Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 75


Chapter 75 Selection

After reviewing all the items, Anves’ eyes locked on one of them.

It was a transparent crystal ball, the size of a human head, filled with whirling, strange pink smoke.

The smoke seemed to be the outward manifestation of some special power, which Anves had never been exposed to or understood its properties.

But that doesn’t matter, he’s actually looking at the material of the crystal ball itself.

According to Anves’ identification, it appears to have been carved from a single piece of Hiss crystal!

This kind of crystal has a very good affinity with the school of prophecy, and the effect of prophecy performed by a crystal ball carved from Hiss crystal is much clearer than that of ordinary crystal balls.

But as a rare, low-to-mid-grade gemstone with a wide range of uses, Hiss crystals don’t come cheap.

In addition, most of the crystal pillar cross-sectional area of raw ore is only palm-size, and the raw ore that can carve a large crystal ball is extremely rare.

After returning home, as long as you find a way to peel off the special power in it, the remaining pure and large Hiss crystals are very good prophecy alchemy materials-

“Dear Nancy Instructor, I choose the crystal ball.”

He made a choice, Anves turned to Nancy’s direction, pointed to the crystal ball surrounded by many items, and made a graceful opening.

The silver-haired girl mentor glanced at it, nodding gently, and waving her hand. The crystal ball was detached from the many strange items and suspended in front of Anves.

Anves elegantly laughed, put the crystal ball into the ring, and then stepped back slightly, letting go of the field.

“Lona, the second is you.”


The petite girl with light green shoulder-length hair replied nervously, Then take a few steps forward and select the item you like.


After all four of them were selected, Nancy put away the rest of the items, and opened her hands again, which seemed to be a huge dark book in contrast to her petite figure.

“Now, I will repeat the school rules of the Pamir Ruins and Mysticism Academy.”

“The first, and only one: It is forbidden to maliciously harm other students in the Academy, such as Violators will be directly expelled from the Academy!”

“Please don’t take this by chance. Once a related incident occurs, the branch dean of Eighth Rank Peak and the ninth rank Vice Principal will personally pay attention to it. , and will use means including prophecy and Rare Item to find out the truth.”

Anves always pays attention to the other three, when Nancy’s voice falls, the name is Lorna The teenage girl was visibly relaxed. The expressions of the other two were also relaxed, but not as obvious as hers.

“Then, there are the graduation rules. Students who have been enrolled for five years can apply for graduation, they must pass the mysticism-sent graduation assessment, and have enough credits to exchange for graduation certificates.”

No Emotionally speaking, Nancy turned the book to a new page again,

“Finally, about the New Student Enrollment agreement. You have two options:

Part 1 First, the tuition fee is self-supporting, with 60,000 imperial gold coins per year, Pamir Academy does not restrict the whereabouts of the students after graduation.

Second, the tuition fee is completely free, during the school period, you can get 100 credits and a Thousand gold coin subsidy. But you need to sign a contract with the Academy, after graduation, you will work for the Pamir Academy for a hundred years.”

Nancy raised her head, behind the lens that refracts the light, her deep black eyes stared at everyone .

“Now, tell me your choice.”

Where there are people, there is struggle, where there is struggle, factions arise, and the Empire is no exception.

The Academy system has developed for more than 2,000 years, and the major academies have gradually developed into a force that cannot be underestimated, becoming the third Great Influences group after the imperial family and the local aristocracy.

Because of the different backgrounds of the students, Pamir Academy has specially prepared two admission agreements in order to maximize the talents.

You know, 60,000 imperial gold coins is not a small sum. Buying a second layer mansion with a courtyard in the imperial capital will cost only a few thousand gold coins.

A family of three ordinary commoners, even if they don’t eat or drink, can only save about ten gold coins a year.

Students from commoners and ordinary small noble families could afford such a huge annual expense.

And this is just the basic fee for admission.

If you want to learn additional advanced knowledge, special secret techniques, obtain high-level magic materials for various auxiliary experiments, breakthrough realm’s treasure, potions, etc., you need to pay extra fees.

Those who are cash-strapped must sign a second agreement with Academy if they don’t want to give up this opportunity to break free from the original Life Source operation.

In the end, Lorna chose second, and the other three chose first.


Knowing everyone’s choice, Nancy gently nods one of the pages, flicks a page of the book in her hand, and displays it on the green- in front of the haired young girl.

“Lorna, use your spirit strength to connect this page, and then when the contract content appears in the Divine Sea, confirm the signing with your mind.”

“Yes, Nan Teacher Xi!”

Rona stepped forward quickly and signed a contract according to her words.

The contract is complete, and a tiny star mark appears there after Lorna’s name on the page.

Nancy folded the book in her hands and put it away.

“The course for new students will start at 8:00 tomorrow morning, and the teaching location will be on the second layer of the tower, with a total of four magic hours. You can divide the rest of the time by yourself, you can study and cultivate by yourself, or you can audit other academy. course.

However, for courses outside the department, except for basic courses, credits are required to audit.”

“Now, I announce that the freshmen of the School of Relics and Mysticism Welcome to the end of ceremony.”

After speaking, Nancy didn’t wait for everyone to react, and disappeared again as if it appeared.

Except for Anves, the other three freshmen were stunned for a moment.

Many old students are accustomed to this, and several old students who are more withdrawn have also used the magic array in the tower to teleport away.

“Don’t be stunned, you guys, this is the style of Nancy’s mentor.”

Finally, a smiling red-haired boy came forward and helped them out.

“My name is Gallup, and I’m temporarily serving as the first-to-third rank freshman in the School of Relics and Mysticism.

If you don’t dislike it, how about having lunch together? Let’s get to know each other. , to share some information about the ruins and the mysticism institute.”

Inviting the four of them enthusiastically, Gallup patted his chest with a proud face.

“You are all freshmen, this meal is my treat! As long as you become stronger in the future, please remember to come back-“

Hearing this, the rest of the Among the old students, a few people suddenly rolled their eyes.

“How many times are you doing this again?”

“Hey, everyone, ignore him! The cost of this dinner is completely reimbursed by Academy, It has nothing to do with him.”

A blue-haired girl spoke softly, but the content pointed directly to the key, ruthless.

Goo——→recommended ticket

(end of this chapter)

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