Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 45


Chapter 45 The legend of the bluebell

“And the legend I want to tell is related to the nine-flowered bluebell It is related to grass.

Unfortunately, the specific content of this legend has been lost, and all I know is the end of the legend – that was told to me by my grandmother.”

Old Lady squinted With gray eyes, smiling and recalling the past years, the little boy also put down the straw in his hand and listened to the old man’s story wholeheartedly.

In legend, the bellflower with nine ‘wind chimes’ is a symbol of luck. As long as you can find the bellflower with nine wind chimes, you will get happiness and longevity!

However, due to the lack of nine bluebells, people usually use sun-dried bluebells as substitutes, and weave them into straw windbells together with mangul tree fruits. to pray for good luck for the year. “

Fiona widened her blue eyes and asked Old Lady curiously.

“Old lady, then you have found the bluebell with nine wind chimes.”

? ”

“The bellflower with nine wind chimes…”

It seems that some memories were touched by Fiona’s question, a happy smile appeared on Old Lady’s face, and her voice couldn’t help It became a little hoarse.

“Old woman I have weaved straw all my life, but I only saw it once when I was young! “

“You know what? little girl, in fact, we were not originally residents of Karlas, but from a small mountain village dozens of kilometers away.

During a beast swarm, our village was destroyed by the swarm. As a last resort, my husband and I came to Karlas with our three children.

My husband chose to be an honorable City Guard in order to make a living.

I picked up the straw weaving skills I learned from my grandmother again, weaved some small things in my spare time of housework, and then took the finished products to the market to exchange money to support my family.

In that short period of time, I had a hard time, but it was the happiest time when I was young.

But good things are always fragile, and three years later, during a devil beast invasion, my husband had his throat ripped open by a wind wolf.

As compensation, we have been granted full resident status in Karlas, as well as a place to live in downtown.

Although I lost him, life goes on and the children still need my care. But my straw weaving skills were not good at that time, and my daily income was not much, which was not enough for my living needs.

For a long time, the whole family could only eat two meals a day, and the eldest daughter had to go out and do some odd jobs to support the family…”

Speaking of this, Old Lady sighed.

“One afternoon in the golden moon that year, under the scorching sun, I gathered forage in the field outside the city. ①

However, the sky that was originally very clear became cloudy in a few minutes. Soon, the downpour was crash-bang.

I had no choice but to run to the hill with the grass on my head, hoping to find shelter from the rain.

But because I was running too fast, I tripped over a rock and fell heavily into the muddy water. The clothes were covered with mud, the cold rain soaked the whole body, and the grass in the basket was scattered all over the ground.

For a split second, I really wanted to just lay on the ground and never get up again—

But, I couldn’t do that, my three daughters were waiting for me at home.

I gritted my teeth and got up, braving the heavy rain, little by little put the spilled grass back into the basket. Fortunately, the torrential rain came and goes fast, and the sun soon emerged from the clouds again.

On the way back, I passed by a large rock. At this point, something sparkling attracted me. “

As he spoke, the Old Lady’s voice rose.

“In the crevice of that rock, I saw it—

like a gem The ordinary emerald green stems are also shining with crystal water droplets, and the white flowers hang down from the stems, swaying in the wind like real wind chimes.

I remember that scene very clearly——

There were exactly nine flowers, one not much, one not too much!

At that time, I was in a hurry to get home, and I didn’t think too much about it, I just thought this grass was very eye-catching.

It wasn’t until the frost falling moon that year, when I was sorting out my grandma’s relics, that I remembered this legend again, but the grass had already withered and withered. ②

In the second year of Fei Yuyue, I went there again, but this time, the number of its flowers was the normal twelve. “③

“I often regret that time. If I remembered that legend at that time, I would definitely have taken it off. That should be able to sell a lot of money, it can improve our family conditions.

But later, my straw weaving skills improved again, more and more people bought it, and the living conditions gradually improved.

In addition, in the annual professional innate talent test, my second daughter and youngest daughter have also been tested for professional innate talent.

Although not high, it has reached the level of entering the professional Academy. The eldest daughter also married a good husband and lived a very happy life. “

Speaking of this, the old man raised his face and his smiling eyes narrowed. Deep in the wrinkles, there was an extremely deep and peaceful satisfaction.

“Now that I think about it, it’s a good ending. Although I didn’t pick it up, I found it after all—”

As she spoke, Old Lady seemed to have suddenly noticed something and looked at the two of them again with a hint of apology in her eyes.


“Sorry, two little girls, taking up so much of your time. As you get older, it becomes easy to gossip…”

“No, old lady, thank you for your story. ”

Fiona, who was fascinated by the story, came back to his senses, heard the words of Old Lady, and hurriedly looked at the head, but she had already made a decision in her heart.

She Holding the straw wind chime, she motioned Annie to pay.

Then, she took the bunch of fruit back from Annie’s hand, and laughed at the little boy who was peeking at her. A slender hand in white gloves held the The bunch of fruit shoved into his hands – she noticed the little boy’s eyes before.

“Here, take it and eat it. ”

Watching this scene, Annie hesitated. Although she liked the kindness of Eldest Young Lady, as Olivendi’s Little Princess, after all, she should not have too much interaction with commoners.

In the end, Anne sighed, and decided to pretend she didn’t see her own lady’s disgraceful behavior.

After all, she was just a little half-elf maid.

“Thanks Elder Sister Xie…”

Grabbing the bunch of fruits, the little boy’s face flushed and he seemed a little shy, he quickly thanked Fiona.

Fiona was taken aback, then laughed and was fresh at being called elder sister—she’d never been called that before.

“May the gods bless you, kind little girl. ”

Old Lady also showed a thankful smile.

Fiona smiled at the old man nodded, and then left the booth with Annie. Under the eyes of the two of them, the two girls thanked them. The slender silhouette gradually disappeared into the dazzling sunlight at the other end of the alley.

In the distance, the voice of the little boy and the old man could be heard faintly.

“Grandma, next year I will age is enough. When the adults at the Academy come to the innate talent test, I will definitely pass the test and become a mage!

In that way, in the future, grandma, your straw weaving can really move, and it will definitely sell well! “

“Okay, little Roach, grandma, I must wait for that day—”

①: August ②: October ③: April

(End of this chapter)

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