason why Lin Feng was able to be so leisurely in the early stages of development was because of luck and good character.

It was Lin Feng’s luck to meet Liu Yingying. No matter what reason she joined Lin Feng, a micro-company, but being able to hire a master of business administration student at Peking University, Bunsheng is great luck.

Meeting Mr. Xu and being appreciated by Mr. Xu, the two fell in love with each other, and that was Lin Feng’s character. Without Xu Lao’s tea, “Killing” would not be as popular as it is now, and the “Killing Club” under Lin Feng would not gather 17 franchising businesses.

With luck and character, coupled with Lin Feng’s right to know the future, it is difficult to think of success.

The only thing that worries Lin Feng secretly is his mentality. Since I started my own business, my mentality has been changing quietly, but I haven’t noticed it. It wasn’t until yesterday that after meeting with Guizi and Maozi and persuading them to start a tea processing factory in partnership with him, Lin Feng realized that his mentality had changed.

From the lack of city government in the past, to the current plan, and then to move; from the gentleman’s magnanimity before to the current villain’s heart….

Lin Feng feels that he has gradually become like a profit-seeking businessman described in the novel. He will give priority to his own interests in everything, and he will weigh his own gains and losses in everything he does. For example, for the case of La Guizi and Maozi joining the tea processing industry, this originally only requires one person, and Guizi himself has no experience in this area. The best candidate should be Maozi.

But Lin Feng just asked them to manage. This is the balance. In order to fear that they would engage in ghosts, Lin Feng played a trick among them, using a balance technique. It seems that I am taking care of the two brothers, but in fact I am defending the brothers.

Why did you become like this? Is this the price to be paid for success? -Lin Feng felt that he had a devil in his heart, and this devil was constantly devouring his conscience and innocence.

“Are you free to sit at night?” Lin Feng, who was struggling for a day, finally found Liu Yingying when she got off work.

Lin Feng is eager to find someone to talk to, otherwise the entanglement between morality and interests will drive him crazy. And this person, Lin Feng, could not think of anyone except Liu Yingying. If your parents and relatives are not good enough, you will be blamed for being too cheap; even your friends are not good enough, which can only prove that you are mentally handicapped.

After thinking about it, the only person Lin Feng could find was Liu Yingying.

Perhaps it was because of her vigorous and vigorous work and the separation of public and private matters, or perhaps because she was about to leave at the end of the month. No matter how many secrets she knows about herself, it will disappear as she leaves.

“Public or private?” Liu Yingying was taken aback, and then asked.

“Well, a private matter can also be regarded as a business matter.” Lin Feng said with a sad expression, thought about it, and said in a low voice.

“Uh, wait a minute, I’ll go home and change my clothes.” Liu Yingying glanced at Lin Feng silently and said.

“Well, I’m waiting for you in’Dream Paris’.” Lin Feng said.

When Liu Yingying went home to change clothes and appeared in “Dream Paris”, Lin Feng had already poured a few bottles of beer.

Liu Yingying frowned, walked over and grabbed the beer directly from Lin Feng.

Lin Feng raised his eyes slightly and glanced at Liu Yingying, her eyes lit up, but soon he picked up the beer bottle and filled it again.

Liu Yingying has a different look from the black and white strong women in the daytime. Now she has changed into a broken-color dress with a pair of brown sunglasses. It looks graceful, light and elegant, like a quietly blooming flower, exuding a faint fragrance, no matter how common the terraces The wild chrysanthemum, or the luxurious peony of Liangyuan, are the same with the lingering fragrance, with the ever-changing intellect, showing oneself and shaping perfection.

“Waiter, give him a glass of ice water, and give me a glass of lemon tea.” Liu Yingying motioned to the waiter to change the beer in Lin Feng’s hand.

Gudong, Gudong, Lin Feng drank ice water silently, and Liu Yingying was drinking lemon tea silently, and neither of them spoke.

“Aren’t you curious about what I am asking you for?” When Lin Feng drank three glasses of ice water, seeing Liu Yingying still sitting there quietly, he finally couldn’t help it.

“When you want to say it, naturally you have to say it. Besides, the atmosphere here is good. It is also very pleasant to quiet down from busy work occasionally and sit in an elegant and chic place.” Liu Yingying said lightly.

Lin Feng was very speechless.

After a few minutes of precipitation, Lin Feng finally told Liu Yingying of the entanglement in his heart.

“You said, am I doing this right?” Lin Feng asked for help.

Liu Yingying meditated quietly for a while and asked, “If you were to choose one more time, what would you do?”

“I…I will still do this.” Lin Feng said frustratedly.

“From your point of view, this is the right thing to do. This tea processing plant is the cornerstone of your involvement in the catering industry, and you are the right choice to do so. After all, although this formula cannot be said to be worth ten thousand dollars, it is also It’s worth a thousand dollars.” Liu Yingying’s words made Lin Feng’s heart loose, but the next sentence made Lin Feng’s heart choked.

“From your friend’s point of view, this is a kind of betrayal of brotherhood. If I were your brother, knowing that you guard me like this, I will break up with you.” Liu Yingying’s words made Lin Feng feel complacent.

Lin Feng’s brows tangled together, looked at Liu Yingying, and sighed.

“But from my point of view, although you are very selfish in doing this, the mall is like a battlefield, and you can’t tolerate the slightest carelessness. A little negligence will lead to the disaster.” Liu Yingying’s tone changed again, making Lin Feng feel like The roller coaster is average, and it’s not uncomfortable.

“Then what should I do now?” Lin Feng couldn’t stand the stimulation and asked directly.

“It’s very simple, if you don’t want to lose these two brothers, then don’t give them the chance to lose you, and don’t give yourself the chance to lose them.

“Liu Yingying smiled wisely.

“What does this mean?” Lin Feng asked puzzled.

“If a person has no chance to make a mistake at all, even if he wants to make a mistake again, how can he make a mistake.” Liu Yingying said like a philosopher.

After a long time, Lin Feng frowned.

“Thank you!”

“Then whether we can go to dinner, I’m starving. Your boss won’t cross the river and tear down the bridge last, don’t even care about the food!” Liu Yingying gave a narrow smile.

“Haha, what you want to eat, order as you like.” Unwinding the knot of Lin Feng, only felt that the sky was high and the ocean was wide, and there was nothing worth worrying about in the world.

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