Rebirth of England.

Chapter 033 Neoclassicism

"Barron, thank you for your support of the ideas of neoclassical architecture."

"This is what we should do, Your Highness. In these aspects, you have set an example for us."

At this event, Barron met the Prince of Wales and personally donated £10 to his project.

In fact, the Prince of Wales has been extremely enthusiastic about charity during his long career as crown prince. He has established more than ten charitable organizations, which are collectively known as "Prince's Charity". They raise huge amounts of money every year and do a lot of work in education, environmental protection, construction and so on. Provide support in many areas such as , elderly care and disabled people.

Interestingly, in 1998, he and his two sons William and Harry participated in the commemoration ceremony of the "International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination" in Canada...

His Majesty the Crown Prince at that time may not have expected that many years later, his daughter-in-law Meghan would become the first person of color to marry into the royal family, challenging the royal family's traditionally conservative views.

In the field of architecture, the crown prince is not interested in the architectural style of modern cities dominated by glass and concrete, and strives to promote the neoclassical architectural style.

He advocates trying to preserve the classical charm of centuries ago in the core city of London. In recognition of his contribution to London architecture, the London Plasterers' Guild appointed him an "honorary plasterer".

Just like today's charity fundraising event, the foundation under his name is specially conducted to protect the historical features of Haiti.

"Your Highness, I have read many of your discussions on the neoclassical architectural style, and I have been greatly inspired. I also agree that it is very necessary to retain this style of classical architectural design."

After hearing Barron's words, the Prince of Wales looked at the venue with a smile on his face and said happily:

"This is the meaning of what I do. Only if I can gain recognition from more people can I have the possibility to change society."

"I have received news, Your Highness, that King's Cross is about to undergo a large-scale renovation. There are many buildings left over from the Victorian era. I think that during the renovation, using neoclassical style to design the buildings will become this type of renovation project. model."

The Prince of Wales said with a slight surprise on his face:

"Oh? Really? I know that the expansion of the St. Pancras International Station there is almost completed, but I don't know that the entire King's Cross area renovation project has been established. However, from the residents and civil society there more than ten years ago, The organization hopes to update the King's Cross area, but the plan has been shelved. If this plan can really be launched, it is indeed necessary to consider the preservation of the Victorian architectural style. I will take the time to ask for relevant news... "

Having said this, he glanced at Barron:

"Why are you so interested in these? Barron."

"Your Highness, because our family owns a piece of land with abandoned gas storage tanks there, I wonder if you have any impression of the 'Siamese triplets'..."

"Oh, I remember. I saw it when I passed by there. It turns out it belongs to your family."

"Yes, Your Highness, because I was inspired by your neoclassical architectural styles, I have also applied this architectural style to the renovation of abandoned gas storage tanks. If it can cooperate with the renovation of King's Cross, It seems good to complete it and unify the style with the overall renovation.”

Barron's words made the Prince of Wales' eyes light up:

"This is indeed a wonderful idea, Barron. I think it's worth trying. I will call the district government to ask if this is possible."

He looked at Barron again, patted him on the shoulder, and said happily:

"To be honest, your appearance now reminds me of the first time I met your father... In fact, I met your grandfather very early, and our friendship lasted for a long time. When I knew that your family had suffered misfortune, , I feel very sad, Barron, it is really happy to see you gradually revitalizing the family."

"It's a pity that those damn liars are still at large."

The Prince of Wales nodded:

"Not only your family, but also many people have suffered from it, including many nobles. For this matter, I called Scotland Yard specifically and expressed my disappointment with their work... But here, I can reveal something, Barron, there has been a lot of progress in the investigation of this case, and I believe that the fraudsters will be found soon and the money they stole will be recovered."

"Thank you, Your Highness, I will always pay attention to this matter. The Cavendish family will not tolerate such offense."

"These are what I should do. With the arrival of the new century, everything is changing, but our tradition and honor are the most precious things and need to be protected together."

The Prince of Wales patted Barron on the shoulder again and said kindly:

"The Duke of Devonshire family has a glorious history. I hope these glories can continue in your hands. Barron, if there is anything you can do to help me in the future, don't be polite. Just call me. You have my number." ...In addition, you are similar in age to William and Harry, and we will often interact with each other in the future."

"Thank you, Your Highness, I will keep your teachings in mind. The other two princes are both good and bad, and I am very honored to be friends with them."


Regarding the "London Star" case, not only the Duke of Devonshire family, but also many nobles suffered varying losses, but Barron's family was one of the largest investors.

As for the progress of the case mentioned by the Prince of Wales, he also received feedback from Scotland Yard. After cooperating with Interpol and international anti-money laundering agencies, Scotland Yard obtained more information about the "London Star" fraud gang.

First of all, the first criminal, William Abagnale, is indeed a real person, and there is no other criminal record for him with Interpol, so he should be the first criminal.Judging from his performance in the "London Star" fraud case, either the other party is a criminal genius, or there is a very experienced organization behind him to commit crimes.

And the news from the United States is that William Abagnale did once work on Wall Street. The "successful investments" he claimed before on Wall Street were also truth mixed with lies, a very clever packaging method.

The main members in the "London Star" fraud case left London one after another when the last cycle of investments was about to expire. Previously, they often went abroad for "investment" reasons, including the United States, Australia, India and other countries, so this did not attract attention at the time - William and others took a flight to Romania in Eastern Europe, and then their whereabouts could not be traced.

Scotland Yard believes that either they were transferred by other means, or they changed their identities and used fake passports to leave there, because the inspections in that place are extremely weak.

It was not until a week after these people left that they were faced with more and more requests from customers to redeem their investments. The peripheral members who were kept in the dark followed the requirements of the core members and delayed them. Then someone couldn't bear to call the police. The five people involved in the case Britain's biggest fraud case of the new century, worth 5 million pounds, has just been revealed.

As for what the Prince of Wales said, the fraudsters will be caught sooner or later, and Barron hopes so; but what about the recovery of the funds he said?I'm afraid there is little hope. From what has been discovered so far, the transferred funds have gone through a very professional money laundering process and their final flow. Scotland Yard's financial case department is still cooperating with international anti-money laundering agencies to trace. I am afraid that as time goes by With the passage of time, hundreds of millions of pounds have been quietly changed in the huge international underground money laundering network.

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