Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 525


Chapter 525 The Capital of Origin

A letter from Claire?

Holding the letter, Anves is a little puzzled.

Until he received this letter, his intelligence organizations, including the Olivendi family’s intelligence agencies, had not sent him any information related to Claire.

There is only one possibility, this letter was prepared by Claire before departure and will be sent to him at a specific time.

And this kind of letter is generally an insurance that the owner of the letter makes in advance because he is worried that he will have an accident.

An unpleasant feeling arose in his heart, Anves quickly reached out the tentacles of spirit strength and clicked on the center of the secret technique seal.

As if the correct key was inserted, the whole letter unfolded like a flower, turning into a letter full of words. The seal turned into a line that spread out on its own, turning into a circle of decorative patterns on the edge of the letter.

“Anves, how are you?”

“If you receive this letter, it means that I have encountered some kind of accident on the way and cannot return normally…”


Just reading the first two sentences made Anves frown slightly.

Although the half-elf girl seems to be weak, Anves never sees through Claire.

The ‘curse’ that even ninth rank can’t avoid, those ancient memories from the 6.3 million year high elves era, the various halos superimposed on Claire’s body, like a black hole of information, for her Covered with a very mysterious veil.

What level of relics can make her encounter difficulties?

While wondering, Anves continued to read.

“…I am following the legendary Holy City ruins of the ‘Great Race’, the capital of origin [Yaina].”

“This journey, I will Starting from the west coast of Yar Continent, passing the Dark Headland and the Temple of Radiance at Naples, from the Lost Lighthouse to the Southern Cross, deep into the sea of no light.

The depths of the sea of self-forgetfulness, that A place where pleasure never came before, ride the Nether Soul current, through the huge arches woven by those Black Tortoise pillars, and finally set foot on that forgotten land.”

“Anves, you have asked I am looking for the location of the ruins that may hide a powerful ancient existence. I have left everything I encountered and known on my journey on this letter.”

“I am very It is clear that this journey is very dangerous, and even me, there is no certainty that I will make it out of it successfully.

But please don’t worry about me, because this is the fate I have to face. It used to be a part of me , will eventually guide me in the direction of my progress-“

At this point, the message belonging to Claire came to an abrupt end, followed by the specific information and coordinates of the various ruins.

Including the coordinates of the source of the light blue fragment, which Anves focused on before, also has detailed records.

After reading the whole article, Anves was not surprised by the news of a large number of hidden ruins. Instead, he paid more attention to the information revealed by Claire in the first half of the letter.

The capital of origin [Yaina]!

The azure blue eyes were slightly closed, and Anves folded the index fingers of both hands and placed them lightly in front of his forehead. For the name he like thunder piercing the ear.

At the end of the ancient golden age, a mysterious event called “The Great Rip” occurred on the surface of Unival.

No one knows what the so-called “big tear” is, because all historical documents and relics records come to an abrupt end at that moment.

Even, even the concept of the [Big Rip] was derived by the magic world through the complete ancient continent map on the ancient high elf celestial globe.

But what is certain is that it tore apart the ancient continent, created the Far Eastern Islands, the elven continent, and the forbidden area of life on Unival, which led to the disappearance of the high elf civilization and the second mass extinction of species.

And I don’t know how long after the big tear event ended, the fire of civilization was finally born again on the broken Yar Continent,

Some kind of huge weird with a cone-shaped body and tentacles and eyeballs. Life appeared on the land, and relying on its own special power, built a magnificent city.

Yaina is the name of the capital of the great race, and is revered as the capital of origin by the magical world of later generations.

What few people know, however, is that [Yaina] is a post-Golden Age term that means ‘Converging Ground’.

For this reason, the great race has another name in this world: the civilization of the stars.

But with the passage of time, the traces of the star civilization suddenly disappeared into history without warning.

Ancient scholars speculate that they were originally seabed civilizations that briefly took refuge on land after the Great Rip.

But the terrestrial environment gradually became unsuitable for them for some reason, so they returned to seabed life.

This seems to make sense at first, but it cannot explain why the ruins of the legendary capital of origin [Yaina] have not been found until today.

And now, with Claire’s letter, Anves finally learned.

Yaina, perhaps not at all accessible by conventional means.

“The civilization of the stars, after the end of the end of the ancient war, was the first civilization to leave traces on the newly born Yar Continent. It is famous for being able to borrow the mysterious power of the stars in the sky. There have been wars with many powerful ancient beings.”

Recalling the description of the star civilization in the material, Anves suddenly thought of something.

“Will it be there?”

Claire’s famous expedition in a previous life was an expedition that caused an Ancient Temple to collapse ‘accidentally’.

The repressed ancient beings were freed, leading to the immediate destruction of the Saint Messia Empire in half, and finally Saint Messia III reluctantly expelled it at great cost.

An ancient temple that can suppress an old god is not something that ordinary civilizations can build. For the three major civilizations of the Golden Age, there is no need to suppress them, just kill them directly or use them as experimental subjects.

And even if the way to enter is very special, as the first city of the star civilization, Yaina is undoubtedly located on the Yar Continent.

However, due to his interference in history, the impact of Maelim’s arrival may cause many changes in the process that were not present in previous lives.

After thinking for a moment, Anves gave orders to his subordinates.

To conduct a comprehensive investigation of the location of the ruins recorded in Claire’s letter, and report the investigation process and assessment results.

And these subordinate forces also include the Mystery Society composed of players.

So, fifteen minutes after Anves’s order was issued, many people, including descendants of the other Three Great Families, Lan Nuo Prince, some marquis and others, knew his actions.

However, most people just glanced at it and put it directly with the rest of Anves’ intel.

Anves originally chose the mysterious department, and exploring some ancient ruins is also an understandable move.

The few who were more attentive about this, just also arranged for some people to investigate these locations in order to analyze the ‘real intention’ of Anves’ move.

It’s not entirely because they don’t pay enough attention to Anves, but also because of the fact that the Circle of Truth has been so loud recently.

Previously, the entire process of the Ring of Truth’s attack on the Holy Splendor secret base had been thoroughly investigated.

And the extreme destructive power that Anves showed in an instant has become a dark cloud covering the hearts of all Great Influences.

gu gu and at night

(end of this chapter)

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