Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Chapter 8 - : Snail business

   “It’s easy to talk about doing business. It’s not easy to do any business now.”

   Chen Yu was taken aback, why did these words sound so familiar? It seems that this sentence can be said at any time.

   “What are you dropping?”

   “No, it’s nothing. Mom, who says business is not good, don’t you think your uncle is doing well in business.”

   “You mean to let your dad do the clothing business?”

   “The clothing business is okay, but the capital turnover of the clothing business is relatively large, and there are still stocks, so forget it.”

   “Capital turnover, inventory, Xiaoyu, do you know this?”

   Zhang Wenxiu was a little surprised.

   “Mom, what is this, what is the difficulty of understanding this, I still know how to build an atomic bomb.”

   “As soon as you praised it, you gotta sed, and you made an atomic bomb. You got me a tea leaf and popped it out.”


   Chen Yu burst into tears.

   He still knows the principle of the atomic bomb, but to be honest, he really doesn’t know how the tea bomb was made.

   “Mom, why are you always interrupting. But you are right when it comes to tea eggs. You can’t make clothes, we can do catering.”


   “Yes, Mom, your cooking skills are so good, you definitely make money in catering.”

   “Xiaoyu, do you really think doing a catering business makes money?”

   “Really, our teacher said, now that the economy is developing rapidly, the people’s living standards are improving rapidly, and the people rely on food as their heaven, and it is absolutely profitable to do catering business.”

   “Your teacher also said it?”

   Zhang Wenxiu glanced at Chen Simian.

   Actually, they originally planned to do a catering business, but they didn’t expect their son to say the same.

But when he thought that he didn’t have so much money, he shook his head again: “What do you know, opening a restaurant now requires a lot of investment, that is, renting a storefront and buying a lot of catering equipment. In addition, there are so many restaurants now, competition It’s huge. It’s okay for someone to come, but if no guests come, you’ll have to die.”

   “Mom, listen to me to finish.”

   Seeing the expression in his mother’s eyes, Chen Yu knew that he was right.

   The parents actually want to open a small restaurant.

   “Okay, you say it.”

   “Mom, have you calculated how much investment is needed to open a restaurant now?”

   “Depending on your scale, the smaller one is about 20,000, and the larger one is 50,000 to 60,000. Of course, there are larger and more high-end ones, and hundreds of thousands are not too few.”

   “It seems that my mother wants to open a big restaurant of hundreds of thousands.”

   Chen Yu laughed cheerfully.

   Yes, I will definitely let my mother realize this wish in the future.

   “It’s skinny, isn’t it, kidding about your mother.”

   “No, no. Mom, I think you are wrong. I don’t think the cost is 20,000 at all, but only 10,000 at most. If you save a little, you can get it under 10,000.”

“Under 10,000, the rent, kitchen equipment, and decoration can cost 20,000 to 30,000, or 10,000. How can you do it? It seems that you are a high school student. You only know the knowledge in the books. In this way, your father has finished eating, I have to clean up the dishes.”

   found that Chen Yu was just talking nonsense, Zhang Wenxiu got up to clean up the dishes.

“Mom, don’t worry. What I said is less than 10,000 yuan. If you open a public restaurant of that kind, of course you need 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, but if you don’t open that kind of public restaurant. Well, mom, neither Open a breakfast shop for students. What if we open a snack bar?”

   “Snack bar?”

   Chen Simian, who has not spoken all the time, interrupted and said, “What snacks, are you spicy?”

   “No, but it is somewhat similar to Mala Tang.”

“what is that?”


   After talking for so long, Chen Yu finally pointed out the subject.

   Snails are also called screws.

   Many late-night snack shops, including those selling Mala Tang, and restaurants, have this dish.

  Because of the spicy flavor of escargot, it is very popular among diners.

   “Fried snails?”

   Chen Simian asked.

   “It’s fried snails.”

   “Just sell fried snails?”

   “Yes, I only sell fried snails.”

   Chen Yu nodded.

   “Let’s forget it, now there are fried snails everywhere. You specialize in selling snails. It’s strange if someone eats them.”

   Chen Simian shook his head, feeling that Chen Yu’s child was talking casually.

   Let’s wait until I make enough money before opening a restaurant.

   “Dad, don’t believe it, there are many people eating it. Mom, tell me, do you like fried snails?”

   “Like is like, but you only sell fried snails, people not only sell snails, but also sell everything else, how can you compete to surpass him.”

   “Mom, you have to change your mind. Although others have fried snails, but others sell snails only incidentally, but we are a monopoly. We can definitely do more professionally than them.”

   This is not Chen Yu’s nonsense.

   At the beginning of the previous county, all restaurants had escargots. Later, there was one that sold snails, and it went viral in an instant. Moreover, this Tianluo shop has also registered a trademark, and there are dozens of franchisees.

   It’s just a pity that Chen Simian didn’t realize what his son was saying, so he shook his head, obviously disapproving. But Zhang Wenxiu at the side seemed to understand something, and asked: “Xiaoyu, does the monopoly of snails you mentioned sell like a clothing store?”

“Haha, mom, you are too smart. Let me just say, you are still the best at home. Yes, that’s right, mom, I mean to make snails the same model as a clothing store. As long as we We have created this snail store, so when people think of eating snails in the future, they will come to our store first.”

   With such a reminder, Chen Simian also thought about it seriously: “We specialize in snails, come to our store if you want to eat snails?”

   Although snails are not the same as clothing, they are actually the same.

  Why the clothing store only specializes in the same clothing, there are still a lot of people going to it.

   In addition to the brand value of clothing stores, it is more of his monopoly.

  Because of the monopoly, it is more professional.

  Because it is more professional, UU reading www.uukā is more popular.

   “Bunsu, are you okay?”

   Chen Simian looked at Zhang Wenxiu.

   Zhang Wenxiu did not answer, but asked again: “Xiaoyu, you have a good idea. However, a bowl of snails is only 3 yuan, and the profit is very low. How do we make money?”

   “Mom, the profit of snails is very low, but no matter how low the profit is, there are too many people. Think about it, if 100 people, 200 people, and 300 people come to eat our snails, how much can we make?”

   Now it is no better than later generations. The price level is very low. If you can earn 100 yuan a day, it is considered a high salary.

   If hundreds of people come to eat snails, just selling snails can make more than 200 yuan a day.

   This is definitely better than doing ordinary restaurant business.

   This is just a primer.

   “100, 200…really there are so many people?”

“Absolutely, I can assure you. And, mother, although we only sell escargots, we can also sell drinks. Think about it, snails are delicious, but they are fragrant and spicy. Eat for ten minutes, those customers Drinks are absolutely necessary, and maybe more than one bottle. Of course, we can add more drinks in addition to drinks. Look, don’t this profit come?”

   “Drinks, drinks…”

   Zhang Wenxiu did not speak, but he was already calculating the profit inside.

   “Old Chen, what do you think?”

   Chen Simian smoked a cigarette, thought for a while, and was about to say something, but suddenly said to Chen Yu: “Okay, Xiaoyu, you can go back to the room and read a book, I have other things with your mother.”


   Chen Yu nodded obediently.

   Although his parents didn’t say anything, he knew that they were moved.

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