Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 42


Chapter 42 Prophecy of Magic and the Girl’s Plan

“It seems that there are no adverse consequences, at least not for a short time.”

The body condition of the beast is very normal, showing no signs of disorder or decay.

After collecting the experimental data, Anves instructed the manager of the test site to continue to raise the beast alone, and record the physical condition of the beast once a month.

Ending the observation of the scorpion beast, Anves changed the venue, and he planned to test several spells of prophecy that he had recently mastered.

Due to the short period of time, Anves has only mastered a few spells.

A consonant strike, predicting the offensive, suppressing good luck, flashing true knowledge, and mirror silver Divination Technique.

Among them, the effect of the consonance strike is to predict the position of the enemy, so that the next attack can be almost guaranteed.

Forecast attack is just the opposite, it can predict the true position of the enemy’s next attack, so as to dodge in advance.

Suppressing good luck, like spell name, will make the Luck Emperor become a non-chief. For example, accidentally losing your wallet while walking, accidentally burping while singing, etc.

However, the spell’s effects will only last for a short time. And after the subject encounters bad luck, the spell effect will end immediately.

With Anves’ current level of prophecy, the above-mentioned magic that acts on others cannot exceed Anves’ strength. Otherwise, spell will fail with a high probability.

The spell is special, it allows the sorcerer to ask a question to an unknown special being. Once a day, the accuracy rate is very high, but only a yes or no answer can be obtained.

The Mirror Silver Divination Technique originated from an ancient book in the bookshelf. If the first four spells belong to the popular spells of the Prophecy School, then the Mirror Silver Divination Technique can be regarded as an esoteric tradition.

This spell requires a specially treated Moonlight Mercury as a medium. To cast the spell, the sorcerer requires a shallow basin filled with moonlight mercury as an item.

When preparing to do something, the sorcerer can divination the result.

Depending on the result, different ripples are created on the surface of the mercury. The sorcerer can know whether the result of the action is good or bad through the feedback of the ripple.

If the ripples are uniform and orderly, it means there will be a good result. If the ripples are disordered and in a mess, then there will be bad results.

If the surface of the mercury does not fluctuate, it means that the prediction is beyond the ability of the diviner.

And, with the advancement of the prophet’s level, this spell has more changes, such as finding the orientation of some things.


Anves has released a grey lark, a very common First Rank Wind Element devil beast that often haunts forested areas.

With his eyes fixed on the birds flying in midair, Anves unleashes a cohesive blow.

Then, a strange feeling suddenly rose in his heart: next moment, the position of the gray lark is a certain point.

He immediately fired a wind blade in that direction. At this moment, the gray lark, which was flying in midair, just turned a small turn, and was caught off guard by the sudden attack, and collided with it. On the wind blade.

However, due to the long distance, the formidable power of the wind blade was severely attenuated, and only a few gray feathers on the skylark’s wings were knocked off.

The gray lark that was hit screeched, and his angry eyes immediately aimed at Anves on the ground.

It swooped down, and after approaching a certain distance, it flapped its wings violently, and a small and solid wind blade instantly lashed towards Anves.

Watching the incoming wind blade, Anves took two steps to the right. The translucent wind blade slid past him by the slightest, hitting the reinforced ground and smashed into a turbulent stream.

Guessing that Grey Skylark would be provoked by the wind blade, he cast a precognitive attack in advance as the bird swooped.

At the same time as the wind blade passed by, Anves locked onto the bird in the air, raised hand, and cast a suppressing luck on it.

The bird in midair suddenly felt that something was wrong, it flapped its wings, and there was a hint of confusion in its eyes. Immediately putting that feeling behind him, he dived towards Anves again, intending to repeat the trick.

But this time, when the bird approached Anves, the right wing suddenly twitched unnaturally. This momentarily disrupted its balance, causing it to flutter in the air for a circle and a half before falling to the ground dizzy.

“Wing cramps?”

Anves gave Grey Skylark a strange look, and a pitch-black tentacle suddenly emerged out of nowhere, binding it firmly.

Then ignoring its violent struggles, it was stuffed back into its original cage.



After a long-lost nap, Fiona rubbed her eyes and sat up for two minutes. Only the tender white hand propped it up to the top of the head, and stretched a small lazy waist.

The girl is still a little sluggish because of the half a month’s headache of inscription knowledge in the library.

After yawning lightly, she put down her arms, her slender green fingers and her patted pink lips, got up and left the room, leaving this unintentional charming scene in the void. interior.

“Annie, let’s go—”

While Anves was testing the newly mastered prophecy magic, Fiona left Moonlin Castle after a long time and took the family’s alchemy airship, Go to Karlas city.

She was about to do something she had planned for a long time.


The Queen’s Road in Karlas Midtown was built in 1622 and has been around for nearly a thousand years now. In the long time, it and the buildings on both sides of it have undergone several expansions, and now it is the most prosperous commercial district in Karlas.

Exquisite masonry buildings line both sides of the avenue, and four-wheeled carriages drive slowly in the middle of the flat white stone road. Noisy crowds walked along the roadside divided by the flower beds.

The alchemy shop ‘mysterious’, the weapon shop ‘Dragon’s Teeth’, the clothing store ‘Clytin Sita’…

The brand at the top of the pyramid in all walks of life in the empire, in There are facades on this street.

Here you can find top mirage beads from the Ocean of Storms, inscribed chainmail from the artisan city of Aveden, divine talismans from the city of chants, and even from another continent far away. Top quality black tea and elf artwork.

As long as you have enough gold coins, there is almost nothing you can’t buy here.

“Annie, what do you think I should buy as a parting gift for my fourth brother?”

Fiona is wearing a light off-white dress with a light blue ribbon on her head With a wide-brimmed hat, he walked briskly in the hustle and bustle of the crowd.

Although because Anves tells the story out of context every day (?), it makes her uncomfortable half a month.

But as the only elder brother in the family who always accompanies her, the relationship between Fiona and Anves is actually the closest among several big brother elder sisters.

So, after learning from the mother that the fourth brother was about to go to the Royal Academy, the girl moved to prepare a parting gift.

“You should choose the gift from Master Anves Young, miss.”

Looking at the girl’s slender back, Anne, who was half a step behind her, spoke softly.

Compare to Anves’ maid, the bubbly Erica. Her personality is quieter, and her temperament is very soft, giving people a feeling like a gentle elder sister.

As a maid, she is also a fourth rank sorcerer specializing in nature magic. When Fiona occasionally travels, she is accompanied by her in the bright spot.

(End of this chapter)

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