Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 1227

Chapter 1194 Perfect criminal


“Isn’t it a cockroach?” Shi Shen said in a low voice, “Miss Granny…”


Granite opened the door with trembling hands, bowed her head and put the stone inward.

The location of the room’s accident is obvious, it is the location of the heater.

Shi Shen opened the heating stove, revealing the dead man’s body underneath.

“I killed it,” Huagang picked up the bag and was about to go out. “I’ll go to the police station and surrender immediately…”

“No way,” Shi Shen looked at the mother and daughter, and said, pointing to the corpse, “There are signs of internal bleeding, as well as finger marks…

He was strangled by the wire from behind, and when he desperately tried to pull the wire off, someone held his hand, leaving a trace…”

“I did that too!” Hua Gang said hurriedly.

“Strangle your neck and hold his hand, so you need 4 hands…”

Shi Shen knelt down and checked the man’s belongings.

A driver’s license and the room key for the fan house of the simple dormitory.

“I’ll help you make an alibi.” Shi Shenchao said to the mother and daughter crying together.

We must first dismiss that university professor.

The other party heard the movement here just like him.

Because the other party came here by accident, when the police investigated later, they would not go to Dongda for questioning…

“wait for me.”

Stone **** room,

Gao Cheng is watching TV.

There are no good TV shows. The so-called funny shows are cold jokes that look embarrassing, with no laughs at all.

After living in Japan for so long, he is still not used to the comedians here.


Changed the show,

This time is a report about the Tokyo Kendo competition.

“Tomorrow’s finals will be Tokyo Kyokushin, against Okita Soji in Kyoto. Unfortunately, Onimaru has gone abroad…”

“Really?” Gao Cheng looked at Jing Jizhen who was interviewed on the show in surprise.

It doesn’t seem to have changed much from 10 years ago, but it has matured a lot.

But did this guy give up karate?

It always feels a bit contrary…

If Shi Shen went back to the room without incident, it was as if nothing had happened.

“Are you interested in Kendo?”

“I learned a little bit of kendo before.”

Gao Cheng turned off the TV, looked at Shishen and asked calmly.

“Have you decided?”

“Huh?” Shi Shen moved slightly stiff, looking at Gao Cheng in doubt.

“It can’t be a cockroach?” Gao Cheng shook his head. “It looks like that ex-husband was killed… Are you going to help the mother and daughter?”

With an absolute sense of sound, his hearing is very keen, and he can construct a rough picture just by listening to the sound.

Judging from the performance of Shishen, the next door is obviously not an ordinary fight.

“Professor Yuchuan…”

“I don’t want to care about this kind of thing. After all, the mother and daughter weren’t deliberately murdered, and the ex-husband seemed to be a bastard.

Gao Cheng waved his hand to interrupt the stone **** who was about to speak.

In fact, if it’s just an asshole’s ex-husband harassing, there are many ways to deal with it.

But dead people,

Things become more troublesome.

Unless it is a homeless person who lives alone or has no attention, the police will soon launch an investigation based on the report.

And it’s easy to find a woman who is an ex-wife here.

There are too many traces and clues, and it is almost impossible for the mother and daughter to escape the suspicion.

He can basically figure out the methods Shi Shen can use.

And he also has a little impression,

In order to help the mother and daughter, the stone **** seemed to have killed a tramp to use falsehoods and falsehoods, delaying the real murder case by one day.

In the end, he designed the illusion of killing a woman’s ex-husband and surrendered…

“You want to find a homeless man to confuse the direction of the police investigation?” Gao Cheng raised his head and asked, “Even if this is unfortunate for the mother and daughter, is it really worth it?”

The stone **** froze.

For some reason, he felt that Gao Cheng had a complete insight into his thoughts.

Is there such a smart person in this world?

I don’t know anything, but I know everything…

“Let me go and see.”

Gao Cheng stood up and said.

“There is no need to be so troublesome at all, you don’t have to sacrifice yourself.”

If you follow the practice of Shishen, how can you end up suspecting the police?

As a high school teacher, all attendance is recorded, but it takes time to forge cases…

“Why?” Shi Shen couldn’t see through Gao Cheng.

“I don’t want you to use your talents in such a place.”

Gao Cheng entered the next room and glanced across the scene in the panic gaze of the mother and daughter.

Once as a famous detective, he could see more clearly than Shi Shen.

If Shi Shen really followed the plan, it would be easy for him to see through.

Is there a detective in this world comparable to him?

There may be few, but there are definitely detectives who are better than Shi Shen.

This is the world of “Conan” mixed with detectives…

“Leave it to me here.”

Gao Cheng lightly sighed.

He is no longer the self he used to be,

If it was before…

Shaking his head, Gao Cheng put on the rubber gloves he carried with him, signaled the mother and daughter to go back to the bedroom, and took off all the man’s clothes except underwear.

Immediately afterwards, he directly used the ability of disguise to transform into a man’s figure. After putting on his clothes, he picked up the wallet with the driver’s license and the key to the fan house.


“You?!” The Shi Shen, who was looking for him again, looked shocked.

“It’s just a little disguise ability,” Gao Cheng said calmly, “I will leave the corpse to you, and I will forget about this from tomorrow.”

In fact, his help is also risky. If the mother and daughter can’t bear the pressure to surrender, his behavior is undoubtedly a crime.

However, the identity of “Tang Chuanxue”, he was not planning to use it.

After this time, I still don’t know what the result will be…


The cold wind blows at night,

When he left the apartment, Gao Cheng had completely turned into a man.

The information of this person is also in his grasp for the first time,

It’s just a vagrant who likes to harass his ex-wife to ask for money a long time ago. This time, he was killed in a dispute because he wanted to beat his daughter.

I have no relatives in Tokyo, renting in a fan house like a cage,

As long as you leave the room and disappear directly, no one will bother you.

There is no need to deliberately create movement, the more natural it is, the less doubt it will arouse…

Gao Cheng quickly entered the performance state based on his character profile.

Return to the fan house naturally, and wait until the next morning to leave the room naturally, and the owner of the fan house didn’t care too much.

This kind of vagrant is too ordinary,

Don’t look at his ex-husband who was like a thug in the apartment yesterday, but he looked like a grandson when he was outside, inconspicuous, and not much different from a tramp.

High school classroom,

Shi Shen Zheza absently wrote the problem solving process on the blackboard, and the students below were still playing around as before.

Only a few students stared at the blackboard.

This is his life,

Teaching mathematics to these high school students who don’t like mathematics, no one understands him, and only thinks that his exam questions are too difficult.

“That’s the answer, it’s not difficult at all,” Shi Shen put down the chalk and said, “It’s just a pure blind spot problem. It looks like a geometric problem, but it is actually a function problem. Just change your mind and you can solve it…”

Looking at the uninterested students below, Shi Shen didn’t say any more, just thinking in his heart,

I don’t know if what happened yesterday really doesn’t need his help.

That Professor Yuchuan…

“Jingle Bell!”

After class Shishen carefully searched for information on “Tang Chuan Xue” on the Internet.

The information is very ordinary, but the bottom of Shi Shen’s heart is horrified after reading it.

It feels like I have met a rather scary person.

If such a person commits a crime, who can stop it?

“Teacher Shishen,” a colleague handed an envelope, “I have a letter from you.”

“Thank you.”

Shi Shen paused, and opened the envelope in doubt.

There was no signature, and there was only a check-out list in the envelope.

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